Thyroid diseases already affect 20 percent. our society. How to reduce the risk of cancer?
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It is estimated that already 20 percent. our society has thyroid disease. Most cases affect women who have problems with this gland nine times more often than men. About what to watch out for and how to care for this gland, says Prof. dr hab. Marcin Barczyński, specialist in general and oncology surgery, with European sub-specialization in endocrine surgery from SCM clinic in Krakow.

  1. The thyroid gland is a gland whose diseases are diagnosed more and more frequently
  2. This has to do with stimulants, among other things, but also with environmental changes
  3. The element of thyroid cancer prophylaxis is i.a. self-examination – similar to breast cancer
  4. More information can be found on the Onet homepage.
Prof. Marcin Barczyński, MD, PhD

He is a specialist in general and oncology surgery, with a sub-specialization in endocrine surgery at SCM clinic in Krakow. He is the president of the European Society of Endocrinologist Surgeons. At SCM clinic, he performs procedures in the field of general, endocrinological and oncological surgery, he is also an ultrasound diagnostician.

What increases the risk of thyroid cancer?

Obese people and those who additionally suffer from insulin resistance are also at risk of thyroid cancer. The condition of the gland is also adversely affected by stimulants and various environmental toxins. As emphasized by prof. dr hab. Marcin Barczyński, a specialist in general and oncological surgery, with a European subspecialty in the field of endocrine surgery, adipose tissue can serve as a reservoir of environmental toxins, such as pesticides, which damage the DNA of thyroid cells and activate carcinogenic pathways.

Also, iodine deficiency or excess contributes to thyroid disease. Ingredients such as iron, zinc, selenium, B vitamins, as well as vitamins C and D are also very important.

  1. Also check: Do we have a cancer epidemic after the Chernobyl outbreak? [WE EXPLAIN]

Not without significance is nowadays greater exposure to ionizing radiation (we use X-ray examinations more often), as well as for people born before 1986 the Chernobyl disaster. However, it should be clearly emphasized that performing one test per year is completely safe.

Therefore, prophylactically, in order to avoid thyroid disease, you should take care of a better lifestyle, i.e. reduce stress, provide yourself with an adequate dose of sleep, eat properly, including supplementing with vitamin D, giving up cigarettes and going out to nature.

What tests detect thyroid cancer?

The condition of the thyroid gland can be monitored by regular preventive examinations. Prof. dr hab. Marcin Barczyński mentions that such tests include TSH concentration, a hormone secreted by the pituitary gland which stimulates the production and secretion of thyroid hormones.

– This test detects disturbances in the functioning of the thyroid gland. With the excess of thyroid hormones typical for hyperthyroidism, the concentration of TSH decreases, while with their deficiency – it increases. When the TSH result is abnormal, it is necessary to test the concentration of FT3 and FT4 hormones and further diagnostics, the specialist explains.

As the specialist adds, you should also regularly self-examine the thyroid gland.

– It allows you to check whether there are any lumps and asymmetries within the thyroid gland, and whether we feel any clear hardening under the fingers. To do it, just raise your head and watch your thyroid gland in the mirror while swallowing. Then, in the same pose, carefully touch this part of the neck. Any disturbing changes should be consulted with a doctorexplains the oncologist.

It is worth checking the condition of the thyroid gland regularly by performing preventive examinations. Remember about diagnostics. order your thyroid test package now.

Another important control examination that should be performed prophylactically is thyroid ultrasound. It helps to visually assess this gland – its size, structure and the presence of any nodules and their phenotype. Today’s devices detect changes of a few millimeters. The lesion that should be of concern is usually of irregular margins, is hypoechoic, and has microcalcifications.

Also read:

  1. What happens when the thyroid gland is sick? Hashimoto – piece of a larger puzzle
  2. The disease can “crash” the entire body. What are the symptoms of Hashimoto’s?
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