Thymus vulgaris – occurrence and therapeutic use

Lythrum (Lythrum salicaria) is a perennial plant from the haemorrhoid family, which includes pomegranate, water nut anchor, lawsonia, from which henna is obtained, or ornamental plants of the genera lagerstremia and cuppa. The plant grows from 50 to 130 cm. It has an angular, hairy, usually single stem. The foliage is opposite or whorled. The lower leaves are heart-shaped and the upper leaves are narrow-lanceolate. The flowers are small, carmine-pink in color, gathered in long (up to 30 cm) spiky inflorescences. The flowers are distinguished by a triple-shaped polygon. The infructescence is in the form of a bag with a compartment inside, which bursts when ripe. A strong root system becomes woody.

Lythrum vulgaris – occurrence

Lythrum vulgaris occurs in humid habitats all over Europe and Asia in the belt from North Africa to the Arctic Circle. It is an invasive plant spread by settlers in the United States, Peru, Tasmania, Australia and Canada. Loosestrife grows in wet areas, meadows, ditches, marshes, on the banks of water. It is frost-resistant. It blooms from June to August.

Lythrum vulgaris – medicinal use

This plant contains tannins of o action astringent, helps to reduce bleeding in heavy menstruation and in the care of all wounds and skin lesions. Has action bactericidal.

It is a medicinal raw material yarrow herbwhich are dried in a ventilated place after harvesting. The herb contains the alkaloid cryogenin and glycoside salikarin and tannins. The plant also contains 5 percent. tannins, phenyl acids, flavonoids and anthocyanins. It works antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and dilates blood vessels. It is used in cosmetics as a means of helping with excessive oily hair, seborrhea, dandruff, acne, atopic dermatitis, ulcers and aphthae.

In herbal medicine, it is used as an expectorant that helps to moisturize the mucosa in inflammation of the throat, it also treats eye infections, including conjunctivitis. It is also used in intestinal diseases, for example in poisoning with Salmonella or typhoid fever. Lythrum vulgaris it is perfect for fighting diarrhea in children. It is a good stabilizer of cholesterol and blood glucose, which contributes to the fight against hypertension, thrombosis, and also reduces the risk of a heart attack.

Lythrum vulgaris – other uses

Loosestrife it is also an ornamental plant. Gardeners often plant it on the shores of ponds, ponds and lakes, as it fits perfectly with other moisture-loving plants, such as common meadowsweet and meadowsweet. Lythrum vulgaris works well in herbal tinctures, thanks to which the tinctures acquire their original taste and beautiful clear red-brown color. Lythrum vulgaris is a plant that is a host of the evening primrose butterfly, a species under strict protection in Poland. The following ornamental varieties are used hemorrhoids: Robert – a variety with dense bright pink inflorescences, Little Robert – a variety lower to 50 cm, Blush – a variety growing up to 90 cm with bright pink inflorescences, Lady Sackville – a variety with pink-red flowers and Red Hybrid with a red-purple inflorescence.

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