Thymus – The key to immunity
Langsteiner Sp. z o.o. Sponsored article

The thymus is the central organ of the immune system. Thanks to it, the immune system directs its action where there is a threat, i.e. viral and bacterial infections, autoimmune diseases and even cancer.

The thymus acts as a protective umbrella for our body. When it functions properly – it helps to prevent the development of allergies, osteoarticular and neurological diseases. It has a positive effect on reproductive capacity, growth and metabolism, and delays the aging process. It is in the thymus that the T lymphocytes necessary to effectively combat threats to our body are formed and “trained”.

The thymus is a small and underrated gland located in the upper part of the chest that manages our immunity. Unfortunately, it disappears with age, stress, overwork and the influence of external factors. Therefore, the older a person gets, the worse he cope with the attack of pathogens.

More information about the role of the thymus in building immunity can be found at

Supplementation with thymus extract is also possible recommended for the treatment of patients with severe COVID-19!

According to the Polish Hospital Federation, scientists and doctors have published studies on COVID-19. Their recommendations in the form of a research report were translated into Polish by students of the Medical University in Poznań.

On page 61 of the Polish version of the “Handbook of COVID-19 Prevention and Treatment” report, we find an indication to support the immune system with thymic peptides.

The role and function of the immune system.

The immune system consists of a set of mechanisms by which the human body can defend itself against the harmful effects of bacteria, viruses, toxins and other threats. Its cells arise and are found in the thymus, spleen, lymph nodes, tonsils, intestines, and bone marrow. If the immune system is working efficiently, it fends off microbial attacks and stops disease development. However, if his work is disturbed, we become practically defenseless.

– The efficiency of the immune system depends on the activity of the thymus gland, and as we know – the thymus disappears with age and the influence of external factors. Then, especially in middle and old age, our “protective umbrella” is significantly weakened – Mowiprof. dr hab med. Aleksander B. Skotnicki, specialist in hematology, transplantology and internal diseases. – As the levels of thymic hormones decline, the incidence of autoimmune, infectious and neoplastic diseases increases. Thus, thymic-dependent immunity is very important. If it weakens, the risk of these diseases increases (…) Thymic-derived preparations make it possible to supplement the deficiencies resulting from the atrophy of this gland, and thus provide valuable support for the reconstruction and strengthening of our immune system and contribute to the reduction of susceptibility to infections, autoimmune and cancer diseases. “

Use of calf thymus extract allows you to a great extent rebuild the body’s defense system. The positive effect of calf thymus preparations is confirmed by many years of research conducted all over the world, also with the participation of Polish doctors and specialists.

Prof. Jan Józefczuk, who used the Pepthym X Thymus preparation in his clinical trials, containing a lyophilisate from calf thymus, when asked to whom he recommended supplementation with thymic preparations, replies: “First of all, those who often suffer from infections, also patients with autoimmune diseases – and he adds – Low levels of thymic peptides indicate a malfunction of the immune system. Until it is normal, our immunity will be impaired and we should take preparations containing thymosin. While protecting ourselves against what weakens and destroys our thymus. “

PepthymX Thymus is available in pharmacies and at:

Prof. dr hab. med. Roman Mazur has been conducting research on the properties of the thymus since the 70s. In his opinion: – Thymus preparations are widely used in the treatment of diseases in which the autoimmune response is disturbed, (…), i.e. in rheumatic, cancer, neuromuscular, infectious, multiple sclerosis and other diseases (…) – and adds – Such preparations prolong life. If used regularly, they allow for longer vitality, intellectual efficiency and professional activity. Therefore, without a doubt, such a preparation can be recommended to virtually everyone. “

In the United States, studies have shown that the use of thymosin, an isolated thymic hormone, with influenza vaccination – especially in older people – increases the level of antibodies to the flu virus.

It is worth strengthening immunity, not only when we are sick, but above all to protect ourselves against threats. PEPTHYM X THYMUS dietary supplement available on our market contains ingredients supporting the immune system: calf thymus extract and vitamin C.

This unique formulation in capsules can be used by virtually everyone – from the youngest children to the elderly. No side effects were found.

Langsteiner Sp. z o.o. Sponsored article

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