Thyme – a common herb with many properties

Thymus is a genus of plant belonging to the Lamiaceae family, including several species of Eurasia and North Africa. In Poland, the thyme genus includes 10 species of plants, including the popular spice – thyme – whose full name is actually thyme. All species of thyme have greater or lesser healing properties due to the essential oil content.

Talking about mothers as a medicinal plant, we usually mean herb thyme Sand Herb Serpylia – the Latin name of this plant is Thymus serpyllus – and this will be the subject of this article. Note that similar healing properties to thyme sandstone has also thyme common (Thymus pulegioides). Both species of herb can be found in herbal shops. Thyme sand is a small herbaceous plant with purple, tiny flowers and a characteristic smell. He likes dry and sunny places. Her herb can not only be bought, but also obtained from nature or grown in the garden – it will not cause major problems, because it is a frost-resistant plant. Its slightly acidic soil and sunny position are enough.

Composition and healing properties of the herb Macierzanki

objectives thyme good quality sand should contain at least 0,4% of essential oil according to the Polish Pharmacopoeia III. They should be harvested during the flowering period (thyme sand flower blooms from June to August and is also a honey plant). Oil thyme it mainly contains carvacrol and thymol (responsible for the main properties medicinal), in addition, inter alia, citral, linalool and geraniol, flavonoids (luteolin, apigenin, scoutellarein glycosides), triterpenes, rosmarinic acid. Such composition chemical provides action antiseptic (antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral and even antiprotozoal), action supporting the work of the digestive system (diastolic and stimulating the secretion of gastric juice and bile, thus supporting digestion) and supporting the removal of secretions from the respiratory tract (expectorant and diastolic). Extracts of thyme they also have action antipruritic.

The use of thyme herb in herbal medicine and cosmetology

Thyme it has traditionally been used in various forms for respiratory infections for many years. Herb infusion thyme it is suitable for drinking, gargling and inhalation. On the other hand, an aqueous herbal extract is applied to the skin thyme one can use for washing acne and oily skin (disinfects and regulates the secretion of sebum) and for rinsing oily hair. It can also be used to wash itchy places, e.g. after insect bites. On the other hand, a sit-on in an infusion of herb thyme it is perfect for alleviating various types of intimate infections.

With colds and respiratory infections, you can also try pouring the herb thyme spirit and the spirit thus formed matrix rub the chest and bask under the duvet. Such spirit can also be rubbed into sore joints in the event of rheumatic problems.

You can also buy the essential oil in pharmacies and herbal stores thyme. He is very strong action, you can add it to inhalation and to aromatherapy fireplaces and baths. His rubbing into the skin, too it works warming up, similar to spirit matrix. Keep in mind that essential oils should not be applied undiluted. In the form of water drops (3-5 drops), it can also be used applied orally, however, be careful as it may have action irritating to the digestive system and cause diarrhea. Some researchers beyond those mentioned so far properties essential oil matrixthey recommended him use Orally, also in the case of anti-parasitic treatments against roundworms (in the form of water oil, preferably on an empty stomach).

Thyme also comes in composition many drugs, dietary supplements and ready-made cosmetics, available in pharmacies and shops, e.g. lozenges, tinctures, creams and skin care cosmetics.

Try preparations containing thyme to support the functioning of your digestive and immune systems. We recommend:

  1. Para Farm – liquid supplement,
  2. Para Farm capsules,
  3. Para Farm Max Plus – liquid supplement.

Read also:

  1. Simple cold and flu syrup. Germs don’t stand a chance
  2. Green powder works as an antibiotic, lowers cholesterol, cleans the intestines
  3. Add to the broth instead of the parsley. It works like a drug

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