Thursday salt: how to prepare and use
Thursday salt – this special, dark-colored salt was always kept in the homes of our grandmothers. They cooked it on Maundy Thursday, added it to food and not only. How to cook it yourself and use it correctly, we tell in our material

What is thursday salt for?

From time immemorial, the man protected the family, and the woman protected.

Hostesses in Our Country knew how to hang a bouquet of wormwood on the gate so that a bad person would not enter the house and which end to put a broom in the corner so that money would not leave the house.

But there was a special amulet near the coast – black Thursday salt. She was kept in every house from diseases and other misfortunes.

A pinch of Thursday salt was added to the font for the baby, so that he would grow up healthy. And if he got into a mood and became capricious, then they put a grain of salt on the tongue – from the evil eye.

A salt shaker of black salt was kept in the center of the table – so that there would be prosperity in the house.

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Before a long journey, a small pillow with Thursday salt was pinned to clothes – so that trouble would not overtake on the way.

The beauties added salt to the water for washing – to be even more beautiful.

And if there was discord between the spouses, then they put the same pillow in bed – they believed that to reconciliation.

More than 60 trading strategies! And, of course, so that well-being does not bypass the family, black salt was scattered in the corners of the house, in the yard, barn and in the barn with cattle.

They kept this valuable amulet behind the icons, as an object of great holiness.

Thursday means done on Thursday

Not on a simple Thursday, of course, but on Maundy Thursday, which is the Holy Week before Easter.

The women woke up early in the morning. First, they cleaned the house clean and washed themselves, and only then they began to prepare clean Thursday salt. It had to be done before sunset.

The finished seasoning was collected very carefully, so as not to lose a single grain, in a clean bag and placed under the image, along with Easter cake and colored eggs. And on Easter, along with festive snacks, they brought salt to the church to sanctify. And only after that she acquired the properties of a talisman.

How to make Thursday salt

Mystical salt-amulet, it is essentially ordinary salt calcined to coals with herbs or simply with rye flour. So the healing properties of Thursday salt are quite understandable and justified. Indeed, in the modern world, activated carbon is used as a sorbent for poisoning, skin diseases, allergies, and many more.

And they did it like this:

They took 1 kg of coarse salt, mixed with a bunch of medicinal herbs – fern, wormwood, oregano, about 200 g. 2 scones of rye bread soaked in water were added there and mixed. They poured all this into a cast-iron pan and put it in the oven on burning coals for several hours, until the salt turned black.

In a city apartment, black Thursday salt can be cooked in the oven by pouring it onto a baking sheet.

How to use Thursday salt

You need to spend salt during the year and use it all until the next Easter.

What do you eat?

To be honest, the taste of black salt is not for everybody. Not everyone will like the taste of hydrogen sulfide. But since they don’t put a lot of it in food, the specific smell may not be noticed. As a seasoning, this salt can be added to all types of food. Although, as you already understood, the main purpose of black Thursday salt is not for food.

Conspiracies for black Thursday salt

  • Against family conflicts

Sprinkle a pinch of salt at the head of the bed of all family members. And say:

“Salt, I don’t divide the world. Prosperous family. There will be order. Amen!”

  • When unwell

Add a pinch of salt to a glass of water and stir slowly. While stirring, you need to say:

“Like salt was heated by fire, so that the body (name of a person) would be filled with health. Amen!”

Then let the patient drink this water.

  • If the “black streak” in life began

Go around and sprinkle Thursday salt on all corners of the house, saying: “Go away, trouble! Amen!”

  • If an ill-wisher came to the house

After an unkind guest, go outside the threshold and throw a handful of salt in the direction where he went. Read three times “Our Father”.

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