“Canadian Thumbelina” – this is how Kendi Zhurden-Bromley was nicknamed, who was born with a rare pathology. At 17, she weighs only 10 kg, but this does not prevent her from living fully and being happy.
Still from the movie Lep
After the film Lep by Dutch director Ellen Smith was released, many began to look for the main character of the picture – a baby who played the role of a tiny girl with wings. In the 21st century, you will not surprise anyone with an unusual type of movie characters, however, in the case of Kenadie Jourdain-Bromley (this is the name of the actress), it was not at all about professional special effects, but about congenital pathology – primordial dwarfism that arose even during conception.
It is because of this genetic disease, which cannot be treated, that at the age of 17 the girl weighs only 10 kg and at the same time looks like a fabulous creature – an elf or a fairy.
“Canadian Thumbelina” was born on February 13, 2003. Her parents, Brian Jourdain and Court Bromley, immediately realized that the pregnancy was unusual – after all, even at 9 months, the expectant mother had no belly. The doctors who examined the woman only shrugged their shoulders: all the indicators were normal. However, the same specialists were unspeakably surprised when, a couple of months later, the same patient – seemingly completely out of position – came to the hospital. And she gave birth without any difficulties.
Yes, Kenadie Jourdain-Bromley was born easily and simply: and she herself, as it turned out, was easy, but not at all simple – the baby was in the hands of doctors so tiny that she was immediately written off. Weight – less than one kg, and height – some 27 cm. It seems that a kitten, and he is born larger. The doctors immediately assigned the “inch” to a special box and warned the parents that it would most likely not survive.
However, little Kenadi showed tremendous endurance and will – day after day she grew stronger and, to the surprise of the doctors, soon recovered completely. The truth remains the same tiny.
Now 17-year-old Kenadi is a local celebrity. The townspeople call her “little angel”, and she played a similar role in the film Lep. A tiny girl with wings helps people and inspires them to believe in miracles.
“She has a special gift for opening human hearts. After communicating with her, you feel as if you have come into contact with God, “- said in an interview Brian, the mother of an unusual girl.
Kenadi worked with pleasure and professionalism on the set. Despite her size, she was not inferior in industriousness and endurance to the rest of the caste. Soon she will graduate from high school and intends to connect her life with cinema.
By the way, the Thumbelina did not have any problems at school. She goes to a regular educational institution where “normal” guys are sitting at their desks. They, according to their parents, are very warm and friendly to Kenadi and take her for their own. And after the release of the film, the popularity of the baby only increased – now she is recognized on the street and even asked for autographs!
At school, Kenadi is in no way inferior to other guys
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We are sure that with such a supply of vital energy and love, Kenadi Jourdain-Bromley will conquer this world!
Photo Shoot: Getty Images, www.barcroft.tv, Facebook.com/brianne.jourdin