Thuya Golden Globe is a highly ornamental coniferous shrub with a spherical crown that is easy to trim. Planted western thuja in sunny areas with fertile soil. Tui variety care is not laborious, but requires knowledge of the specifics of growing coniferous plants.
Description of the Golden Globe
Dwarf coniferous shrub thuja Golden Globe, as in the photo, grows to 75-80 cm in 10 years. It reaches its maximum height – 1-1,5 m by the age of 20. The shoots are only 8-10 cm long per year. The diameter of the dense crown of the low western thuja is equal to the height, but adult specimens of the Golden Globe variety become oval without a haircut. The bark on the branches and trunk is red-brown, exfoliating in narrow strips. The root system of the western thuja is located close to the surface. Although there are 1-3 taproots that go deep into the ground, thanks to which the shrub can withstand short-term droughts.
The needles in the middle of the crown of the Golden Globe thuja are bright green. From above on all extreme shoots it becomes golden in summer and orange-copper in winter. Turns yellow again in spring. Especially expressive coloring of the thuja variety Golden Globe, if the bush grows in open space. In the shade, the golden hue is lost, the crown becomes sparse and loose, the silhouette of the sphere disappears. But in the south, the western thuja bush will suffer from direct sunlight and hot air. Bushes in such regions are best placed in partial shade.
All signs of the Golden Globe shrub variety show if:
- planted on fertile soil;
- roots do not suffer from stagnant water;
- the crown is well lit by the sun;
- in winter, in areas with heavy snowfalls, the branches are tied so that they do not break off;
- in February-March, young trees are covered with a net for shading;
- The climate is mild, humid, not dry.
The decorative coniferous bush Golden Globe is frost-resistant, tolerates sub-zero temperatures up to 38 °C. A beautiful variety of western thuja is planted in the middle climatic zone, but not on soils with high acidity.
The use of thuja Golden Globe in landscape design
A dwarf variety of western thuja with golden needles is acquired by gardeners who prefer bright accents throughout the year. A small tree with a beautiful silhouette and warm coloring is a real find for a small garden. Judging by the photo, the Golden Globe thuja in landscape design is used for various purposes:
- compact tree for the entrance area;
- border plantings;
- an element of a composition of conifers in an evergreen flower bed;
- soloist on the lawn;
- tree for rock garden or rockery;
- evergreen shrub in a container.
Features of reproduction
Thuja westernis easily rooted, so the beautiful Golden Globe bush is often propagated by cuttings or branches from the mother plant. Varietal thujas are not propagated by seeds if they want to preserve all selective features. The characteristics of the variety will be transmitted through the vegetative fragment. Specialists propagate the Golden Globe variety by grafting.
From seeds, the sprout will turn into a bush for 5-6 years of development. Before sowing, the grains of the western thuja collected in the fall are stratified in the refrigerator or directly sown in the soil in the garden in the fall. Seedlings appear in spring.
Cuttings are an easier method. Reproduction is carried out in the summer, at the end of June, beginning of July, when the shoots have already grown in the spring. It is important to cut off a cutting from a straight, healthy shoot inside the crown. The twig is cut or broken off so as to capture part of last year’s bark. Usually the shoot is abruptly torn off, and then part of the old wood is separated. Due to this material, the stalk of the western thuja will be able to take root more easily.
Twigs are treated with a root stimulator and planted in a loose substrate directly in the garden or in a container. A greenhouse is arranged above them and sprayed daily. After rooting, the sprouts open. For the winter, thuja saplings of the western Golden Globe, as can be seen in the photo, are insulated with spruce branches.
Planting and caring for the Golden Globe thuja
By choosing the right place for the western thuja and enriching the substrate according to the advice, gardeners know that it will develop successfully.
Recommended dates
Ornamental bush Golden Globe planted in the spring, even in early June. Usually, thuja seedlings are purchased from nurseries in pots, and the summer movement is well tolerated. In regions with a long autumn period, conifers are also planted in September so that they can take root before the onset of frost.
Site selection and soil preparation
For the colorful variety Golden Globe, choose a cozy site, protected from the wind. Thuja grows better on neutral soil with an acid reaction of 4,5-6 pH. Survives on alkaline, but too acidic soil is unacceptable. In areas with heavy soil, they dig a larger hole to lay drainage up to 15 cm high and a substrate with sand and peat. Tui roots love loose soil: loam and sandy loam. For the substrate, prepare 1 part of peat and sand, 2 parts of soil from the site. The planting mixture is enriched with nitroammophos or any special fertilizer for conifers.
Landing algorithm
Having dug a planting hole 60×80 cm in size, a drainage is placed below, and then a nutrient substrate:
- before planting, the container with the Golden Globe bush is placed in a large container with water, after which it is easy to separate the earthen ball with overgrown roots;
- the processes are slightly straightened on the soil;
- the thuja seedling is placed, making sure that the root neck does not deepen, but is at ground level in the garden;
- sprinkle a hole, compact the earth around the trunk and water 10-15 liters of water;
- it’s good to mulch the near-stem circle right now so that moisture is preserved and weeds do not grow.
Growing and care rules
Seedlings are well cared for. Thuja western Golden Globe, according to the photo and description, forms a spherical crown. It becomes more lush and dense in appearance after pruning, which is best done once a year.
Watering Schedule
Considering that nutrients remained in the earthen coma, with which the seedlings were fed in the nursery, the young tree is watered abundantly – up to 10-15 liters of water 1 time in 5-7 days, guided by precipitation. If the soil is open, the trunk circle is loosened after watering, weeds are removed. During the dry season, thuja is watered with 20 liters of water every 3-4 days. Sprinkling is carried out in the evening. When an adult thuja bush is left without moisture during a dry season, it will begin to form fruits, which will reduce the decorative value of the Golden Globe variety.
Additional fertilizing
If the starting fertilizers were sufficient, usually in the first year and subsequent feeding of the thuja is not carried out. For the species, organic fertilizers are also not used, especially fresh ones, which can damage the roots. Compost is allowed for winter mulch. Mostly only mineral preparations are used – universal or special, for conifers.
The thuja bush Golden Globe is cleared of dry branches in the spring. At the same time, shaping pruning is also carried out. Variety shearing is also performed in the summer. When pruning, the golden background of the bush changes slightly, as the branches turn yellow at the tops. But soon the shoots will grow with several new branches, making the silhouette of the Golden Globe thuja more magnificent, as follows from the description and photo. Cut the crown carefully, removing 1/2 or 1/3 of the spring growth of the shoot. If you delete the entire new branch, the cron will not be restored. There are no dormant buds on the lignified parts.
Preparation for winter
A seedling is especially carefully prepared for winter, because an adult tree is frost-resistant:
- thujas are watered abundantly at the end of September or in October – 25-30 liters for a young bush and up to 40 liters for an old one;
- put mulch to the trunk and along the perimeter of the roots with a layer of up to 10-15 cm;
- in areas where a lot of snow falls, the branches are tied to the trunk;
- seedlings are covered with spruce branches, burlap or vegetation residues.
Pests and diseases
Branches of the species are damaged by aphids, false shields and spider mites. Drugs are used against them:
- Aktellik;
- Engio;
- Aktara;
- Confidor and others.
In the spring, fungicide prophylaxis is carried out, preventing the development of fungal diseases:
- Quadris;
- Horus;
- Maksim;
- Speed
Thuya Golden Globe – an unpretentious and spectacular variety, will bring zest to the garden, enlivening any corner with the color of golden needles. Due to the compactness of the crown, the culture is popular as a container plant.