The use of coniferous plants in landscape design is gaining more and more popularity every year. Thuja Brabant is one of the most popular representatives of its kind. Due to the ease of planting and unpretentious care, this tree has gained immense popularity among homeowners.

Description of Brabant

This species is one of the representatives of the western thuja. Brabant needles have a beautiful light green hue. In late summer and autumn, the tree may change the color of the crown tips to greenish yellow. Unlike most of its counterparts, thuja Brabant does not turn yellow and retains a green tint throughout the winter period.

Thuja western Brabant (Brabant): description, photo, reviews, planting and care, pruning, hedge

The bark on the stem of the plant may be light brown to deep brown in color and, due to its structure, may flake slightly. Flowering occurs in spring from mid-April to late May. At this time, small, 1 cm in size, ovoid or oblong cones appear in Brabant.

Breeders bred from this plant a related variety of thuja – Golden Brabant. From the name you can guess that the leaves of this tree have a yellow-green color close to gold. The photo and description of this variety of thuja Brabant proves that with age the tree loses its crown density, its branches become more rare and loose.

Size of an adult plant

In its natural habitat, an adult thuja Brabant plant can reach an impressive 20-meter height. At the same time, the diameter of its crown can be up to 4 m. In the middle lane and in the Moscow region, the usual dimensions of the Brabant thuja rarely exceed 4-5 m.

Most often, the owners of personal plots under the cultivation of thuja mean two options. On the one hand, it is a large tree with a dense and lush crown. Another option is to periodically cut the plant and actually turn it into a shrub up to 1 m high – most often this is used to create hedges.

How thuja Brabant grows

One of the differences of this type of plant is its fairly rapid growth and set of green mass. During the year of active vegetation, Brabant can grow up to 40 cm. The increase in crown diameter over the same period can be up to 15 cm. It is not surprising that in terms of growth rate this type of thuja is second only to the leader among all coniferous plants – Siberian larch.

Thuja western Brabant (Brabant): description, photo, reviews, planting and care, pruning, hedge

For a tree of this species, a crown of a conical shape is inherent. At the same time, it stands out among other thujas with its compactness and branching. Often the branches of Brabant descend to the very ground.

Characteristics of Tui Brabant

Like any coniferous plant, Brabant perfectly tolerates cold snaps and sudden changes in temperature. In the middle lane, this tree easily survives long frosty winters and severe freezing of the soil. According to research, thuja can easily withstand a drop in ambient temperature to -35 degrees. At the same time, the roots begin to die off only in the case of cold weather that has settled for a week.

This variety is very unpretentious in care. It tolerates a variety of substrate types, although it grows best in loamy soils. The plant tolerates both short droughts and fairly strong soil moisture without problems.

Important! Due to its impressive characteristics, thuja Brabant is able to grow in almost all regions of Our Country, with the exception of desert and arid places.

Almost every plant can be vulnerable to various pests and diseases, and thuja is no exception in this case. Accustomed to the warm southern climate, it can be affected by a large number of plant diseases in the middle zone. It is very important to pay attention to the appearance of the plant – a change in the color of the leaves can promise serious consequences, up to death.

The difference between thuja Brabant and other varieties

Every owner of a country house dreams of a beautiful and well-groomed site. The choice in favor of the thuja is explained by the magnificent appearance that gives the site a well-groomed look. But every time when choosing the right variety, novice gardeners are faced with the problem of choosing from almost 120 species of this tree. Moreover, each variety has its own characteristics and differences.

According to reviews, thuja Brabant differs from other varieties in its unusually high growth rate. Annual growth with proper tree care is up to 80 cm in height. If this thuja was chosen to create a hedge, then it needs more frequent pruning of needles. If Brabant is run and not cut in time, it can grow to a huge size and its crown will lose its beautiful shape.

Which is better: thuja Brabant or Smaragd

These 2 types are considered the most popular among gardeners and landscape designers. Thuja Smaragd, unlike Brabant, grows more slowly, adding only 20 cm per year. At the same time, an adult plant boasts a denser crown. Among other features of Smaragda are:

  • longer life span – up to 110 years;
  • ideal for cold winters down to -40 degrees;
  • grows on almost any soil;
  • during growth, it releases phytoncides – natural substances that purify the surrounding air;
  • the ability to choose a variety with both green and golden needles.

In terms of applicability, appearance and frost resistance, thuja Brabant and Smaragd are very similar. However, here the growth rate comes to the fore. If the owner of the site is in no hurry, ready to wait a few years until the tree grows, you can choose Smaragd. Brabant is chosen when it is necessary to make a hedge or a beautiful composition of coniferous trees as quickly as possible.

Which thuja is better: Columna or Brabant

Columna is the variety that can most often be found in city parks, on the territories of schools and government institutions. The tree is characterized by a straight trunk, from which numerous branches extend at right angles. Plant sellers often claim that the plant is incredibly fast growing. However, in real life, such a thuja grows no more than 15-20 cm per year.

This tree has taken root in the middle lane so much that it is not afraid of either dry summer periods or long cold winters. It also grows well in any type of soil. One of the most important points when choosing Columna is that, as such, it does not require pruning, a beautiful crown forms on its own. Pruning regulates only the height of the thuja.

For all its merits, Columna still loses to Brabant not only in growth rate. An important aspect when working with Columna is that it is quite difficult to grow a beautiful hedge from this variety. Trees will have to be planted as close to each other as possible so that their crowns are intertwined into a single one. Columna is better suited for decorating parks, Brabant – for personal plots.

The use of thuja Brabant in landscape design

Thuja Brabant is one of the most popular plants in landscape design. Thanks to its pliability in pruning and rapid growth, even a novice gardener can easily turn a simple site into a real work of art with its help. Among the most popular ways to use thuja Brabant are: alley, hedge and planting single trees.

Important! Depending on the intended strategy for the location of the thuja on the plots, landing is carried out using different technologies.

To make a beautiful alley of evergreen trees, the designer draws a straight line across the site, then seedlings are planted at a distance of 3-4 m from each other. For a hedge, the distance between plants is made much smaller – from 0,5 to 1 m. If the gardener decides to use single plants to decorate his site, thuja seedlings are planted in the order specified by the project. When planting trees alone, pruning them can be approached with great artistry. Depending on the skill of the gardener, the figure of any animal or bird can be made from thuja Brabant. The crown of an adult plant can be:

  • conical;
  • pyramidal;
  • spherical;
  • helical;

Also, thuja will help to embellish the gazebo located on the site, arrange a recreation area. If the size of the site allows, you can make an extravagant green maze. If you want to surprise your neighbors, then when planting an alley or a hedge, you can alternate two varieties of arborvitae – Brabant and Golden Brabant. The result is an unusually beautiful two-tone wall.

Features of reproduction of thuja Brabant

The propagation methods of this thuja variety are similar to all gymnosperms. There are two most popular methods – using cuttings and seeds. Propagation of thuja seeds is the key to getting a healthier plant. However, this method is not favored by its rather long time span.

Thuja western Brabant (Brabant): description, photo, reviews, planting and care, pruning, hedge

To get Brabant seeds, cones are collected from an adult tree in the spring. The cones are left in a warm place until they crack – after which the seeds are removed from them. They are placed for a couple of days in wet sand. Slightly swollen seeds are planted in a prepared soil mixture mixed from soddy soil, sand and peat in a ratio of 3:1:1. After germination, the container with the earth is placed in a cool place so that the thuja Brabant gets used to the cold and gets stronger.

Important! For transplanting into open ground, shoots should gain about 30-40 cm in height and have a developed root system.

Another way to propagate thuja Brabant is cuttings. To get ready-made seedlings, small shoots 10-15 cm long are cut off from an adult tree. They are placed in a container with water or highly moistened soil. When the first roots appear, the cuttings are transplanted into a container with prepared soil and create greenhouse conditions for it in the house. Only after the first wintering, the seedlings are ready for planting in open ground.

Planting and caring for thuja Brabant

Seedlings ready for planting should have a developed root system – this will allow you to take root in a new place as quickly as possible. Proper fit and care for the Brabant thuja is the key to her health. Another important point is the size of the seedling prepared for transplantation. The best choice would be 2-year-old thuja about 40 cm high, with a developed pyramidal crown.

Important! It is best to use seedlings with a closed root system when planting thuja. This will ensure maximum survival.

Before planting in the ground for thuja Brabant, it is necessary to prepare landing pits. It is best to do this in advance, for example, in late autumn. The dimensions of the pit should be 80x80x80cm. The deeper the pit is, the better for the further development of the thuja root system.

Recommended dates

Thuya is a southern plant, so it is best to avoid planting it before the winter period. When planted in September-October, the immature roots of the plant may not endure severe winter cold. At the same time, in the middle lane and more northern regions, cold weather can set in as early as mid-autumn, which will inevitably destroy the seedlings.

Thuja western Brabant (Brabant): description, photo, reviews, planting and care, pruning, hedge

It is best to plant Brabant in the middle of spring. In the second and third ten days of April, warm weather usually sets in without freezing night temperatures. According to the observations of gardeners, in spring the chances of arborvitae to take root in a new place are about 10-15% higher compared to autumn planting.

Site selection and soil preparation

It is believed that thuja Brabant is absolutely not whimsical to the soil. However, properly selected soil is a guarantee of rapid growth and plant health. On poor soils, Brabant will also grow, but will lose its maximum crown density.

Important! The best substrate for proper plant growth is a mixture of leafy soil, peat and sand in a ratio of 2:1:1.

Variety Brabant – one of the most light-loving among thuja. At the same time, constant exposure to direct sunlight leads the shoots of the plant to dehydration and, as a result, to problems with wintering. The best place would be a place closed from direct rays, but not very shaded.

Landing algorithm

To get a healthy plant with a beautiful crown, Brabant thuja is advised to plant according to a certain algorithm. The sequence of actions when planting in open ground is as follows:

  1. A layer of drainage is laid out at the bottom of the landing pit. Broken brick or expanded clay of a large fraction is ideal for this.
  2. A thuja is placed in the pit in such a way that its root neck is located approximately on the same level with the ground.
  3. The pit is covered with soil prepared in advance – a mixture of leafy soil, peat and sand.

It is very important that the root neck is exactly at ground level. It is believed that if it is buried in the ground, the thuja Brabant will die. Raising the root collar above ground level will make it practically defenseless during periods of severe cold.

Care for the western thuja Brabant

Thuja is unpretentious and, in comparison with other plantations, requires much less maintenance. However, in order to get a healthy plant, the standard Brabant care package should be carried out. It includes loosening the soil, periodic watering and feeding, timely pruning and proper preparation for wintering.

Important! The first 2 years after planting in the ground, it is recommended to protect the thuja from direct sunlight.

It is important to periodically loosen the soil around the thuja. In loosened soil, Brabant grows much faster. It is also important to periodically weed the ground around the tree. Excess plants and weeds will absorb water, depriving the thuja of the necessary nutrition.

Watering and fertilizing schedule

After planting, young seedlings require periodic watering. The first 2-3 months after planting in open ground, thuja Brabant is watered once a week. If the landing time coincided with a dry period, the frequency of watering is increased to once every 4-5 days. Adult plants do not need constant watering – the soil around the thuja is moistened only during severe droughts.

In early spring, a complex fertilizer for coniferous plants is applied. This helps the thuya to quickly move away from hibernation and start the growing season faster. Do this in late March or early April after the snow has completely melted.

How to cut thuja Brabant

Tui pruning begins, as a rule, from the third year of the plant’s life. By this time, the tree will have accumulated a sufficient amount of green mass, which must be given a noble appearance. As soon as Brabant reaches the height necessary for the gardener, the top is periodically cut off, stopping its growth.

Important! To get a dense crown, pruning is done in 2 stages – at the beginning of June and at the end of August.

Every spring, sanitary pruning of thuja Brabant is carried out. After the snow has melted, it is necessary to inspect the plant and remove frost-damaged shoots.

Preparing thuja Brabant for winter

In the first years of life after disembarkation, thuja Brabant must be protected from severe frosts. Young bushes are covered with spruce branches or a special protective film. After 3-4 years of development, the thuja will get stronger and will no longer need shelter from the cold.

Thuja western Brabant (Brabant): description, photo, reviews, planting and care, pruning, hedge

An important aspect in preparing the thuja Brabant for winter is the garter of its crown. Under the weight of snow, weak shoots can deteriorate and break, which will lead to the loss of a holistic view of the crown. The strapping is done with twine – the distance between each circle of the rope should be 30-40 cm.

Creating a hedge from thuja Brabant

A thuja hedge is a great way to enclose your yard or divide it into zones. Brabant allows you to achieve a thick and impenetrable wall that can cover the site better than any fence. Among the advantages of a thuja hedge are:

  1. Creating a great atmosphere for relaxation.
  2. Hiding ugly places on the site – a vegetable garden or a compost pit.
  3. Purification of ambient air due to the release of phytoncides.
  4. Shelter from dust, exhaust gases and excess noise.
  5. Green wall at any time of the year.

In addition to the hedge, you can create small living fences. Such borders up to 40-50 cm high will decorate the site and help highlight its most significant parts. Such a compact hedge of thuja Brabant can, for example, fence off a recreation area from fruit plantings.

How to plant thuja Brabant for a hedge

The term for planting thuja seedlings to create a hedge does not differ from planting plants standing separately. It is produced in the middle of spring. Loosening in the first 2 years of life is carried out along the entire length of the hedge on both sides. Watering in the first months should be regular in order to get the finished result as quickly as possible.

Thuja western Brabant (Brabant): description, photo, reviews, planting and care, pruning, hedge

Since the planting hole for the tree must be quite impressive in size, it is much easier to make one trench. The depth of the trench for thuja Brabant should be at least 80 cm, width 60-70 cm. The bottom of the trench is also covered with a layer of drainage. Seedlings are planted at a distance of 0,5-1 m from each other. Brabant has a dense and branched crown, so you should not plant thuja too close to each other.

Thuja Brabant hedge care

Lovers of natural beauty may not cut thuja Brabant at all. Its spreading branches will look great even without additional pruning. You can create a wilderness area on the site, fenced off from the rest of the world.

Important! Periodic shearing is beneficial for the proper development of the plant. It allows the crown of the thuja to be more dense and lush.

Otherwise, caring for a hedge from thuja Brabant almost repeats the steps to maintain the health of a tree growing separately. Tuya needs periodic watering, loosening the soil around the trunk, weeding weeds, as well as removing shoots damaged in winter.

Features haircut thuja Brabant

A thuja hedge is sheared in several stages. The very first pruning should be done in early spring – at this time the plant has already accumulated enough strength for further vegetation. During this period, sanitary pruning is carried out, as well as the removal of strongly protruding branches. The second haircut is made in August, when the thuja begins to prepare for wintering.

Important! When cutting, it is important that the top of the hedge is narrower than the bottom. This will allow the trees to receive an even amount of sunlight.

To simplify the process of cutting and leveling the Brabant hedge, you can use a metal mesh with large cells. It is pulled along the green wall, after which the shoots sticking out of the cells are cut off. After shearing, a large number of shoots often remain, which are convenient to use as cuttings for further breeding.

Pests and diseases

Thuja Brabant should be periodically examined for diseases. Most of all, they appear in the form of yellowed and darkened leaves. Brown spots on the branches and trunk of a tree most often indicate the onset of a fungal disease. All damaged shoots are cut and burned to stop the spread of the disease to healthy parts of the thuja.

Preventive treatment of thuja from the fungus is carried out with a solution of 0,2% Fundazol. Such treatment is carried out every 2 weeks for 3 months from the moment the first signs of a fungal infection are detected. To prevent harmful insects, liming the lower part of the tree stem is used.


Thuja Brabant is an ideal evergreen for a personal plot. With its help, you can make a beautiful well-groomed alley or a high hedge. Subject to the rules of planting and care, you can get a healthy plant that will delight the eye with a lush crown every day.


Irina Volkova, 32 years old, Belgorod.
For the first time they tried to plant thuja Brabant 3 years ago. They made a hedge on the site. During this time, the thuja wall grew by 1,5 meters. The fence is bright green. All guests are delighted.
Valentina Dankova, 54, Voronezh.
I have been growing thuja in my backyard for several years and have already tried more than 10 varieties. Brabant stands out among them with an incredibly fast growth rate and the most magnificent crown. I definitely recommend.
Igor Petrov, 41 years old, Tambov.
I am the owner of a landscaping company. Previously, almost all work was carried out from the Smaragd thuja variety. Now, every year, Brabant is becoming more and more popular, gradually replacing its relative.
Thuja western Brabant (Brabant) / Thuja planting and care

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