Evergreens, having a small size, are at all times an integral element in the process of landscape design. Due to the fact that the thuja Bowling Ball takes up a small amount of space and is relatively unpretentious in care, the culture always has an attractive appearance, regardless of the time of year. In the process of growing thuja of the Bowling Ball variety, it is quite important to choose the right seat, and then ensure proper care.

Description of Tui Bowling Ball

Thuja varieties Mr. Bowling Ball is a dwarf culture with a fairly dense and spherical crown. If you look closely, the width and height are the same and vary from 0,6 to 0,9 m. Annual growth of thuja is 5 cm. The crown is spherical or cushion-shaped, the shoots are quite thin and graceful, while they are covered with thick scaly needles.

Depending on the season, the color of the needles changes. For example, in summer it is a bluish-green hue, in winter it is bronze in color. A distinctive feature is winter hardiness, the culture is able to withstand frosts down to -40 ° C.

Thuja western Bowling Ball is shown in the photo:

Thuja spherical Mr. Bowling Ball (Mr. Bowling Ball): description, photo

Application in landscape design

It is enough to look at the photo of Mr. Bowling Ball thuja, as it will be impossible to take your eyes off the tree, because this variety attracts with its unusual appearance. That is why the plant is so loved by many landscape designers. A spherical shrub can become a worthy decoration of a land plot both in a single planting and in a group. In addition, thuja can be used as a hedge, for decorating alleys and alpine slides. You can often find thuja Bowling Ball on the sides of garden paths, in gardens.

Advice! Since a high level of humidity has a beneficial effect on the appearance of Mr. Bowling Ball thuja, the plant can be planted in close proximity to artificial reservoirs.

Thuja spherical Mr. Bowling Ball (Mr. Bowling Ball): description, photo

Features of reproduction

Thuja can be propagated in several ways – vegetatively, cuttings. If necessary, the plant can be grown from seeds, but it should be understood that the result can be completely unexpected: most often the crown takes an unusual shape, so this option is practically not used.

Attention! It is important to study the description and photo of Mr. Bowling Ball thuja before buying planting material.

Rules of landing

Before planting the thuja western bowling ball in a permanent place of growth, it is recommended to pre-fertilize the soil. For these purposes, humus, peat and a small amount of sand are used. Planting must necessarily be carried out in accordance with all agrotechnical standards, taking into account the existing features and nuances, otherwise the culture may die.

Thuja spherical Mr. Bowling Ball (Mr. Bowling Ball): description, photo

Recommended dates

If it is planned to grow Mr. Bowling Ball thuja on the land, it is important not only to correctly carry out the process of planting planting material, but also to choose the right time for this. Experts and experienced gardeners recommend planting in spring or early autumn. For these purposes, seedlings that are already about 3-4 years old should be used. If a group planting is planned, then it should be borne in mind that there must be a minimum distance of 0,5 m between the bushes (the maximum distance is 3 m).

Site selection and soil preparation

Thuja western Mr. Bowling Ball grows mainly on well-lit land. It is not recommended to plant a crop in the shade, as the needles in this case become loose and the shade dull. In addition, the selected piece of land must be protected from strong gusts of wind and cold.

An excellent option would be to plant a crop on loamy soil, you can use any fertile soil. The main thing is that the soil must be fresh, loose, moderately moist, slightly acidic.

Attention! Thuja varieties Mr. Bowling Ball for group planting are recommended to be planted at a distance of 0,5 m from each other.

Thuja spherical Mr. Bowling Ball (Mr. Bowling Ball): description, photo

Landing algorithm

After the seat is selected, it is necessary to dig a hole. The depth of the landing pit is about 60-80 cm, the root system of the thuja along with the earthen clod should be placed in it. If the soil is heavy, you should first take care of the drainage layer, the thickness of which should be at least 15 cm. When the thuja is planted, it is recommended to water it abundantly and mulch the ground.

Growing and care rules

Undoubtedly, it is important to consider the description and photo of the thuja Bowling Ball before planting, it is also necessary to understand how exactly the culture should be cared for. After the planting material is planted in a permanent place of growth, the thuja must be watered regularly, as it does not tolerate drought. After each watering, it is recommended to loosen the soil, remove weeds, and fertilize as necessary. In order for moisture to evaporate as slowly as possible, the soil around the plant is mulched. For these purposes, you can use wood chips or peat. The mulch layer varies from 5 to 10 cm.

Thuja spherical Mr. Bowling Ball (Mr. Bowling Ball): description, photo

Watering Schedule

In the process of growing thuja Mr. Bowling Ball, it is worth taking into account that the culture loves a large amount of moisture. If the earth ball is too dry, then this will negatively affect the plant – the needles will begin to thin out, growth will slow down significantly. Starting in early spring, it is worth regularly watering the plant – at least 1 time per week. In dry summers, it is recommended to irrigate the crown; warm soft water is used for this purpose.

Advice! 24 hours after watering, it is recommended to loosen the soil, remove weeds.

Thuja spherical Mr. Bowling Ball (Mr. Bowling Ball): description, photo

Additional fertilizing

Thuja variety Mr. Bowling Ball grows mainly on sunny and fertile lands. In the process of growing, it is recommended to fertilize at least 1 time throughout the year. Fertilizers are applied in spring or in the first half of summer. For these purposes, special formulations designed for thujas of all varieties and varieties are perfect. You can use complex fertilizers of the Kemera-universal brand.


Many experts recommend taking into account not only the description of the western thuja Mr. Bowling Ball, but also the process of pruning and crown formation. Most experienced gardeners claim that this type of crop does not need pruning for a long time – the spherical crown will be perfectly preserved. However, do not forget about sanitary pruning.

Attention! During the work, it is recommended to remove all dry and damaged branches, as well as shoots that have undergone diseases.

Preparation for winter

According to the description of the thuja, it is a fairly frost-resistant plant; the Mr. Bowling Ball variety does not need shelter for the winter period. However, in the spring, the plant may suffer from sunburn. It is for this reason that young plants are recommended to cover for the winter. To do this, many experts recommend gently pulling off the crown with a tape, which will further prevent damage to the crown with a large amount of wet snow. As a shelter, you can use plastic wrap or branches of coniferous trees.

Thuja spherical Mr. Bowling Ball (Mr. Bowling Ball): description, photo

Pests and diseases

According to many experienced gardeners, the culture is rarely exposed to diseases. Including, thuja is not afraid of fungal and bacterial diseases. Also, plants are quite vulnerable to the spring and winter sun, as a result of which burns may appear. When the first signs of disease appear, it is recommended to treat the plant with chemicals.


Thuya Bowling Ball is considered quite an attractive variety, which is facilitated by an unusual appearance, namely, a spherical crown. Each variety has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, which must be taken into account before making a purchase of planting material. Thuya Mister Bowling Ball will be a worthy decoration of any land plot. With proper care, the shrub will delight with its appearance for many years.

Thuja western Bowling Ball (bowling ball) 🌿 review: how to plant, seedlings of thuja Bowling Ball


Antonina Grigorieva, 39 years old, Ulyanovsk
I grow thuja on my plot for the first time. I paid attention to the variety of thuja Bowling Ball – I liked the appearance in the form of a neat ball. I purchased planting material in a specialized store, performed all work in accordance with the general rules of planting. The only moment that I missed is that the thuja Bowling Ball loves sunny places, and I landed in partial shade. The culture developed slowly, it did not look as attractive as I initially saw. I read a lot of information on growing a crop and eventually transplanted a bush in front of the house, in the sunniest place. From that moment on, everything changed. Thuja has been growing for several years now, constantly forming a crown, now I plan to make a group planting of green “balls”.
Tatyana Samsonova, 54 years old, Tula
I have always been fascinated by hedgerows. For a long time I planned to do something similar in my country house, but I didn’t want something banal, like everyone else. For a long time I was looking for a suitable option, until I came across a thuja Bowling Ball. I was attracted by a rather unusual appearance – a shape in the form of a neat ball. I understand that it will take a lot of effort to achieve this form, but I am not afraid of difficulties. I bought a sufficient amount of planting material, landed around the site. In principle, I like everything, it looks quite unusual and interesting.

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