In landscape design techniques and ornamental gardening options, thuja occupies a leading position among large-sized plants. For use in the temperate climate zone, western thuja is suitable – a coniferous tree with a high frost resistance. The wild-growing species became the basis for work on the creation of new varieties. Thuja Reingold is an artificially bred form of German selection, which received from the western progenitor high frost resistance, unpretentious care, and longevity.

Thuja Reingold (Reingold, Rheingold) western: photo and description, reviews

Description of thuja Reingold

Western thuja Reingold is a highly decorative representative of the species. Culture culture was created for the design of plots, gardens, urban areas. Thuja grows in the form of a shrub, by 10 years of vegetation, the height reaches 1,2 m, the average growth is 6 cm in 12 months. The crown of the thuja Reingold is dense, round or spherical in shape, lends itself well to molding. The tree reaches the end point of growth at the age of 35-40 years. Depending on the conditions, it can grow up to 2-3 m.

External description of thuja western Rheingold (pictured):

  1. Thuja is formed by numerous short branches of medium thickness. The length of the lower and upper branches is the same. The color of the bark is maroon with a brown tint.
  2. On the tops of young shoots, needle-like needles are formed; next year, the form becomes scaly. The needles of the current year are light yellow with a pink tint, in the middle of summer the color changes to bright orange, in the fall the crown turns brown. The arrangement of needles is dense, they are tightly pressed to the stems. Decorative thuja Reingold gives the uneven color of the crown: the lower part is green, orange to the top.
  3. Thuja Reingold forms cones every year in small quantities, they are dark gray, up to 10 cm long, consist of thin, densely spaced scales. Seeds are brown, small, equipped with light beige narrow lionfish.
  4. The root system is mixed, intertwined, the central roots go 50 cm deep.

A variety of western thuja Rheingold does not respond to gusts of wind, it resists drafts well. The vegetation is not affected by gas pollution and smoke in the surrounding urban environment. The peculiarity of the exotic coloring of the Rheingold thuja is fully revealed in the area with no shade.

Important! In an open place during the dry season, thuja needles are not prone to sunburn, do not dry out.

Once every three years, the crown is updated, the upper part of the shoots falls off, in their place the thuja forms a replacement.

The use of western thuja Reingold in landscape design

Western thuja of the Rheingold variety is one of the most popular decorative forms used in the design of gardens and home gardens. Due to the color of the crown, the plant is harmoniously combined in any combination with low-growing flowering plants, shrubs and large conifers. A slight annual increase is one of the priorities when choosing a thuja. The shrub keeps a given shape for a long time, does not require constant cutting. Photos of the use of western thuja Rheingold in ornamental gardening are presented below.

Thuja Reingold (Reingold, Rheingold) western: photo and description, reviews

Thuja as part of a composition with flowering plants and exotic shrubs.

Thuja Reingold (Reingold, Rheingold) western: photo and description, reviews

On the sides of the path to the main entrance.

Thuja Reingold (Reingold, Rheingold) western: photo and description, reviews

Thuja in a group planting with juniper and dwarf conifers.

Thuja Reingold (Reingold, Rheingold) western: photo and description, reviews

Harmoniously combined in mixborders with plants of various colors and shapes.

Thuja Reingold (Reingold, Rheingold) western: photo and description, reviews

 As a hedge, as a padding of large-sized trees.

Thuja Reingold (Reingold, Rheingold) western: photo and description, reviews

Tapeworm in the center of a flowering flower bed.

Features of reproduction

According to the description given by the originator, thuja Reingold reproduces vegetatively and generatively. Regardless of the method, the survival rate of the shrub is good. Planting seeds takes longer than vegetative propagation.

The seeds of the western thuja Rheingold completely retain the characteristics of the parent bush. The material is collected at the end of October, sown immediately in a container or in a mini-greenhouse. The container is left on the site, covered. Seeds will undergo natural stratification during the winter, and will sprout in the spring. During the spring-summer season, the seedlings are watered, when the weather is settled, the covering material is removed. The following year, in the middle of summer, seedlings dive into separate containers. A year later, in the spring, thuja Reingold is planted on the site. From the moment of sowing the seeds to placing them in a permanent place, at least three years must pass.

Reproduction by cuttings of the western thuja Rheingold is more efficient: two years pass from harvesting the material to planting. Cuttings are cut in July from last year’s shoots. They take the middle part with a length of 25-30 cm. Place it in fertile soil. Covered for the winter. The next season, the plant is watered, by the fall it will be seen which cuttings have taken root. In the spring they are planted in a permanent place.

The western thuja of the Rheingold variety is also propagated by layering. This method is less productive, it is used less frequently, cuttings take root in 60%, and there is no guarantee that young shoots will overwinter even with good frost protection. To obtain planting material, the lower branch of the thuja is bent to the ground and dug in, constantly watered, the soil should not be allowed to dry out at the site of the layering. The work is carried out in the spring, in a year it will be seen how many plots have turned out, they are cut and immediately planted on the site.

Planting and caring for the western thuja Rheingold

If the cultivation of the western thuja Rheingold involves the use of self-prepared material, the root system is examined, damaged fragments are removed, placed in a manganese solution for 6 hours, then Kornevin is suitable for the same time in a growth-stimulating preparation. Seedlings obtained in a generative way are removed from the container along with the root ball, disinfected, and a growth stimulator is used. A seedling purchased from a nursery does not require antifungal treatment. Planting material is best taken with a closed root at the age of three years. The photo shows a thuja Reingold seedling of the optimal size for planting.

Thuja Reingold (Reingold, Rheingold) western: photo and description, reviews

Recommended dates

According to the description, thuja western Rheingold is a frost-resistant plant that can tolerate temperatures down to -38 0C and withstand return frosts down to -7 0C, but these figures refer to an adult plant. Young seedlings of the Rheingold thuja are less resistant, if the shrub does not have time to take root well before the onset of frost, there is a risk that the thuja will die. Therefore, autumn planting in temperate regions is not recommended. A western thuja seedling is placed in a permanent place only in spring. It is necessary to wait for the soil to warm up to +6 0C, for the Central strip this is the beginning or middle of May. In the South, thuja Reingold manages to take root after the autumn planting, if the work is carried out in early September. Spring planting time for regions with a mild climate is the beginning or middle of April.

Site selection and soil preparation

Thuja western Rheingold is valued for its decorative effect and crown density. In order for the needles to have a bright color and grow densely, the shrub needs a sufficient amount of ultraviolet light. In the shade, the color will be dull, the crown is rare. The site is chosen open, without shading.

Thuja prefers fertile, well-oxygenated, light, neutral or slightly acidic soil. The best option for Rheingold is loamy soil without groundwater close to the surface. If the area is swampy, thuja is planted on a hill from the south, east or west side.

The site before planting thuja Rheingold is dug up, organic matter is added, if necessary, the composition is neutralized with lime or dolomite flour. A nutrient substrate is preliminarily prepared from sand, peat, compost and soddy soil in equal proportions. For 10 kg of the mixture add 200 g of urea and 100 g of superphosphate.

Landing algorithm

A landing pit for thuja western Rheingold is prepared in a day. The size of the recess depends on the volume and length of the root system. If the root is closed, the width does not exceed the size of an earthen coma, the depth is 70 cm. If the root system is open, the width of the pit is 15 cm larger, approximately 50 * 50 cm.

Description of the planting process of thuja western Rheingold:

  1. At the bottom of the recess, a drainage cushion is poured with a layer of 20 cm, consisting of coarse gravel from below and fine gravel from above.
  2. The fertile mixture is divided into two parts, one part is poured into the drainage.
  3. The seedling is placed in the center.
  4. Fall asleep with the rest of the substrate, compacted so that there are no voids.
  5. Fill to the top with the remaining soil.
  6. Watering, mulching.
Attention! The root neck of the thuja Reingold remains on the surface flush with the plane.

It is impossible to deepen the neck or raise it strongly above the soil, the success of the survival of the thuja on the site depends on this moment. The photo shows a seedling of thuja Reingold after planting.

Thuja Reingold (Reingold, Rheingold) western: photo and description, reviews

Growing and care rules

Thuja western Rheingold is unpretentious in care. To achieve a decorative habit, it is recommended to follow simple rules regarding watering, sanitary cleaning of the crown and preparatory measures for winter.

Watering Schedule

Thuja Reingold is a heat-loving plant with medium drought resistance. The irrigation schedule is based on seasonal rainfall. The required amount of moisture for young seedlings: 7 liters twice a week. An adult plant is watered 2 times a month (15-20 l). Watering is carried out in the morning or in the evening. At low air humidity, thuja Reingold requires sprinkling, which is best done early in the morning, the amount of water is not limited, the procedure can be carried out daily. To preserve moisture and prevent burns of the root system, the trunk circle is mulched.

Additional fertilizing

Trace elements introduced during planting are enough for a seedling for 4 years of growth. Then thuja Rheingold requires annual top dressing. In the spring, seedlings are fertilized with special products for the Cypress family, you can replace the Kemira-universal. In July, a solution of organic matter is introduced under the root.


Western thuja Rheingold grows slowly, the crown is dense, regular rounded, young shoots do not protrude beyond the visual boundary, so the thuja does not require a shaping haircut. Cleaning is carried out in the spring before sap flow, it is of a healing nature, dry fragments are removed, weak twisted shoots are cut out.

Preparation for winter

Adult thuja Reingold tolerates low temperatures without loss, frozen shoots are completely restored during the growing season. For the winter, the bush is watered abundantly, the root circle is mulched. Young thuja seedlings are covered with special material for the winter and covered with dry leaves.

Pests and diseases

Thuja western Rheingold is highly resistant to pests and diseases. At high humidity, the development of late blight is possible. Fungicides are used to get rid of a fungal infection, watering is reduced. Of the insects, thuja is affected by aphids, the pest is destroyed by Karbofos. Less often, caterpillars of the pestry moth parasitize on the shrub, they are harvested by hand, the crown is treated with Fumitox.


Thuja Reingold is a dwarf evergreen representative of the western thuja. A highly decorative shrub with a bright golden crown, due to its drought resistance, winter hardiness and undemanding care, it leads in terms of consumer demand. The plant is used in landscape design. Thuja harmoniously combines with tall trees, dwarf forms of conifers and flowering shrubs. Culture gives a slight annual increase, does not need to form a crown.

Thuja western Reingold. Thuja occidentalis Rheingold. Landing 2016.


Olga Sorokina, 42 years old, Ryazan
In my dacha, several junipers were planted around the rock garden, there was not enough color accent, so I decided to plant a dwarf thuja. I reviewed a lot of photos and re-read the description of the species, settled on the Rheingold thuja. The shrub is completely suitable for our climate. I got a seedling and planted it. Thuja has been on the site for the fourth year already, the alpine hill has acquired a complete look. Beautiful, compact, dense shrub does not require pruning and special care.
Sergey Ushakov, 38 years old, Moscow region
There are several ornamental shrubs on the plot, but for me the favorite was the western thuja Rheingold. A bright shrub from spring to autumn changes color several times. In the spring, the tops are pale pink, orange by the summer, which looks very aesthetically pleasing against the background of the green needles of the lower branches. By autumn, the thuja is completely painted in maroon color. It grows slowly, a haircut is not required, I have a thuja for the fifth year, during this time I have never been sick.

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