Thuja oil for adenoids for children: reviews, instructions, treatment

Thuja oil for adenoids for children is used for a mild but effective treatment of inflammation. In most cases, the tool helps to quickly cope with the disease, but in order for it not to cause harm, you need to know exactly how the healthy oil is used.

What is dangerous inflammation of the adenoids for children

Everyone has tonsils located on the back wall of the nasopharynx, both in adults and in children. In the normal state, they are small in size and do not interfere with a person in any way. However, with a viral or bacterial disease, the tonsils can become inflamed and turn into adenoids.

Children are most susceptible to inflammation of the adenoids, their immunity is not very strong and cannot resist most viruses. Inflammation of the adenoids is usually divided into 3 degrees depending on the symptoms.

  • First – it is difficult for the child to breathe through the nose at night, which causes anxiety and insomnia, but during the daytime the adenoids do not bother him.
  • The second – breathing is difficult both at night and during the day, the child’s throat constantly tickles, the voice becomes nasal. The child tries to breathe mainly through the mouth, feels constant lethargy and often gets sick, against the background of all this, school performance decreases.
  • The third – the nasal passage becomes completely impassable, and the baby can only breathe through his mouth. The throat is irritated all the time, ARVI and runny nose often appear, purulent otitis media, hearing is reduced. Headaches appear, and short respiratory arrests may occur during sleep. Physically and mentally, the child noticeably weakens.

Thus, inflammation of the adenoids of any degree leads to a decrease in the quality of life, and sometimes creates dangerous situations for health.

The effectiveness of thuja oil for the treatment of adenoids

The beneficial properties of thuja have a strong effect on adenoids. The tool has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and healing effect. Therefore, with adenoids, healing oil:

  • eliminates pathogenic bacteria in the nasopharynx;
  • helps to relieve inflammation;
  • disinfects mucous membranes and prevents re-infection;
  • heals microcracks and wounds formed on the surface of the nasopharynx;
  • promotes the speedy healing of damaged mucous membranes.

In addition, useful thuja has a mild analgesic effect and has a vasoconstrictive effect. Thanks to this, a positive result becomes noticeable immediately, after the first use of the thuja.

Attention! Oil can be used for adenoids only for children over 3 years old, at an earlier age the risk of allergies is too high.

Composition of thuja oil

The valuable properties of the drug are explained by its composition. Thuja contains:

  • aromatic resins and essential oils;
  • tannins;
  • flavonoids;
  • caryophyllene;
  • pillene and pinin;
  • cedrol;
  • fidren.

Thuja also contains trace elements and vitamins necessary for the body, they not only help fight inflammation of the adenoids, but also strengthen the immune system.

Thuja oil for adenoids for children: reviews, instructions, treatment

Pharmaceutical preparations based on thuja oil

Pure undiluted oil has too high a concentration of active substances, so it should not be used for treatment. With adenoids, you need to use special pharmacy products in which the oil is already diluted in the right proportions with other ingredients.

Among the most popular and effective drugs, several can be listed.

  • Tuya Edas-801 – a healing remedy of production with the addition of olive oil. It is prescribed for the treatment of nasopharyngeal polyps, adenoids, rhinitis and otitis media. For children, thuja Edas-801 oil for adenoids is ideal because it does not contain allergenic components, the product does not cause irritation and has no side effects.
  • Tuya DN – a preparation based on safe vaseline oil and thuja extract. Well suited for the treatment of purulent otitis and sinusitis, adenoids and runny nose. It is prescribed, including for children, but it cannot be used for acute rhinitis.
  • Tuya Sat – pharmaceutical preparation in the form of granules, which is prescribed for adenoids, lipomas and fibromas. The main medicinal substance in the composition is thuja extract. The drug has a good effect, but it is used mainly for adults or for children over 5 years old, it is not very convenient to treat babies with granular medicine, they can choke.
  • Тnest GF – the drug consists of an extract of thuja, homeopathic and vaseline oils. It is prescribed for purulent rhinitis and thick discharge from the nose, with inflammation of the adenoids. Intolerance to the drug can occur only with an individual allergy to the active ingredient, but if there is no allergy, the drug will quickly relieve irritation and promote healing.
Important! Pharmaceutical preparations based on thuja may differ slightly in price and composition, but the main active ingredient in them is the same.


Useful oil can be used not only for instillation – there are many more methods of therapy. Which one to choose depends on the age of the children, the severity of the inflammation, and other individual circumstances. Sometimes several methods are combined with each other and used in a complex for the best effect.

Instillation into the nose

Instillation of thuja oil into the nose with adenoids is the main way to use a useful remedy. When injected directly into the nasopharynx with adenoids, the drug brings the fastest and strongest effect.

Apply the tool as follows:

  • for treatment, one of the pharmaceutical preparations with a concentration of not more than 15% is used;
  • oil is instilled 2 drops into each nostril;
  • the procedure is repeated three times or four times a day.

Before using the remedy, you must ask the child to blow his nose thoroughly or drip a weak saline solution into his nose to cleanse the sinuses. Only then the baby needs to be laid on the sofa and dripped with healing thuja. You can’t get up immediately after the procedure, the child must lie down for some time.

Attention! Therapy of adenoids with thuja takes a long time – it will take about 2 months to drip oil daily.

Rinsing of the nose

With severe inflammation of the adenoids with a purulent runny nose, children can wash their nose with a healing mixture using thuja. Prepare this mixture as follows:

  • mix 2 large spoons of calendula, sage and chamomile;
  • pour boiling water and insist 20 minutes;
  • 20 drops of the drug from medicinal thuja are added to the infusion;
  • cool the product and filter it.

Rinse the nose in children with a useful composition twice a day until the condition improves.

Thuja oil for adenoids for children: reviews, instructions, treatment


A good effect is brought by inhalations with healing oil, they are mainly used as part of complex treatment or with mild inflammation of the adenoids.

Only 3 drops of pharmacy oil must be added to a glass of fresh boiling water. When the water has cooled down quite a bit, you need to seat the child over a glass and ask him to gently inhale the fragrant steam for 10-15 minutes. At the same time, covering your head with a towel, as is usually done with inhalations, is not necessary in this case.


Treatment of adenoids can be supplemented with aromatherapy. Thuja oil must be dripped into a special aromatic lamp, usually no more than 4 drops per small room. You can light the lamp during the day or leave it on all night. If the symptoms of a cold and inflammation of the adenoids have appeared recently, then aromatherapy can, in principle, stop the disease in the early stages and prevent its development.

For aromatherapy, you can use pure undiluted oil. With this method of use, a high concentration of nutrients will not do harm.

Aromatic baths

For children after 5 years of age with inflammation of the adenoids, aromatic baths with thuja oil can be arranged. They are made like this – 5-6 drops of pure oil are added to the collected container, while the water temperature should be warm, but not hot.

The child should be in the bath for about 15-20 minutes, it is necessary to ensure that his chest remains above the surface of the water. Healing baths for the treatment and prevention of adenoids are taken daily for a month, and when the disease begins to recede – twice a week until the symptoms disappear completely.

Treatment regimens depending on the degree of development of adenoids

How exactly to use thuja oil depends on the severity of inflammation of the adenoids. It is generally accepted to use several instructions for thuja oil for adenoids in children.

  • Instillation for 1,5 months three times a day, 2-4 drops in each nostril. This method is suitable for grade 2 adenoids, when inflammation is quite pronounced.
  • Instillation for 2 weeks three times a day, 4 drops – a shortened course of treatment is used for grade 1 adenoids. After a course of instillation of oil, you need to take a break for at least 2 weeks, and then, if necessary, the treatment can be repeated.
  • Instillation in combination with other drugs for 1,5 months. In the first week, twice a day, children need to drip Protargol into the nose, and after 15-20 minutes – healing thuja oil. In the second week, Protargol begins to alternate with Argolife, on the third they return only to Protargol and thuja oil, on the fourth they again begin to combine all means with each other. Such a complex treatment should be used for adenoids of the 2nd degree, when it is necessary to fight inflammation with all available methods.
Attention! Reviews of thuja drops for adenoids are mostly positive. But before starting the treatment of adenoids, any therapeutic regimen should be agreed with the pediatrician so as not to accidentally harm the child.

Thuja oil for adenoids for children: reviews, instructions, treatment

Terms and rules of treatment

Healing oil has an effective effect on adenoids, but stable results will have to wait a long time. The course of treatment with thuja takes at least 6 weeks, and together with interruptions, therapy usually lasts about six months.

  • The break between courses should be at least 2 weeks, and preferably about a month.
  • For a good result, instill pharmacy oil into the nose three times a day, at least 2 drops. However, overdose should not be allowed, otherwise the remedy will harm.
  • Instillation of thuja is carried out only for a cleansed nose, the nasal passages must first be washed with salt water or a special spray.
  • Immediately after instillation, it is necessary for the child to lie down for another quarter of an hour, the oil should drain into the nasopharynx through the mucous membranes.

Reviews of the drug thuja for adenoids claim that, as a rule, the first results from the use of thuja come in 1-2 months. But breathing through the nose becomes easier already in the first week of using the product.

Review of Komarovsky on the use of thuja oil for adenoids

The famous pediatrician, Dr. Komarovsky, has repeatedly spoken about the healing properties of thuja oil. In general, he evaluates the effectiveness of the oil positively and agrees that the remedy can be used to treat adenoids.

However, at the same time, the pediatrician emphasizes that thuja from adenoids is suitable for treatment only in the initial stages. If we are talking about inflammation of the 3rd degree, then you need to think about surgery and removal of the adenoids. Therapeutic treatment in this case will not give an effect; rather, the situation will only worsen if the surgical intervention is postponed.

Compatibility with other drugs

One of the main advantages of healing oil is that it can be freely combined with other drugs. The tool is ideal for complex treatment.

  • Most often, the oil is used together with Protargol and Argolife drops – these drugs are included in the popular treatment regimen for adenoids. In both antiseptics, the active ingredient is a solution of colloidal silver, which goes well with thuja. The treatment regimen usually looks like this – for a week, thuja is combined with Protargol, and then Argolife is used for another week, and so on for 1-1,5 months. You can also alternate drugs by day. You must first instill one of the antiseptic solutions into the nose, and only then use a soft healing oil.
  • You can use thuja along with drops based on sea water. Harm from this also will not happen, on the contrary, the oil will soften the mucous membranes. Usually, children’s noses are washed with drops or spray with sea water, and after a quarter of an hour, useful pharmacy oil is instilled.

When inhaled and preparing wellness baths, thuja extract interacts well with any natural oils, for example, citrus and eucalyptus esters, sea buckthorn and jojoba base oils.

Advice! It is necessary to use oils for inhalation and baths as follows – esters are mixed in equal proportions of 1-2 drops, no more than 3 products at a time, and only a drop of ether is added to 100 ml of base oil.

But it is not recommended to use a mixture of oils for instillation into the nose or washing, even in low concentrations – this can lead to harm to health. Plant extracts are too viscous and not suitable for nasal instillation in combination with thuja.

Thuja oil for adenoids for children: reviews, instructions, treatment

Limitations and contraindications

According to reviews, thuja from adenoids in children brings an excellent effect, given the contraindications and possible side effects. You can not use thuja:

  • with allergies to thuja extract and, in general, coniferous essential oils;
  • with acute rhinitis;
  • with inflammation of the adenoids of the 3rd degree – in this case, only surgery is indicated.

Also, when using the drug is prohibited:

  • use 100% undiluted thuja ether for instillation and washing, this oil will cause burns to the baby;
  • combine thuja with other essential oils without permission from a doctor;
  • use an aroma lamp daily in a child’s room – an excess of essential components can be harmful.

It is necessary to treat adenoids with thuja oil only according to proven schemes. Between courses of therapy it is necessary to take breaks.


Thuja oil for adenoids for children can be of great benefit in the early stages of inflammation. If you use it according to the instructions, the remedy will eliminate pain, facilitate nasal breathing of the child and eliminate most of the unpleasant symptoms.

Adenoids – School of Dr. Komarovsky

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