Thuja oil for adenoids

Thuja oil for adenoids

Thuja is a plant known to mankind since ancient times. Our forefathers considered thuja a real symbol of a long and healthy life, as they were repeatedly convinced of the healing properties of its oil from their own experience. It was used to get rid of a wide variety of diseases, and it really helped. Therefore, thuja oil has not lost its relevance in the modern world, despite the abundance of a wide variety of medicines.

For treatment, it is homeopathic thuja oil that is widely used, since the essential oil is toxic to the human body. The oil is made from needles and cones of a tree that has stood for at least 15 years.

All practicing homeopaths adhere to the rule that like should be treated with like. Therefore, thuja oil therapy occurs without harming human health, improves immunity, and allows you to get rid of diseases without the use of chemistry.

In homeopathic thuja oil, the percentage of potent components is extremely low, which allows the treatment to be carried out gently and without harm to the body. No wonder it is prescribed to help children with adenoids and rhinitis, as a safe and natural remedy, but this does not mean that the drug cannot be used to treat older patients.

The benefits of thuja oil for adenoids

Thuja oil for adenoids

Thuja oil contains tannins, resins, phytoncides, vegetable glycosides, and antioxidants.

It is this diverse composition that explains the abundance of useful properties of this homeopathic remedy:

  • The use of thuja oil allows you to relieve inflammation, destroy bacteria, viruses, fungal microorganisms.

  • Due to the narrowing of the vessels after the instillation of thuja oil into the nasal passages, the swelling of the mucous membrane decreases, which means that nasal breathing is restored.

  • Thuja oil promotes cell regeneration, has a hemostatic effect, eliminates pain.

  • Thuja oil increases the local resistance of the body, so it allows you to quickly get rid of the disease.

  • Since ancient times, the tonic properties of thuja oil have been known, which make it possible to forget about anxiety, stress, irritability. Increases physical endurance.

  • Mental abilities improve.

  • Thuja oil can be used to get rid of dermatological growths, as well as to remove parasites from the body.

For internal use, only homeopathic oil can be used. Tui essential oil has a pronounced toxic effect, therefore it is used only on medical advice and exclusively externally.

How to use thuja oil for adenoids?

Thuja oil for adenoids

Several companies are engaged in the production of thuja homeopathic oil, including: Tuya GF, Tuya DN, Edas – 801.

The official instructions indicate that the drug improves metabolic processes in tissues, increases the secretion of mucous membranes and skin. Therefore, it can be used to treat chronic rhinitis with atrophic changes in the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, adenoids, warts, warts. Thuja oil is used for various lesions of the oral mucosa and otitis media.

Instructions for use:

  • To get rid of skin growths, the drug is applied pointwise to the affected area. The procedure should be repeated 2-3 times a day.

  • For diseases of the nasal cavity, 3-4 drops of the drug are injected into each nasal passage. The procedure is repeated 2-3 times a day.

  • For the treatment of otitis media, you need to moisten the turunda in oil and insert it into the ear canal. You can also apply the drug to the area behind the auricle.

  • To treat diseases of the oral cavity (stomatitis or periodontal disease), you should lubricate the affected areas with thuja oil several times a day.

The course of treatment can be long and in some cases it is delayed for 90-120 days. In the first 2-3 days, the symptoms of the disease may increase, but this should not be the reason for refusing to use thuja oil. An increase in symptoms only means that the remedies have begun to work.

Thuja oil inhalations

With thuja oil, inhalations can be done. To do this, take 5 drops of the product and a glass of very hot water (no more than 250 ml). You need to inhale the vapors of thuja oil for 15 minutes. Cover the top with a towel. To get the effect of the procedure, it must be carried out regularly. The method is suitable only for the treatment of adult patients.

Contraindications and side effects

As for the side effects of the drug, they could not be identified.

Contraindications to the use of thuja oil:

  • Childbearing period.

  • Individual intolerance to thuja oil.

  • epileptic seizures.

How to use thuja oil to treat a child?

Thuja oil for adenoids

Adenoids are areas of lymphoid tissue that have grown in the nasopharynx. Most often, adenoids affect children aged 2-14 years. Enlarged tonsils disrupt the child’s nasal breathing, as the mucous membrane swells greatly.

In this case, the flow of mucus from the nose may not be observed, and the child will still breathe through the mouth. Other signs of adenoids in a child:

  • Headache.

  • Snoring during sleep.

  • Persistent nasal congestion.

  • Nasal.

  • Thick discharge from nose.

  • Cough that is worse at night.

Any rhinovirus infection has a long course and is difficult to treat. If a child has a set of these symptoms, then parents should take him to an otolaryngologist.

Another danger of adenoids is that they are a source of infection, which can lead to systematic intoxication of the body as a whole and lower its natural defenses.

In childhood, undertreated adenoids can cause the following health problems:

  • Hearing impairment.

  • Lag in speech development.

  • Pathological development of the bones of the face and teeth.

  • Frequent otitis.

  • Frequent inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract: tracheitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis.

  • Frequent catarrhal infections, their protracted course.

  • Lag in the school curriculum.

  • Nervous disorders.

There are three degrees of development of adenoids in a child. If the baby has the initial stage of the disease, then he breathes through his nose, but at night he switches to mouth breathing. The second and third degrees of the disease are characterized by severe nasal congestion, night snoring, daytime lethargy and irritability. With the third degree of adenoids, the child suffers from frequent acute respiratory viral infections, he may have serious hearing problems.

If adenoids have an uncomplicated course, then their treatment with conservative methods is possible. A small patient is sent to undergo physiotherapy, he is prescribed vitamins and immunostimulants. It is imperative to clear the nose of mucus, for which the nasal passages are washed with disinfecting solutions. Then, various drugs with anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and anti-edematous effects are injected into the nose.

When the lymphoid tissue grows strongly, it must be removed. There is no other way to help a sick child. It is always worth remembering that the operation is stressful for the baby, which means that it is better to treat the disease in the early stages of its development. Thuja oil can provide a very tangible assistance in this, especially since it is safe for the health of the child and helps to increase his immunity.

How to properly instill oil in the nose of a child?

Thuja oil for adenoids

Only homeopathic thuja oil can be injected into the nose of a child. Essential oil is not used for this purpose. The concentration of plant pomace in the vial should not exceed 15%.

The flow of the procedure is as follows:

  • Take a saline solution into the pipette, tilt the child’s head and rinse both nasal passages with this product. Then you need to ask the child to blow his nose.

  • In each nasal passage, 2 drops of thuja oil are injected. In this case, the head should be kept slightly thrown back.

  • After instillation of the drug, the child is placed in bed and left in this position for 10 minutes.

Treatment lasts a month, after which they take a break for 30 days. If necessary, the course of treatment can be repeated 3-4 times.

Thuja oil for rhinitis and sinusitis

Thuja oil for adenoids

With rhinitis, thuja oil should not be used for treatment in the acute period. The oily consistency of the remedy can disrupt the functioning of the mucous membrane of the nasal passages, increase its swelling and aggravate the course of the disease.

Thuja oil should be used when the mucus in the nose thickens and begins to separate with difficulty. The drug liquefies the contents of the nasal sinuses, facilitates breathing, eliminates the inflammatory process, and moisturizes the mucous membrane.

With sinusitis inflammation of the sinuses occurs, which is often the result of prolonged and sluggish rhinitis. The natural outflow of mucus from the sinuses is disturbed, which leads to inflammation of their mucous membranes.

Pressing pains in the nose and eye sockets, severe headaches, and an increase in body temperature will indicate sinusitis. The mucus discharged from the nasal passages has a yellow tint, which means the presence of pus in it. In this case, you need to contact an otolaryngologist as soon as possible.

Tui oil is used in a complex treatment of sinusitis, along with vasoconstrictor drops, nasal lavage with antiseptic solutions, and inhalations.

The effect of using thuja oil is as follows:

  • Destruction of microbes.

  • Improving the outflow of mucus and purulent masses.

  • Facilitate nasal breathing.

  • Liquefaction of thick secretion.

The drug should be injected into each nasal passage 2-3 times a day, 3-4 drops. The course of treatment should last at least 10 days. If necessary, it is extended, but a minimum break is made beforehand.

You can enhance the healing effect of using thuja oil with the help of aromatherapy. To do this, pour a tablespoon of water and 4 drops of thuja oil into an aromatic lamp. Inhalation of therapeutic vapors helps to increase the overall tone of the body, disinfect the air, and improve mood.

About the dangers of thuja oil

You can harm your own health only on the condition that thuja essential oil will be used for treatment. It can only be used externally. Homeopathic oil is not dangerous to humans, provided that it is used for its intended purpose.

Although there are very few contraindications to the use of thuja oil, elementary precautions should not be forgotten. So, before the first use, an allergy test should be carried out. If the body does not give a pathological reaction, then you can safely use this drug for its intended purpose.

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