thrush Treatment
thrush Treatment
thrush Treatment

Treatment of thrush is a problem that women often face. And this is due to the huge number of reasons that cause thrush. However, the modern pharmaceutical market offers a huge number of various means to eliminate thrush.

When prescribing the right therapy, it is important to rely on the results of laboratory tests (crops). Based on this, it is possible to determine the sensitivity of opportunistic microflora to a specific active substance.

Few people know, but the Candida fungi themselves are not homogeneous. The causative agents of thrush can be both ordinary Candida albicans, and much more resistant to the effects of Candida glabrata preparations. That is why it is so important to identify a specific pathogen using bacterial cultures. So the attending specialist will be able to prescribe the most effective, but at the same time safe treatment for thrush.

The very first signs of the disease

The very first signs to look out for are:

  • Acute burning and itching in the genital area;

  • Redness of the genitals and vagina;

  • White highlights;

  • Painful urination;

  • Pain during intercourse.

Is it possible to cure thrush in one day?

The latest generation of antifungal agents can eliminate all signs of thrush in one day. A single dose of Fluconazole 150 mg capsule makes it possible to destroy the foci of fungal infection. With a recurrent form of thrush, you can take 1 capsule per week or once a month. The course of treatment in this case is selected by the doctor individually, it can be 6-12 months.

Rapid elimination of symptoms, lasting results are provided by systemic treatment with Fluconazole in the form of capsules and suppositories. The drug has an antifungal, anti-inflammatory effect. Fluconazole as an active substance is used in the production of Diflazon, Diflucan, Mycosyst, Medoflucon, Flucostat, Forkan. The active ingredient causes a metabolic disorder in the cells of the fungus, provoking their death. Fluconazole is rapidly absorbed into the blood, penetrating into all organs. The accumulation of the substance allows you to eliminate the fungal infection of any localization. The effect of the drug in vaginal candidiasis is noted after the first application. Full recovery can be achieved after 3-4 days of therapy.

The reason for contacting a doctor may be the persistence of symptoms of the disease 6-8 after taking the drug.

Natalya Petrukhina, a specialist in women’s health and natural family planning, will tell you how to get rid of thrush once and for all:

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