Thrush cream: how to treat candidiasis? Video
Thrush, or candidiasis, is one of the most common fungal diseases. Most often, women suffer from it – about 70 percent of the fairer sex have had thrush at least once in their life. Adequate treatment and the right preventive measures help get rid of this unpleasant disease and reduce the risk of its recurrence to a minimum.
Thrush: treatment of candidiasis
Thrush is caused by fungi of the genus Candida, which are constantly present in the human body, but under certain conditions begin to grow and multiply rapidly.
Most often, the intensive reproduction of mushrooms is an indicator of a decrease in immunity. Thrush can begin as a result of taking drugs that suppress the natural microflora of the body, against the background of chronic infectious or endocrine diseases, metabolic disorders.
Thrush is most often infected with young children, the fungus settles in the body, but may not manifest itself in any way for many years. Less common adult infections through sexual intercourse
It usually affects the skin and mucous membranes of the mouth or genitals. Possible candidiasis of internal organs, most often the intestines, esophagus, respiratory organs. But most often, when complaining about thrush, women mean exactly vulvovaginal candidiasis – damage to the mucous membranes of the external genital organs.
Symptoms of vaginal candidiasis:
- itching (sometimes unbearable, worse in the evening)
- copious white vaginal discharge that resembles lumps of cottage cheese
- swelling and redness of the external genital organs
- burning and pain during sexual intercourse
- bad vaginal odor
To get rid of thrush, you need to see a doctor. Common home remedies for candidiasis, including douching with soda solution, tampons soaked in milk, and other folk remedies, at best, bring a short-term disappearance of symptoms and relief of the condition without affecting the number and rate of reproduction of the fungus. In this case, candidiasis becomes chronic, affecting the internal organs, and it becomes more and more difficult to cure it.
Treatment of candidiasis requires an integrated approach. Self-administration of drugs is unacceptable – usually in this case, women are guided by the reviews of friends and relatives or by advertising, take the first drug they come across without observing the required dosage and rules of use, and stop taking the drug when they get rid of the discomfort, after which the thrush comes back again.
Usually, antimicrobial and antifungal drugs are used to treat thrush, there are also combined agents
Mostly, preparations for topical use are prescribed (creams, suppositories or vaginal tablets), in some cases (more often with advanced or recurrent thrush), the doctor may choose tablets for oral administration or prescribe injections.
Immunostimulating drugs are prescribed as needed. The sexual partners of a sick woman, if they do not have any manifestations of the disease, usually do not need to be treated.
Special means for intimate hygiene are widely used, normalizing the acid-base balance of the mucous membranes of the genital organs
In addition to treating candidiasis itself, attention should be paid to the underlying disease, if it caused a decrease in immunity. Diet is also important – sugar, carbohydrate-rich foods will have to be excluded from the diet, and fermented milk products must be consumed.
For the prevention of thrush, it is important to prevent a decrease in immunity, to avoid wearing tight trousers and synthetic underwear. You should be more careful about intimate hygiene – do not use alkaline soaps, gels with fragrances, but hypoallergenic mild soap and clean water help reduce the risk of relapse.