Thrush and canker sores in infants – symptoms and treatment
Thrush and canker sores in infants - symptoms and treatmentThrush and canker sores in infants – symptoms and treatment

Newly baked mothers very often struggle with various ailments in their toddler, often giving the whole family sleepless nights. A poorly developed immune system does not help in such a situation. One of the ailments of infants is thrush and canker sores. The symptoms of both diseases can very often be confused with other ailments, which results in taking inappropriate countermeasures and choosing the wrong treatment. So how do you recognize thrush and canker sores in babies? How to cure them?

Thrush in an infant – what are they and why do they arise?

Thrush is very often underestimated by mothers or confused with the remains of milk that has settled on the tongue. Sometimes, they find out that they are dealing with thrush during a routine check-up with a doctor. Thrush takes the form of a creamy coating on the tongue, palate, and inside of the cheek. Attempts to wipe off such stains usually end in bleeding, which paradoxically makes it easier to accurately determine the condition. Thrush infection is usually transmitted by an infant sucking an infected mother’s breast or licking a dirty or poorly cleaned pacifier. Therefore, the causes of infection with these yeasts clearly indicate poor hygiene, although it happens that antibiotic treatment is behind it. Although the condition is not dangerous, it makes it difficult for the child to eat and sometimes causes pain. Unnoticed in time, thrush develops in the mouth, taking the form of a thick sheepskin and preventing the baby from sucking.

Thrush in babies – how to deal with them?

The characteristic symptom of thrush takes the form of a white tongue in an infant. Young mothers struggling with such a problem with their baby can take a number of preventive measures to inhibit the development of yeast infections or prevent their nesting. Treatment of such an ailment usually comes down to the use of various antiseptics in the form of gels or liquids. Breastfeeding infection can also be prevented by first washing the nipple with the medicine. It is also necessary to wash the nipples before and after each feeding. Very often, mothers lubricate the changed places in the mouth with a spatula or apply the medicine dropwise. Pediatricians suggest improving this activity and using a finger instead of a spatula. Of course, this should be preceded by thorough hand washing, applying gauze to the finger and wetting it with an antiseptic liquid. The softness and flexibility of the finger will allow non-invasive touching of changed places and not enlarging existing wounds. This operation should be repeated several times a day, always after feeding the baby. In conclusion, thrush in a newborn can be effectively prevented, and when it occurs, it can be quickly dealt with.

Aphthous ulcers in children – how serious is the condition?

Aphthae are tiny blisters with red rims that are located in the mouth. Aphthae in an infant are inflammatory changes characteristic of slightly older children whose diet has been enriched with additional food ingredients, resulting in a change in the pH in the mouth and hindering the development of yeast. Aphthae appear after infection with a virus or bacteria. The general symptoms of infection are the toddler’s fussiness, lack of appetite, increased temperature. Bacteria are waiting for small children everywhere. The easiest way to get infected with them is by using an improperly washed pacifier, which the child does not part with at this stage of development and puts it back in the mouth as soon as possible after each removal from the mouth. This infection is also favored by weakness and the circumstances of teething, during which the mucous membrane becomes easily infected. The reduction of pain while eating is facilitated by serving crushed food, avoiding acidic and salty ingredients, rinsing the mouth with infusions of sage, chamomile and the use of disinfectants. Tantum verde for infants in aerosol is also very popular.

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