Throbbing pain in the head

Throbbing pain in the head

Throbbing pains in the head – it seems that everything would have taken down, but not for them! Slowly letting go from their tenacious paws, exhausting not only with the pain itself, but also with this terrible pulsation … Until you lost your mind from what to do and how to help yourself?

Often, throbbing pain in the head occurs as a symptom of a serious cold. Let’s figure it out.

Pulsating pain in the head: causes

Throbbing pain in the head may occur if you suffer from colds. This can be a kind of “hint” of meningitis, sinusitis, and various other sinusitis. If a throbbing headache is combined with pain in the eye, as well as redness, special sensitivity of the eye, visual impairment, as well as vomiting and nausea, then the possibility of acute angle-closure glaucoma must be excluded urgently. It is necessary to measure the intraocular pressure.

A throbbing headache of a chronic nature, including a twitching pain in the head, may be the result of an unsuccessful selection of glasses and diopters, that is, the eye is forced to be in a tense state for a long time, and this affects the state of the optic nerve. Most often, such pain appears in the afternoon and is combined with tense neck muscles, and the scalp seems to tighten.

Short pains in the head, but intense enough can indicate hypothermia, especially if there is pain in the throat or nose. Eating cold food, such as ice cream, may also be the cause. Patients with migraine are most susceptible to this pain when the passage receptors, namely the receptors of the posterior pharyngeal wall, are irritated.

A throbbing headache is often a symptom of a migraine. It is a very common disease with as yet not very well understood causes. According to statistics, young women are most often exposed to it in the morning after waking up. The pain in this case can be either mild or simply unbearable. A severe throbbing migraine headache may be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and intolerance to bright light and loud sounds. A migraine can last up to three days, but most often it does not go away for several hours. Gradually, the throbbing pain in the head decreases and a state of incredible lethargy and drowsiness sets in. Studies have shown that in people prone to migraines, areas in the brain stem are over-active. It is on these areas that the hormonal background of the human body affects. This is connected with the fact that mainly women suffer from migraines. But hormonal fluctuations are only one of the possible causes of migraines. Pulsating headache with migraine can occur after stress, heavy physical exertion, alcohol abuse, people who smoke or use drugs are susceptible to it. Very often migraines are inherited.

Pulsating pain in the head: treatment

The first step is to visit a doctor. (on the list of mandatory visits to a neurologist, ophthalmologist, therapist, and sometimes the help of a neurosurgeon or infectious disease specialist may be needed) to exclude serious diseases as the cause of pain. But since it is contraindicated to endure a headache, it is very harmful, it is worth drinking “Paracetamol”, “Aspirin” or drugs with ibuprofen. In this case, the main thing is not to overdo it, taking medications in large quantities, since you can easily harm the body.

Traditional medicine offers many ways to deal with migraines, one of them is to dip your head in hot water for a few minutes. In principle, everyone has their own ways of eliminating migraine headaches. Sometimes even a cup of regular coffee or a serving of ice cream helps (unless the migraine is associated with cold).

With an increase in blood pressure, pulsating beats in the head are also felt. In this case, blood pressure lowering agents will help.

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