Throat protection in spring and summer

Spring and summer is a period when our throat is particularly exposed to irritation and various types of infections. Therefore, it is not worth getting fooled by the nice weather – you need to approach protection with special care.

Spring and summer are not good for the throat

Usually, we are surprised by the fact that during spring, and even summer, ours throat succumbs irritation and we catch all kinds infections. After all, the temperature is higher, so theoretically nothing should threaten us, right? This is unfortunately wrong thinking. For throat very dangerous because they are big fluctuations temperaturewhich we most often deal with during spring and summer.

The weather itself can surprise you with its variability and a beautiful hot day can become cold and rainy minute by minute. The air conditioning is also harmful to uswhich is now installed in most offices – in high temperatures outside it is usually set to a very low temperature inside, which jest a huge shock for our throat. Additionally, air conditioning enhances dryness of the respiratory tract. Finally, we harm ourselves by drinking heavily chillede drinks and eating ice cream or sorbetswhile staying in the sun.

They also have an additional problem Allergy sufferers. It might seem ubiquitous spring pollen they only attack the nose, causing hay fever. However, it should be remembered that the respiratory system is a system of communicating vessels. When we have a stuffy nose, we breathe more often through our mouths. During gas exchange, a person processes several thousand liters of air a day. It’s easy to imagine how very dry in the time of runny nose is the throat.

wiosna it is also a period when a characteristic turning point occurs. This is due to the fact that by winter months we eat less fruit i vegetables and we don’t go out so often Sun. So we have ready recipe na vitamin deficiencywhich echoes throughout the body, causing more than just that fatiguebut also lowering resistance.

It all adversely affects mucosamaking it impossible for her function properly. It ceases to emit appropriate the amount of mucus i throat becomes overdry.

Then the characteristic appears hoarseness i voice problems. However, these are the least serious side effects of a strained throat. Irritated membranes that are not properly secured with mucus are open gates for bacteria i viruses. This explains why so often in the period spring we catch tonsillitis and other serious infections.

Children who eat cold treats most eagerly, and their immune system is not yet fully developed, are particularly vulnerable to it. Additionally, in kindergartens and schools, they come into contact with a large number of peers from whom they easily catch pathogens.

Throat – the gate to disease

That is why warm days are a period when we should take special care of our throats. The more that cry, infected throat it is in fact only the beginning of the problems. Infections they quickly spread to the tonsilsand at a later stage even in the sinuses, which can end up in serious health problems. While healing the throat is not a problem in itself, healing the sinuses can take weeks or even months.

How to protect the throat

First of all, let’s make sure that it is unnecessarily do not expose yourself to rapid temperature changes. While we do not always have an influence on the temperature in the office, we can safely avoid it icy drinking drinks while staying in the heat.

The same applies to caring for proper hydration. It is difficult at work, but if you have a sensitive throat, you should definitely get a humidifier in house. It is worth placing it primarily in the bedroom, where we spend several hours while sleeping.

Remember to breathe properly. This is especially important when exercising. One of the main functions of the nasal cavity is to heat the air. This is why inhalation should always be through your nose.

If you suffer from allergy, treat its symptoms. This is obviously inconvenient, but hay fever can make the throat very dry.

This may seem obvious, but it is also extremely important oral hygiene. Regular tooth brushing and the use of rinsing liquids allows you to get rid of harmful bacteria that are dangerous not only to the enamel, but also to the throat. The throat can also be rinsed with infusion from sage.

Finally, if you are a smoker, you have another argument to make quit a bad habit. Tobacco smoke is very bad for you condition of the throat. The same is true of the steam produced by e-cigarettes. People who use them even complain about more scratching w gardle when using them.

Natural help

In prophylaxis throat diseases Products that nature gives us can turn out to be extremely useful. Mentioned earlier sage has a soothing effect throat irritation and infections. They will also be helpful thyme or turnip.

Interestingly, it’s best for throat however, it is not herbs that affect it, but a certain species of … fungus. It is about Icelandic lungwort. Health properties of this lichen have been known since the XNUMXth century. It produces a large amount of mucus which, covering the throat, replaces the body’s natural secretion and is barrier protective. Moreover, the lungfish also has bacteriostatic propertieswhich means it stops the bacteria from multiplying.

Lung is in Poland under security, so it cannot be used on its own at present, but there are drugs available in pharmacies that contain natural extracts of this mushroom. It is worth reaching for them not only when the throat is already damaged, but also prophylactically, because such supplements are completely safe and can be used even by children and pregnant women.

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