throat fungus

throat fungus

A fungus in the throat is an inflammatory disease that is called pharyngomycosis in medicine. The mucous membrane of the pharynx is affected as a result of its colonization by mycotic organisms. The disease can proceed according to the pseudomembranous, erythematous, erosive-ulcerative and hyperplastic type.

According to available statistics, a fungus in the throat among common diseases of the pharynx is diagnosed in 30-40% of cases. Moreover, otolaryngologists unequivocally assert a trend towards an increase in the number of patients with mycotic lesions of the throat in recent years. The fungus in the throat equally affects both adults and children. However, fungal diseases of the oral cavity are more common in childhood. Pharyngomycosis is often combined with gingivitis, glossitis, stomatitis and cheilitis in adulthood.

Fungal infection of the pharynx is quite difficult compared to other inflammatory processes in the pharynx. The likelihood of developing fungal sepsis, or mycosis of internal organs, increases. The main causative agents of the disease are fungi of the genus Candida, they provoke pharyngomycosis in 93% of cases. Only in 5% of cases the disease is caused by mold mycotic organisms. Almost all of these types of fungi are saprophytes, belong to the conditionally pathogenic microflora and are activated when the body’s reactivity fails.

throat fungus symptoms

The symptoms of a throat fungus are quite pronounced. Patients experience the following symptoms:

  • There is marked discomfort in the throat. Patients may experience sensations of dryness, burning and scratching in the affected area.

  • Pain can range from moderate to severe. They tend to increase during meals. Pain is especially pronounced after taking salty, spicy, peppery and pickled foods. Sometimes the pain may radiate to the lower jaw, the front of the neck, or to the ear.

  • Perhaps the development of cervical lymphadenitis, that is, an increase in regional lymph nodes in size, their soreness.

  • Often a fungus in the throat is accompanied by the formation of a jam – a lesion of the corners of the mouth. Glossitis and candidal cheilitis can also be observed. At the same time, the border of the lips is clearly defined, infiltrated and covered with a grayish coating. Cracks in the corners of the mouth are covered with curdled crusts, when you try to open your mouth wide, the patient experiences pain.

  • The general condition of the patient is disturbed, the body temperature rises, headaches and general malaise appear. As a rule, body temperature does not gain high values ​​​​and rises to subfebrile levels.

  • The mucous membrane of the throat swells, a plaque forms on it.

  • It is possible to independently visualize the focus of mycotic inflammation on the tonsils. There is also plaque on the arches and on the back of the pharynx.

  • Sometimes fungi spread to the tongue and the inner surface of the cheeks with the capture of the esophagus and larynx.

When the disease is provoked by yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida, the plaque has a white color and a consistency similar to cottage cheese. The plaque can be easily removed, under it an inflamed, red and swollen mucous throat is visualized. Sometimes you can find areas of ulceration that bleed slightly.

When the fungus in the throat is the result of mold damage, the plaque has a yellowish tint and it is quite problematic to remove it. There is some similarity with diphtheria plaque.

The fungus in the throat is prone to frequent relapses. Exacerbations in patients occur up to 10 times a year. Most often, it is the acute form of the disease that is transformed into a chronic one. This is due to incorrect diagnosis, as well as as a result of an illiterately chosen treatment regimen. In this regard, self-administration of drugs or complete disregard for the pathological process is no less dangerous.

Fungal chronic lesions of the throat differ from acute processes. The main difference lies in the localization of the mycotic lesion. With chronicization of the process, the posterior wall of the oropharynx turns out to be hyperemic and prone to infiltration, without including the tonsils in the pathological process. Plaques may form on them, but they are insignificant outside the aggravation phase.

Causes of a fungus in the throat

throat fungus

The cause of the fungus in the throat is most often mycotic yeast-like organisms of the genus Candida, which are opportunistic human flora and normally exist in the mucous membranes without causing inflammation. With a decrease in immune forces, fungi begin to actively multiply and are capable of provoking a disease such as pharyngomycosis.

The provocative factors are:

  • The presence of the immunodeficiency virus in the human body. It is known that up to 10% of AIDS patients die due to fungal infections.

  • Frequent viral infections.

  • Tuberculosis.

  • Any endocrine pathology, including diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism and obesity.

  • Systemic blood diseases.

  • The presence of malignant tumors in the body. With such tumors, the balance of vitamins is disturbed, malfunctions occur in protein and carbohydrate metabolism, as a result, the general and antimycotic resistance of the body falls and mycosis of the larynx develops.

  • Irrational use of antibacterial drugs for a long time.

  • Traumatic injuries of the pharyngeal mucosa are additional risk factors for the development of the disease.

  • Treatment with glucocorticosteroids, chemotherapy.

  • Use of removable dentures.

  • Diseases of the digestive system.

Diagnosis of a fungus in the throat

Competent diagnostics is of no small importance in prescribing the correct treatment and in relation to preventing the transition of the disease from an acute form to a chronic one.

After a detailed questioning of the patient regarding existing complaints, the otolaryngologist performs an examination of the pharynx and identifies existing deposits, swelling and infiltration. However, visual methods are not enough to make a definitive diagnosis. Therefore, the patient is sent for the delivery of a smear from the pharynx.

Microscopic examination of a native or stained smear from the surface of the tonsils and pharynx reveals mycotic cells, spores and pseudomycelium. It is better to perform the method in a screening way, since the culture study is much longer in time. However, the latter method makes it possible to identify the type of mycotic organism and determine its sensitivity to antibacterial drugs.

To establish the cause that provoked the disease, the patient is sent to an appointment with an immunologist and an endocrinologist. Testing for syphilis, diabetes mellitus, HIV infection, hepatitis is required.

It is important to distinguish a fungal infection of the throat from a bacterial one, from a sore throat, throat cancer, from pharyngitis and other similar conditions.

throat fungus treatment

throat fungus

Therapy of the disease is built on three basic principles:

  • For the treatment of throat fungus, the use of both local and systemic antimycotic drugs will be required. All previously used antibiotics should be discontinued.

  • It is necessary to restore disturbances in the intestinal microbiocenosis. This is realized with the help of dietary nutrition and products containing live bacteria.

Therapy for uncomplicated mycosis of the throat begins with the use of local antimycotics, only if they are ineffective, the patient is transferred to oral administration.

If the fungus in the throat is diagnosed in the acute stage, then the course of treatment is most often from 1 to 2 weeks. When it is possible to achieve a relapse, it is possible to use drugs in a prophylactic dosage. With a complicated course of the fungus of the throat, the patient is hospitalized and treated in a hospital.

As for local treatment, it is carried out with the help of local antiseptic agents. The back wall of the pharynx is subjected to treatment, endopharyngeal installations and washing of the inflamed tonsils are performed. It is important to alternate antiseptics every week.

In parallel, it is necessary to carry out the treatment of concomitant diseases that provoked mycosis of the throat. After performing an immunogram, the patient, if necessary, is prescribed therapy using immunomodulators.

If the patient seeks medical help in a timely manner, the disease is correctly diagnosed and appropriate treatment is carried out, then most often the fungus in the throat can be successfully treated. The prognosis for a full recovery in chronic disease is less favorable.

Throat fungus prevention

To prevent the disease, doctors have developed the following recommendations:

  • Taking antibiotic therapy should not be unreasonably long. The course should last exactly as long as necessary to eliminate the bacterial infection and no more. You can not use antibacterial drugs to prevent ARVI. If a repeated antibacterial course is required, then antifungal therapy should be carried out in parallel.

  • If treatment is carried out with corticosteroids, both local and systemic, the condition of the oropharyngeal mucosa should be especially carefully monitored.

  • After each meal, rinse your mouth with boiled water.

  • Pastes used to clean the mouth should contain antimicrobial ingredients.

  • Treatment of caries, tonsillitis, periodontitis, as well as other diseases of the oral cavity and pharynx should be timely.

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