Throat Chakra Opening Techniques

Hello dear readers! Today we will talk about how to open the throat chakra, Vishuddha. It is the fifth chakra and is located in the neck.

It is necessary to develop it for those who experience difficulties in the field of communication. Who is not only unable to convey their thoughts to other people, but also does not know how to hear, rely on the inner voice and act, experiencing inspiration.

Therefore, if you want to express yourself creatively and influence others, this article is for you.


Vishuddha is depicted in blue, it regulates the functioning of the thyroid gland, throat and even ears and hands. And although it is located almost at the very top, it is a connecting link between the other chakras. This makes it possible not only to transmit information to the Universe, but also to receive it.

It also helps to express emotions, facilitating and making clearer the life of a person in whom it is developed and disclosed to a sufficient extent. Otherwise, the feelings kept inside will inevitably destroy the body, take away forces and resources that could be directed to achieve their goals.

Thanks to her, a person experiences inner harmony, it is easier for him to build relationships with other people. He is self-confident and strives to create something, to create. Because when Vishuddha is revealed, talents and love for art are also revealed.

Such a person is responsible, purposeful and it is impossible to influence her opinion. Especially if the thoughts and ideas of other people contradict her values ​​and outlook on life.

She is not afraid that she will be condemned, devalued. Since it relies on its own knowledge of what characteristics it has. That is, he is not afraid to withstand social, group pressure.

In psychology, the desire to please others through submission, agreement with their point of view is called conformity.

Throat Chakra Opening Techniques

Characteristics of people with an undeveloped blue chakra

But those who did not pay enough attention to their blue chakra are prone to foul language, lies, and often have problems with the law. They either gossip, talk too much, ignoring the interlocutor, or vice versa, they are silent, afraid to answer the question. Sometimes there are problems with speech. She is slow and unintelligible.

On the face, the effect of a frozen mask, since the muscles do not participate in active facial expressions, the expression of feelings. This feature repels interlocutors, who even subconsciously cannot understand what such a person is experiencing at the moment and what he is thinking about.

And closeness, inability to express one’s thoughts and lack of liveliness, sincerity create a lot of problems in society. It is quite difficult for a person to find their place in this world, a narrowed circle of contacts eventually leads to an acute feeling of loneliness against the background of isolation and even degradation. Since the need for information exchange is not satisfied.

Physical condition is also not the best. Frequent sore throats, bronchitis, problems with the thyroid gland, lungs, and so on.

How to develop and open?

Meditation «Glade in the forest»

Sit comfortably, preferably in a Turkish position. Take care in advance that no one will disturb you by turning off the sound of the mobile and warning relatives not to enter the room for a while. The back should be straight, but the whole body should be as relaxed as possible. You can see the correctness of the pose in this article.

Close your eyes and try to imagine in great detail a clearing with bluebells in the forest. Or rather, that you are there at the moment. Look around. What do you see? How do you feel?

If you don’t immediately imagine a clearing, don’t be discouraged, over time you will learn, so to speak, to turn on your imagination. The main thing is practice and faith that everything will work out.

So, after you listen to your own feelings, lean over the flowers and pick one bell.

It is covered in gold dust. Take a closer look at how beautiful and bright it is. Then bring it to the throat where Vishuddha is located and let this pollen penetrate into it, filling it with energy and light.

Then put down the bell and stay in this state for as long as necessary. Then take a deep breath, exhale and open your eyes.

color meditation

Since Vishuddha is depicted in blue, at the moment of meditation, imagine the sky. For example, that you lie on the grass and look at it. Try to feel how this heavenly energy fills every cell of your body. Inhale it, and as you exhale, release what used to block your throat, preventing you from speaking openly, creating, dreaming, singing, screaming.

You can stop at the moment when you feel relaxation and peace, having achieved harmony.

It will enhance the effect if you really take time to contemplate the sky somewhere in nature, feeling the light breeze and the sun’s rays on your skin.

Throat Chakra Opening Techniques

Mantra «Ham»

With the Ham mantra, you can achieve the fastest results by activating the throat chakra. After all, when a person pronounces a word, it creates vibrations in the outside world. And what they are — destructive, or vice versa, creative, depends on the message, intentions and energy invested in the sound.

Therefore, follow these steps to benefit from chanting the mantra:

  • Take a deep breath and as you exhale, relax your lips, sing: «ham.»
  • Try to stretch «a» as long as possible, after you feel that the air in your lungs is running out, close your lips and add «mmm».
  • Imagine how at this moment a blue glow appears in the neck area, thanks to which it comes out to give out the word “ha-a-am”.
  • Repeat about 10 times, then increase the amount to 15-20 times.

For singing, it is better to choose a room in which there are few pieces of furniture. If possible, do it in nature, when you are completely alone and will not be shy, hold back. Then you will be able to open up and relax.


  • Fight bad habits. If you smoke, be sure to reconsider your attitude to cigarettes. Otherwise, you will prevent yourself from moving forward, becoming better and healthier.
  • Openness. The above exercises will be useless if you continue to keep your thoughts and feelings to yourself.
  • Contemplation. Get out in nature more often. Clean air and a beautiful landscape will not only add strength and health to you, but also inspire you to achieve.
  • Diary. If you are unable to open up to people, try to “pour out” your soul on paper. Keep a diary in which you write down all your sorrows, sorrows, joys and ideas.
  • Rinsing. Gargle with healthy herbal decoctions of your choice. You can use regular saline. Just add sea salt. Do not interfere with inhalation.
  • Colour. Surround yourself with objects of this color. If it is not possible to add it to the interior, then you can purchase a blue scarf or socks. The main thing is that you always have it “in front of your eyes”.


By practicing for just a few weeks, you can feel the result. The main thing is to be diligent and not forget about training. If open communication with people causes you a lot of anxiety, try reading this article. It provides guidance on how to deal with your fears.

Good luck and success on the path of self-development!

Also, we recommend reading an article about the opening of the heart chakra.

The material was prepared by a psychologist, Gestalt therapist, Zhuravina Alina

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