Throat cancer – Sites of interest

Throat cancer – Sites of interest

To learn more about the throat cancer, Passeportsanté.net offers a selection of associations and government sites dealing with the subject of throat cancer. You will be able to find there Additional Information and contact communities or support groups allowing you to learn more about the disease.


Quebec Cancer Foundation

Inform and support. The site also has an Info-cancer line.

Throat cancer – Sites of interest: understand everything in 2 min

Canadian Cancer Society

For more information on the disease, treatments and medical follow-up.

Quebec government’s Health Guide

To learn more about medications: how to take them, what are the contraindications and possible interactions, etc.

France et les sites de référence pour les cancers en France : groupe d’oncologie radiothérapie tête et cou, créé en 1999 pour coordonner la réalisation d’études et qui propose des explications destinées au grand public sur les cancers cervico-faciaux, le site de la Société Française d’ORL qui présente des fiches rédigées par des experts sur les examens et les différents types de chirurgie dans les cancers ORL

Created by Dr David Servan-Schreiber, psychiatrist and author, this website emphasizes the importance of adopting good lifestyle habits to prevent cancer. It is intended to be a place of information and discussion on non-traditional approaches to fight or prevent cancer.


International Agency for Research on Cancer

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) is a member of the World Health Organization.

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