Thrips on eggplant seedlings appear in dry air conditions, as well as too high temperatures. The main preventive measure is constant moistening, not only of the soil, but also of the air. You can also prevent the invasion of pests with the help of inexpensive glue traps. Insecticides are most often used as a means of destruction. You can also use folk remedies and biological methods.
Why are thrips dangerous?
Thrips are insects that are found on different continents; more than 6 thousand species live in nature. Insects go through all stages of development from egg to adult. Adults are dark in color – brown, black, gray, body 0,5-3 mm long.
Pests are dangerous because they are very prolific: each female lays up to 70 eggs on the leaves of eggplant seedlings. The larvae are very voracious. They feed on plant juices, because of which the seedlings quickly die.
Thrips are dangerous because they have wings, quickly fly from one plant to another, which can damage several beds at once. In addition, they carry dangerous infections, which only exacerbates the situation.
Insects are omnivorous – they can be found on seedlings and adult eggplants, as well as on other agricultural crops. Thrips even live on indoor plants, such as begonias, violets or ficus.
Causes of appearance
Thrips are common in different regions of the temperate climate zone, so their invasion cannot be completely excluded. The main causes are spread through contaminated soil, as well as from affected plants located nearby.
There are several factors that increase the likelihood of eggplant seedlings being affected by thrips:
- low air humidity;
- dry soil;
- high temperature, drought;
- improper care (disinfection of the soil, containers was not carried out).
Signs of defeat
Thrips are quite large, so when insects are closely examined, traces of damage on eggplant leaves can be seen with the naked eye. Pests have a miniature body 1-3 mm long, although some specimens reach 14 mm. Coloration from light brown to black and gray. Larvae are small, up to 1 mm. The color is light yellow, so they are less visible on seedlings.

Pests are more often located on the inside of the leaf plate
The main signs of the appearance of thrips on eggplant:
- small light yellow spots, strokes on the leaves;
- gradually they increase in size and merge;
- small dots on the tops of seedlings – traces of vinegar thrips;
- foliage curls, withers and dies;
- sticky discharge on shoots.
As a rule, thrips colonies capture one bush, and then move on to another. Moreover, the plant can quickly die, because it loses nutrients.
How to get rid of thrips on eggplant seedlings
To combat California thrips on eggplant, different methods are used. One of the effective options is chemical treatment. You can also use folk remedies, set traps and apply biological methods.
To combat thrips on eggplant seedlings, glue traps of blue and yellow are used. This is a universal remedy that affects all types of dangerous pests, including tobacco, flower and California (greenhouse) thrips.
The essence of the method is quite simple. Pests perceive a certain color as a bait, rush to the surface and stick to it, and then die. To effectively catch insects, one trap is installed for every 10 square meters.
Biological methods
Thrips have natural enemies. To get rid of insects on eggplant seedlings, a colony of the predatory bug Orius laevigatus is acquired and released into growing areas, including a greenhouse. The bug is very useful – it destroys aphids, spider mites and butterfly eggs.
Chemical preparations are the most powerful means of dealing with thrips in seedlings. They are bred strictly according to the instructions, and then they begin processing. It is necessary to observe personal safety measures – use a mask, gloves and other protective equipment. After treatment, the room is ventilated to prevent the accumulation of harmful fumes.

Insecticides are used to kill thrips on seedlings.
Among the most effective means against pests on eggplant seedlings are the following:
- “Agravertin” is a biological composition that penetrates upon contact with an insect. It acts quickly enough, and is consumed quite sparingly – 5 ml per 500 ml of water.
- “Aktara” is distinguished by its rapid effect due to the high rate of absorption by plants.
- Actellik is an insecticide against many insects, including thrips on eggplant seedlings. Refers to contact-intestinal means. To prepare the liquid, it is necessary to dissolve the contents of the ampoule in 1 liter of water.
- “Vertimek” is a preparation of the intestinal-contact mechanism of action. Used to control both insects and mites. Worked well in closed ground conditions. Spend in the amount of 2,5 ml per bucket of water 10 liters.
- “Decis” – a contact type insecticide, helps to cope with thrips on eggplant seedlings. Destroys pests at all stages of development.
- “Inta-Vir” is a means of a universal spectrum of action. Used for the destruction of pests on seedlings, in open and closed ground. Differs in safety for people and animals. Consumed sparingly – only 1 tablet per 2 liters.
- “Karate” – a contact insecticide, it helps to cope well with thrips on eggplant seedlings, it is consumed in the amount of 2 ml per 10 liters.
- “Karbofos” – 75 g per 10 liters. It is moderately toxic, so precautions must be taken during processing.
- “Fitoverm” is a biological insecticide that destroys thrips and other pests of eggplant seedlings. Consumption – 10 ml per 1 liter of water.
- Fufanon is an insecticide based on organophosphorus compounds. Effective against most known insects.
Folk remedies
You can also treat eggplant seedlings from thrips with folk remedies. They are not as effective as chemical preparations, so they should be used in the early stages, as well as in combination with insecticides.

If the invasion is small, folk remedies will help to cope with pests
Among the most effective recipes are the following:
- Garlic infusion. They take five cloves of garlic, grind them, insist in 1 liter of water, filter and start processing the seedlings.
- Infusion of marigolds. They take 500 g of flowers, pour 1 liter of water, insist for two days. Strain and spray seedlings.
- Infusion of dandelion roots or leaves. Pour 50 g of vegetable raw materials into 1 liter of warm water. Infuse for 3 hours, filter and spray the eggplant.
- Chamomile infusion. Pour 100 g of dry raw materials (can be bought at a pharmacy) with a liter of water, insist overnight. Strain and add a second liter of water.
- They take tomato leaves, grind them, get 50 g, pour 1 liter of water and insist for several hours.
preventive measures
Since it is rather difficult to deal with thrips on eggplant seedlings, preventive measures must be taken to prevent the invasion. Experienced summer residents recommend the following methods:
- Monitor the humidity level in the room where the seedlings are growing. It is necessary to regularly humidify the air from a sprayer or a special device, since pests spread quickly in a dry environment.
- Inspect the seedlings regularly, especially the underside of the leaves.
- Hang up glue traps.
- If a plant is damaged, it must be immediately quarantined and, if necessary, destroyed.
- Disinfect the soil for seedlings, for example, pour it with a pink solution of potassium permanganate or hold it for several days in the freezer.
Thrips on eggplant seedlings spread from neighboring affected plants, as well as through contaminated soil. Provoking factors are dry air and high temperature. Insects are very dangerous, so their appearance and distribution must be closely monitored. If necessary, they are treated with chemicals and folk remedies.