Three words that can help you overcome anxiety during the pandemic
personal development
The philosopher, thinker and disseminator of positive language, Luis Castellanos, invites us to become aware of our words to build the language of wisdom, kindness and compassion.

“The words they are the minimum unit to build an outcome in life. But they are also used to configure our personal integrity and the value we give to ourselves and to others »… Starting from this definition and contextualizing his reflections at the moment in which we find ourselves, surrounded by the uncertainty inherent to the pandemic, the philosopher, thinker and disseminator of positive language, Luis Castellanos, reveals what are the three words that, according to assures, revolutionize his heart daily: “yes”, “silence” and “peace”.
For Luis Castellanos a “Yes” It is a word that encourages collaboration, increases creativity and makes the mind open, unlike what happens with “no”, which closes doors and increases distances. “I’m not talking about extreme situations, of course, because it is also necessary to know when to say no. But on a day-to-day basis, you have to say yes. A yes followed by a silence, not followed by a but. Because if I’m saying ‘yes, but’ I’m no longer saying yes, “he argues.
Precisely the “be quiet”, that with which the expert invites us to accompany the “yes” is his second fetish word. Silence is for Luis Castellanos the ability to listen to others, the ability to find the words that build results and the ability to wish and dream.
His third word, which is also inextricably linked to the previous two is «paz». Choosing peace implies choosing a path that brings harmony. That is why the author of the work “The language of happiness” invites us to ask ourselves this question every day: “What can I do to bring a little peace every day for myself and for others?” In order to find the answer, he proposes to dedicate a few minutes a day, when getting up each morning, to find ourselves with “silence”, with “yes” and with “peace”. “Silence opens my heart, the ‘yes’ opens me to others and peace opens me to the meaning of life,” he says.
Every word is an adventure
El language It is the ability of choose a word And, as Luis Castellanos explains, the word we choose is the one we decide to “inhabit”, the one we decide to give life to because, as he assures us, we have to take the words as “interesting and fascinating small adventures.” Therefore, the thesis defended by Luis Castellanos is that if we are the ones who choose the words, we will also be responsible for choosing which is the adventure we want to live. «You can decide if the adventure you want to live is good or bad. It is not in the hand of others, but in your hand, “he reveals.
This does not mean, as he clarifies, that we are not going to suffer or that the things that are to happen will not happen. Actually the transformative capacity of language It has to do, as he clarifies, with the adventure you decide to live with what you have to live through the words you choose. «I can sink into the feeling of fear, anguish, depression, fear and that can take my life and the ability to live and it can also happen the other way around: I can fill myself with words that give life and I can increase my ability to build a future and have hope. For me the language of happiness is the talent for light, “he argues.
That is why now more than ever, in this very difficult situation that we are living, the expert invites us to choose words that illuminate, that make us think about the future with optimism and that make us “see”, not plunge into darkness, anguish and the fears. “Words have the invisible job of leading us to our dreams,” he says.
Don’t say a simple “hello”
If there is a word that can have a much more relevant meaning than it seems at first glance, it is “hello.” Yes, hello! The one that we sometimes say daily without thinking, without giving it value, as if we were doing it with automatic pilot. But the important “hello” that Luis Castellanos refers to is the one referred to by the Zulu word “sawubona.” The literal meaning of “sawubona” is “I see you” and it is used as a greeting, like our “hello” but with a much greater intentionality. «When you say I see you, when you ‘see’ someone by greeting them with intention you bring that person into your existence, it does not go unnoticed by you because when you see them you appreciate them. You have thus said a heartfelt and inhabited hello. And that hello is very different from the one that is said without thinking and without meaning, “he explains.