Our life could be even more interesting if we noticed favorable coincidences of circumstances and did not miss new opportunities. What’s stopping us? Fear of losing something old and facing something new. How to deal with it? With the help of visualizations.
A neuroscientist, teacher at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and King’s College London became interested in the law of attracting favorable events, the power of gratitude and mantras. For a total of 26 years, Tara Sworth created and tested her method.
She emphasizes that it has a scientific basis and is based “on the proven connection between the brain and the body – the concept that they are connected and have an indirect effect on each other, mainly through the neuroendocrine system (which includes all glands and hormones) and the autonomic nervous system. system (all nerves except brain and spinal cord).
A curious biographical detail – Tara Swart was born in a family of Indians who moved to London and thus grew up among the mixing and interweaving of various cultural traditions. She received a medical degree, was interested in psychiatry, traveled a lot and tried various ways of self-development.
The result of her personal and professional experience was the author’s method, which she called “The Source”. Its goal is “designing a future that meets our expectations.” It includes three visualizations that help get rid of old fears and restrictions.
Fear of loss (which is common to all of us in one way or another) leads to the fact that the brain works in distrust mode. In some cases, this leads to the suppression of any action related to change. To get rid of this fear…
- Get comfortable in silence, close your eyes and imagine walking towards a hot air balloon on a small hill one fine afternoon. The balloon is held on the ground by four heavy sandbags.
- Get into the basket. To take to the air, you have to untie four bags.
- Start with the first bag on which the word “fear” is written in large black letters. Untie this bag and watch it roll down the hill. The basket starts to wobble.
- Untie the second bag on which the word “envy” is written in big red letters, then watch how it erupts from hitting the ground. The basket lifts on one side.
- Untie the third bag on which the word “expectations” is written in large purple letters. Look how it falls down, and the basket is already almost completely off the ground.
- Untie the fourth bag the last word that belongs to you is written on it – this time only your personal burden: guilt, complexes, shame, passivity … Choose your word yourself and give it one color or another. Get rid of the bag and watch it disappear into the distance. You are up in the air and direct the balloon where you want.
- Visualize your flight clouds and the surrounding landscape for approximately 5 minutes. Then make a soft landing, slowly exit the basket, bring your attention to your body, take 12 counting inhales and exhales, then breathe normally and wiggle your toes.
- Write in your diary the word that was on the fourth bag.
- Do this visualization as often as possible.
What’s left of you
- Mentally imagine yourself at the end of your life. Think about the accomplishments that brought you the most satisfaction; about the brightest moments of your earthly existence; about the people you cherish the most.
- Write down then your answers and see how they relate to your current lifestyle – what you do and think today.
five mirrors
- Relax breathe calmly before heading into the huge cave.
- Look at the five floor mirrors. Pay attention to the color of the walls, the absence or presence of windows and the shape of the mirrors (rectangular, oval, some other …).
- Go to the nearest mirror and look at yourself. You are in sportswear and in excellent physical shape.
- Approach the second mirror. You only have underwear on. You have a toned and well-groomed body. You like yourself.
- Approach the third mirror. You are wearing a business suit or work clothes that you have always dreamed of (jacket and tie, trouser suit, work overalls, artist’s apron …). You feel comfortable and confident as you have reached the pinnacle of your career.
- Approach the fourth mirror. You are surrounded by the people you love. You are relaxed and happy in a warm and friendly atmosphere.
- Approach the fifth mirror. You are in great shape and radiate joy, prosperity, happiness and love. This mirror is a portal to a new life. Enjoy this display and transition. Realize that something has changed forever in your life.
- Take 12 breaths in and out counting backwards. Then breathe, no longer counting the inhales and exhales, before taking five deep breaths in and out again. Wiggle your toes.
- Do this visualization as often as possible.
About it
“A source. How to Rewire the Brain to Achieve the Life of Your Dreams. Tara Sworth (Bombora, 2021)