Three unusual symptoms of a heart attack. If you feel it, call an ambulance!
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A heart attack is a life-threatening condition. It comes to it as a result of ischemia – then the heart muscle begins to die. Sometimes people do not know at all that they are having a heart attack (if they do, they are very lucky). It is then said of a “silent heart attack”. Its symptoms are not typical, but you must know them. Meet three of them. If you are feeling them, especially for the first time, and there is no explanation for them, don’t ignore them! A heart attack requires immediate attention.

  1. Myocardial infarction is an ischemic necrosis of the heart muscle
  2. A characteristic symptom of a heart attack is sudden and very strong in the area of ​​the breastbone or heart
  3. Sometimes people experience a heart attack without realizing it. The symptoms are not typical or the patient does not notice them
  4. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

What happens when a heart attack occurs? A typical symptom

To begin with, let’s explain what a heart attack is and what happens when it occurs. We talk about a heart attack when the heart muscle does not receive enough blood and thus not enough oxygen and nutrients. The heart is ischemic. Its causes may vary, but most often ischemia occurs as a result of a narrowing or blockage of the artery / arteries of the heart by atherosclerotic plaque. The hypoxic heart tissue begins to die. If blood flow is not restored quickly, a heart attack can cause permanent heart damage and death.

A characteristic symptom of a myocardial infarction is sudden and very strong in the area of ​​the sternum or just the heart. Patients describe it as burning, crushing, oppressive. It can radiate to the neck, jaw, one or both of the shoulders or arms, including the upper abdomen. Pain may linger or come and go in waves. It is accompanied by a feeling of anxiety, fear, paleness, confusion, the heart rate is increased. These symptoms are an absolute indication for an urgent medical aid, preferably an ambulance service (emergency number of the ambulance service: 999 or uniform emergency number 112). Remember: heart attacks require immediate attention.

When does a silent heart attack occur?

It happens, however, that people experience a heart attack without realizing it (no pain complaints, sometimes the patient does not notice any symptoms). In such a situation, it is referred to as a silent or silent heart attack. “Those who have experienced it and survived it are very lucky,” says cardiologist Curtis Rimmerman, noting that it most often occurs in women and people with diabetes (it damages the nerves that conduct pain), although in fact it can affect anyone.

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The symptoms in this case are quite unusual and not very characteristic. If you are experiencing persistent discomfort, especially if your symptoms are new and don’t have a clear explanation, don’t ignore them. If you suspect a heart attack, don’t hesitate to call an ambulance. What symptoms could indicate a heart attack?

Unusual symptoms of a heart attack: shortness of breath

Dyspnoea is a symptom that is easy to ignore. Most often, we explain them in not the best form or age. “It is important to take dyspnea seriously and talk to your doctor as soon as possible” – reminds cardiologist Prof. Peter Weissberg.

If you want to check how your heart is working and if everything is okay with it, do blood tests that will determine important parameters of your heart and its fitness. You can buy the Heart control package – blood tests at Medonet Market.

“When you do moderate-intensity exercise, such as cycling or brisk walking, it’s normal to breathe a little harder – although you should still be able to speak,” says the researcher, and cautions: “But feeling out of breath with everyday activities, especially if you haven’t experienced it before, could be a sign of potentially serious heart disease.”

Dyspnoea may appear, inter alia, in coronary artery disease (the cause of heart attacks), heart failure, atrial fibrillation.

Unusual symptoms of a heart attack: indigestion and nausea

Indigestion, nausea and vomiting can be signs of many diseases. Unfortunately, it can also be a warning sign of a heart attack. Characteristically, these symptoms occur suddenly for no specific reason.

The best way to make sure if the condition you are experiencing is serious is to contact an ambulance service as soon as possible.

Unusual symptoms of a heart attack: dizziness, light-headedness

Doctors remind: unexplained dizziness can be a warning of a heart attack. Therefore, if you feel that your room is suddenly spinning or you feel that you are about to pass out, don’t underestimate it and seek help as soon as possible.

These problems can be caused by a slow or fast heartbeat, and could indicate that the heart’s electrical system is not working properly. “It’s important to get an EKG to find the cause of this irregular heartbeat,” says cardiologist Lawrence Phillips.

It is always worth supporting your body with preparations that will improve the functioning of the heart muscle. We recommend, for example, Ubichinol 100mg – Doctor Life dietary supplement available on Medonet Market in a package containing 60 capsules.

We encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the RESET podcast. This time we devote it to yoga. How to start your yoga adventure? How to benefit from it not only because of pain in the spine, joints or muscles? Check what non-obvious benefits this practice brings and what are the contraindications for practicing it. Listen:

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