Three symptoms of dementia in young people. They appear in thirty-year-olds

Dementia is a disease that has been associated with older people. It actually affects patients over the age of 65 in most cases. However, it sometimes happens that it begins to develop in thirty-year-olds. What should we pay attention to? Here are three symptoms of dementia that may appear in young people.

  1. Dementia is a disease that is associated primarily with the elderly. It turns out, however, that it can affect even thirty-year-olds
  2. The first symptoms of this condition include migraines, weakness on one side of the body, and slurred speech
  3. Dementia often turns into Alzheimer’s disease
  4. To minimize the risk of Alzheimer’s, it is worth quitting smoking, taking care of the correct level of sugar and blood pressure, and leading an active lifestyle.
  5. You can find more up-to-date information on the TvoiLokony home page

Dementia is a disease that is associated with progressive weakening of the brain. The reason for its development is primarily advanced age. However, it should be noted that these disorders are not a normal part of the aging process. Moreover, even very young people can experience dementia.

Symptoms of dementia in young people

“CADASIL (cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy with subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy) is a rare genetic form of vascular dementia that usually affects XNUMX-year-olds,” explain specialists from the Alzheimer’s Society. Experts also give the most common symptoms that accompany this disease:

  1. migraines
  2. gibberish pronunciation,
  3. weakness on one side of the body.

Moreover, women who suffer from CADASIL may notice the first symptoms when they become pregnant. “About two-thirds of people who have CADASIL will develop dementia at some point in their life,” the experts say. It’s worth noting that cognitive problems can develop over time as the disease progresses. This often happens when the patient is 50 or 60 years old.

Is dementia hereditary?

CADASAIL has a “dominant pattern of inheritance”. This means that there are 50 percent. the chances of inheriting the defective gene from a parent with the condition. It should also be mentioned that most people who develop dementia will also develop Alzheimer’s disease. Its typical symptoms are:

  1. memory problems – regular forgetting of names, events and faces,
  2. repeating questions and behaviors,
  3. moving things – constant rummaging in bags, cabinets, moving items from one place to another, placing them in strange places,
  4. confusion – problems with indicating the date or time of day, getting lost in well-known places, inability to indicate your address,
  5. problems with finding the right words,
  6. depressed mood, permanent depression, lack of interest in what is happening around you.
Supplements supporting the work of the brain

At you will find a wide selection of supplements that support the work of the brain:

  1. Omega-3 – a dietary supplement for the proper functioning of the brain
  2. Gotu Kola – a dietary supplement for the proper functioning of the brain
  3. Siberian ginseng – a supplement for stress and good brain function
  4. Memory and concentration – natural herbal blend Lorem Vit

How can I reduce my risk of developing dementia and Alzheimer’s?

While the exact causes of Alzheimer’s disease aren’t exactly known yet, researchers believe that a number of things can increase your risk of developing it. It is mainly about factors related to our lifestyle. These include smoking, obesity, diabetes and hypertension, among others.

Here are other factors that could influence it:

  1. untreated depression
  2. hearing loss,
  3. sedentary lifestyle,
  4. social isolation.

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