Three stories about the New Year

Each of us has our own idea of ​​what the perfect December 31st is. Someone, as you know, goes to the bathhouse, someone leaves for warm countries, and someone … goes to bed early. And how do you spend the holidays?

Igor, entrepreneur

“Almost all 365 days of last year I had scheduled by the minute: meetings, Skype calls, business lunches, business trips, business and friendly meetings (I must admit, even my dates went almost on schedule) … Even on a short vacation, I continued conduct business correspondence and answer calls for any reason. The only thing I wanted by the end of the year was to spend at least one evening for my own pleasure, to do only what I myself want. And then I wanted to sleep most of all. So I met the New Year, as they say, in the arms of Morpheus. My sound sleep could not be disturbed even by many hours of festive cannonades under the window.

I must say, my decision caused some bewilderment and dissatisfaction on the part of parents, girls, friends. But – no offense to them – it was worth it. After all, the next morning I received one of the best gifts and the main lessons of my life: when on January 1 I woke up fresh and cheerful, full of strength and energy, my first thought was that I needed to learn to relax. No one is obliged to be “someone” 24 hours a day, 7 days a week: an effective leader, a ringleader in a circle of friends, a prince on a white horse, and so on. Sometimes you just need to be the master of yourself, just yourself: be lazy if you’re tired, and stay at home if you don’t feel like going anywhere. In January, I decided to slow down my work as much as possible, stopped devoting all my time to it, and also learned to refuse invitations to friendly gatherings after a hard week of work. And this has borne fruit: I feel that I have stopped doing a lot of things “on the machine”, more awareness, more pleasure, more joy have appeared in my life. This December, I feel much more energized than the previous ones. What are my plans for the upcoming New Year’s Eve? Of course, it’s loud and joyful to meet 2016 with a girl and friends, launch fireworks with everyone, leave snowballs, dance … And in the morning of January 1, go to your parents.

Dasha, journalist

“I really like to celebrate the New Year alone and avoid other options in every possible way. I don’t get any pleasure from alcohol (it’s just that my coordination is disturbed and I want to sleep), so the holidays in the company of students have always been torture: I stayed sober and just watched what was happening. Once, my friend and I celebrated the New Year in the metro (at the recently opened Sretensky Bulvar station), but this is a one-time adventure that we don’t want to repeat. After university, I moved from a hostel to an apartment. It was clear that a holiday in a big company somewhere in a restaurant or with friends at home is not much different from the student version. In addition, there was a terrible lack of time alone with yourself, when you do not need to work and you can do whatever you want.

I met at least three New Years alone. I would meet more, but my friends regularly try to drag me somewhere, thinking that it is terribly dull to celebrate the New Year alone. Once, when I succumbed to persuasion and met midnight in a strange family, where I was persistently offered a drink, forced to dance, I had to smile at strangers and not always pleasant people and keep talking about nothing. When I am left alone, I cook myself or order food in a restaurant, I decorate the room with everything I have at home: before the holidays, someone constantly gives Christmas decorations and other New Year’s attributes, as a result, I don’t even need to buy anything – I hang it everywhere you can, balls, horses, snowmen, Santa Clauses … A 30-centimeter wooden Christmas tree was presented to me by the Sunflower Foundation, for some New Year I cut out a small Christmas tree from green thick paper and pinned toys to it. At 12 o’clock I drink something tasty non-alcoholic and turn on cool music. Eat and then watch a good movie. After that, I can just sit in silence, dance or read. It’s really the only time of the year when no editor in the world expects me to text and I can rest without feeling guilty. And this lasts for several days, you don’t need to leave the house – you can just read endlessly. During the last New Year holidays, I read three interesting books, went through the entire library, got rid of unnecessary books, shook out the wardrobe, put things in order in the closet – it was a very pleasant start to the year.

Adiy, volunteer at the Up Center

“The center already had the experience of holding a winter camp in the Belsko-Ustyensky boarding house, so the format of holding a New Year’s holiday with volunteers is not new. And the idea to go to the children right on the very New Year, right from the 31st to the 1st, appeared immediately after the second change of the summer camp. As soon as we got on the train home, we immediately realized that we already miss the guys. And all the way back they were already thinking about how great it would be to come to the orphanage for the New Year, they began to think over master classes and even gifts. There are 65 children waiting for us there. Without hesitation, 21 volunteers volunteered to go.

The most difficult thing is organizing, choosing the format of the event: what to do, what to come up with so that it is interesting and informative for all participants, but at the same time the mood of the holiday is not lost, how to understand what is really cool and cool and what is not? How to find out how the proposed ideas in terms of performances and performances are implemented in the orphanage? That is, you need to put yourself in the place of the guys and make sure that everything does not go beyond the limit.

After such a holiday, volunteers always share their emotions, and how! As a rule, it’s just a sea of ​​emotions, excited stories, waving hands and so on. Words cannot describe, you must see it!

How do friends react to the decision to spend New Year’s Eve in this way? Like that:


Where are you celebrating New Years?


To the children! I will celebrate the New Year in DD


oh what a good guy you are! very good solution! so good)


It will be very cool there, I miss the guys very much)


Good Santa Claus).

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