Three steps to healthy kidneys

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They regulate the work in the body and cleanse it, removing unnecessary from it. But what to do when they work less efficiently?

Healthy kidneys are said to mean shiny hair and supple skin, and above all, strong bones. This is because the work of the kidneys affects the functioning of other organs. They control the amount of body fluids and the concentration of ions in the blood. Thanks to them, the acid-base balance and the right level of sodium are maintained. What is unnecessary or in excess is excreted. Therefore, if the kidneys begin to fail, the blood is not purified sufficiently and reaches other organs with toxins and metabolic waste. In a word, when the work of the kidneys is disturbed, the whole organism is poisoned. Take a look at your nails. When the kidneys are not working properly, tiny white spots may appear on the nails. And what about visits to the toilet – have you been urinating less recently? This should worry you. The swelling of the face, arms and legs is also alarming. Your body stores excess water unnecessarily. If you also feel constantly tired, lack concentration, nausea, and your skin is peeling and you have bags under your eyes every day, it is a sign that you need to support the work of the kidneys so that they can better manage body fluids.

Check the condition of your kidneys and perform a diagnostic package. Diagnostics of kidney disease – blood and urine tests.

First step

Start by introducing vegetables that will stimulate kidney function. Reach for celery, dill, parsley, eggplant, tomatoes, broccoli, carrots, onions and garlic. They are diuretic so they have a dehydrating effect. Cleansing the kidneys will be more effective when you make juice – one vegetable or a combination of, for example, carrots with celery and parsley. It is a good idea to start each day of treatment with drinking the juice on an empty stomach. Like the diuretic vegetables, some seasonal fruits will work, such as strawberries, wild strawberries, gooseberries, especially when mixed with blueberries, pears and cranberries. They will not only refresh and quench your thirst, but also accelerate metabolism and help remove toxins. Vegetable and fruit juices are best drunk 3 times a day for half a glass, before a meal. Such treatment should last 10-14 days.

Step two

Now it’s time for herbs. They are supposed to counteract water retention in the body. For the next two weeks, make infusions of diuretic plants: nettle, birch and bird knotweed. They will also help flush out toxins and kidney sand. Try for example FOR KIDNEYS – herbal-fruit tea available on Medonet Market. An interesting proposition is also Tincture Supporting Proper Work of Nerek Klimuszko, which supports diuresis.

Increasing the drainage of water from your body will combat swelling and puffiness and help lower your blood pressure. The herbs will also stimulate the process of urea removal, because when the kidneys are less efficient, its concentration in the blood increases. And this is very dangerous because the body poisons itself quickly. But detox is not everything, because the herbs are also bactericidal. They are also effective in inhibiting inflammatory processes in the urinary and digestive systems.

Try Kidney – a liquid supplement or Cleansing drops with nettle, horsetail and rosehip, which have a beneficial effect on the urinary system and effectively cleanse the body of toxins.

You can buy them in the form of infusing teas (1-2 sachets per glass) or dried for making infusions. For half a liter of boiling water, add 1 tablespoon of herbs and set aside, covered, for 10-15 minutes (all herbs in separate vessels). After straining, each infusion should be drunk in the amount of 1/4 cup 3 times a day, preferably before a meal or snack (so that the infusion is not cold, you can add boiling water). However, be careful not to exceed 2-3 glasses of infusion a day. The diuretic herbs work with varying degrees of intensity, but drinking more of them may result in dehydration.

In pharmacies and stores, there are also ready-made herbal mixtures for improving the work of the kidneys. At Medonet Market you can buy, for example, Kidneys – a natural herbal mixture of Lorem Vit, which includes: warty birch leaf, bearberry leaf, common nettle leaf, dandelion leaf. Such complex preparations can be drunk only after consulting a pharmacist or internist, as some of the herbs may adversely affect concomitant diseases.

At Medonet Market you will find Herbal detox – an ecological herbal tea that has a diuretic effect, supports cleansing the body of toxins and supports the work of the kidneys. We also recommend Kidneys – a mixture of herbs prepared on the basis of the original recipe of Father Klimuszko.

Step three

The last week of treatment is the time for tasty and refreshing watermelon snacks. The more times a day, the better for the kidneys. Because eating this fruit in large amounts will cause urine and toxins to be excreted more frequently. It is important at this time to warm up the kidneys with hot baths or compresses. Wraps will not only energize you, but also affect the circulation of body fluids. How to do it? It is enough to boil 4 liters of water in a pot, then add grated ginger (one root) and heat it for a quarter of an hour (do not bring it to a boil). Now you need to wet a towel in the strained liquid and place it on your back, at the level of your kidneys. It is best to put a dry towel on a wet compress and cover yourself with a blanket. When the temperature of the compress drops, you should wet the towel in ginger decoction again and repeat the compress. After such a 10-15 minute session, a red reaction appears on the skin of the back. It will probably be uneven, because it depends on the work of each kidney separately. But red skin is a good sign – the kidneys have been stimulated to work. The compresses should be repeated for 7 to 10 days. The stock lasts on average for 2-3 days, then you need to prepare a new one.

Or maybe supplements?

Yes, but instead of herbal treatments. Because in capsules and tablets you will find extracts of diuretic herbs, vegetables and fruits. They should be taken before or during a meal, from 2 to a maximum of 6 tablets a day for a month (the dosage information can be found on the packaging). It is worth reaching for elderberry capsules, dandelion or Aboca green tea. Powdered nettle leaf and horsetail herb can be found in Urticaps, and in Nefro Protect, apart from nettle, there is also the Peruvian plant chanca piedra, which relaxes the muscles of the urinary tract and works well for problems with stones in the urinary tract. Cranberry Gal is a product which, apart from the diuretic horsetail, also contains cranberry fruit. It acidifies the urine, making it difficult for bacteria to stick to the walls of the bladder. According to clinical trials, over 60% of users of cranberry preparations less bacteria in the urine. Beneficial cranberry is found in various mixtures: incl. with extracts of parsley leaves (Femisept Uro), with powdered dandelion root (Doppelherz Aktiv) or enriched with green tea, powdered nettle and rhizomes of the diuretic couch grass (Aqua Femin).

Try, for example, FOR KIDNEYS – a dietary supplement Herbapol in Krakow, where you will find, among others dandelion, cranberry, goldenrod, birch leaves.

It should be remembered that if you notice any disturbing symptoms, the most important thing is to contact your doctor.


Contraindication to kidney cleansing treatments is pregnancy and lactation as well as chronic kidney diseases.

Tekst: Anna Augustyniak

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