
Some call it «being on top», others say that they have reached a state of maximum concentration. Blogger Justin Faraday explains how to learn to focus for those who are often distracted. And that means more time and enjoy the process.

Flow is a state in which tasks force you to give all the best, but at the same time do not deprive you of motivation. Time seems to slow down, we easily abstract from everything that used to distract us. Three simple steps will help you get in.

1. Identify what distracts you

Household? Look for other places to work: a co-working space or a library. If you feel uncomfortable in an open space with high ceilings, then the university library is not for you. Social media distraction? Turn off internet.

2. Have fun

This is a clear sign that you are in the flow. Over the weekend, plan to work on projects that are very interesting to you. The goal is to get maximum enjoyment. If you start to lose concentration, turn on the music, spin the spinner, do breathing exercises. Check out options that help you focus.

3. Make a list of tricks that help you concentrate

It is necessary to form a relationship between the state of concentration, the use of a particular technique and the completion of a task. These practices should become a habit. When you find yourself in a distracting environment, you can use these techniques to enter a state of flow. Perhaps the method will be simple: for example, do breathing exercises and listen to your favorite song.

Smells and memories

The sense of smell strongly affects memory and emotions. Choose oils, herbs, or scented candles to associate their scent with the state of the flow. When you notice that you are fully concentrated, inhale the scent of juniper, lavender, or whatever. Do it regularly. This will create a link between smell and the set to be productive.

Music and mood

Music also actively influences emotions and motivation. A fast tempo improves concentration and increases productivity, slow soothing melodies help you relax.

Sport activities

Physical activity sets the brain to focus. Exercise increases brain-derived neurotrophic factor, a protein essential for memory and learning, reduces anxiety, improves short-term memory, and improves hormonal balance. Even a little physical activity has a positive effect on the chemical processes in the brain.

Getting into a state of flow takes practice. A skill needs to be developed like any other. It’s easier to stay focused when you’re doing what you enjoy. The more often you do things you love and stay in a state of flow, the easier it will be for you to enter it when you need it.

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