Calm your child with sophrology
Relaxation is a simple, fun, effective tool that will help the child to flourish by allowing him to become aware of his body diagram, his physiological functions (breathing, circulation), his psychic abilities (imagination, concentration, memory), physical (full awareness of body movements) and sensory (hearing, sight, touch, taste, smell)
Goals :
discover his body;
develop your personality;
express their emotions;
gain self-confidence;
master certain difficulties encountered (a change in family life, a school problem, etc.);
tame his fears.
By relaxing, the child will learn in all circumstances to calm down, to control himself, to fill himself with energy, to prepare for a control, to fall asleep quickly, etc.
Case study n ° 1: if your child is nervous in the morning before going to school
“Breathe well” with Professor Grenouille to feel calmer. Is he afraid of being late and panicking? So have him do the following exercise:
The frog inhales air through its nose, inflating its belly like a balloon, then it blows air through its mouth and slowly deflates. Sounds funny. Do like moa, you who listen to me, do like moa …
Inspire, Expir,
Inflate your belly, then deflate it.
Inspire, Expir, Inspire, Expir,
How do you feel ?
I feel calmer.
Remember that abdominal breathing is a spontaneous and natural health reflex: it is the newborn’s breathing par excellence! the belly is, in fact, an important point of our body in which our most basic needs and our deepest emotions are concentrated. this exercise is therefore ideal for allowing your child to calm down gently, because abdominal breathing, when done slowly and deeply, helps to relax the whole organism.
Practical case n ° 2: if your child has trouble settling down, concentrating
Grounding with the cuckoo tree
Plant your feet well on the ground like I do with my roots.
Raise your arms to the sky to grow taller
And swing them like branches – there you go, like that.
Take root
Stretch out your arms
Balance yourself
To the rhythm of time,
To the rhythm of the wind.
The tree is a very strong symbol in children. The tree represents confidence, rootedness, longevity. Well rooted. Like the tree, the child can better face the dangers of life. He can grow harmoniously.
Case study n ° 3: if your child has trouble falling asleep
Heavy like a big pebble
Tell him a story …
Imagine a small blue light wandering around your body, your belly, your head, at your fingertips
Inhale while inflating the belly, exhale while deflating it.
Little by little, you feel yourself becoming heavy like a large pebble, heavier and heavier.
You sink into your mattress and slide gently on the slope of sleep as on the rays of the rainbow.
Good night, boy, and have sweet dreams
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