Three reasons to read “The fish swallowed them …”

Find an interlocutor, understand yourself and feel safe: this is what the authors of the book “They swallowed their fish …” offer: conversations about the happiness of Maya Kucherskaya and Tatiana Oyzerskaya.

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1. Find an interlocutor. If you don’t have someone with whom you would like to discuss deeply personal issues – how to find your love, whether to marry for convenience, how to survive infidelity or divorce, what to do with the fear of loneliness or the pain of betrayal – this book will be a great conversationalist. Writer and critic Maya Kucherskaya recorded her long conversations with psychotherapist Tatyana Oizerskaya, and we have the opportunity to participate in their dialogue.

2. Understand yourself. It is not customary to advise in such matters, so, fortunately, there will be no advice. The psychologist’s comments will help you better understand yourself, for example, they will explain what we are afraid of when we refuse – in our liberated age! – have sexual intercourse before marriage. And the stories written off from life by Maya Kucherskaya on each of these topics lead to the thought: we are not alone with our dramas, there are even worse stories in life.

3. Feel safe. This book is a ladies only zone, it is unlikely that men will read it. But you can relax and feel what happiness it is to be a woman and talk with someone who completely understands you.

Edited by Elena Shubina, 444 p.

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