Three Pin Twins workout routines to tone your glutes
Personal trainers Esther and Gema Pineda, better known as the Pin Twins, reveal what are those fitness routines that it is advisable to do so that our buttocks look strong and firm

If your desire is to build a strong butt, you just have to incorporate a complete workout with the best exercises to sculpt it into your day-to-day life. Doing them correctly will not only help you get a toned butt, but strengthening your glutes also helps protect your lower back, which can be put at risk during movements like squats and deadlifts.
Esther and Gema Pineda, the Pin Twins, personal trainers and former professional swimmers, know first-hand what are those fitness routines that it is advisable to do so that our buttocks look strong and firm. Squats, raised hips, lateral lunge or abdominal plank are just some of the exercises that must be included in our training.
During all
these movements it is advisable to follow the guidelines of the fitness experts: “If it is practiced daily, we will notice the results in a short time”, they say, so the time has come to give our buttocks the characteristics they deserve.
To get the size of before confinement
Squat with opening feet. To practice this exercise, we will perform a squat respecting the distance from the feet to the width of the shoulders. When executing the exercise, we will change the position of the tip of the feet diagonally and we will again flex the hips and knees.
Side plank with opening. We begin the exercise by placing ourselves in a plank position supporting the forearm and knee. Next, we will perform a lateral hip lift and separate the knees, keeping the feet together.
Hip raise with height. To practice this exercise we will need to have a height support for the feet. In this case we have used a chair to be able to perform a hip lift. Remember to keep your feet and knees the same distance.
Donkey kick in quadruped. We get into a quadruped position and do a movement called a donkey kick (keeping the knees flexed at 90 degrees). Next we will perform a knee extension movement. Remember that it is important to always keep your back straight and parallel to the ground, avoiding lumbar curvature. People with back or wrist problems can do the exercise with their forearms supported.
Gluteal bridge with opening. At the same time that we carry out the exercise called “gluteal bridge” (lying down with the back resting on the floor, we lift our hips towards the ceiling), we will separate our knees and keep our feet on the ground. Remember when practicing this exercise that it is important not to do a cervical hyperextension.
Firm buttocks and legs
Sumo squats. In this type of squat, the position of the legs is different from the traditional one, since the feet must point towards the front, open diagonally. Thus, as the Pin Twins explain, when practicing this squat it is important to separate the feet to a width greater than that of the shoulders.
Squatting. The “squat” or squats allow you to develop muscles, strengthen the tendons and ligaments of the legs and also tone the buttocks and strengthen the hips. When practicing the exercise, the Pin twins remember that it is important to place the feet at shoulder height and maintain the width of the legs during the entire movement.
Closed squats. To perform this type of squat, the legs are placed with the knees in front and they are kept slightly open, but at a width less than that of the shoulders.
Hip or glute lift. Hip lift exercises work your glutes, abdominal muscles, and hamstrings. But to be truly effective the glute must be fully “activated” and not passive. The arms and the soles of the feet are supported on the floor and the hips are raised, ensuring that the gluteus never touches the ground.
Ballet squats. In this type of squat, the separation of the legs is kept at a width greater than that of the shoulders and is lowered towards the ground at an angle of 90 degrees. But on the way up they put their feet on tiptoe.
Right lateral lunge. The lateral lunge allows to strengthen thighs and glutes in a comprehensive way, and is an ideal exercise to complement with squats or traditional lunges. In this first part of the exercise, 10 repetitions are done to the right.
Left lateral lunge. To perform the lateral lunge, the Pin Twins remember to keep the feet forward, fully extend the leg that moves laterally and stretch the leg down. In this second part of the exercise, 10 repetitions are done to the left.
To get buttocks «like stones»
Alternative side steps. Keeping your knees slightly bent, place the rubber in the middle of the tibia, move sideways taking a step to one side and then to the other without bringing your knees together. Remember to move while maintaining the tension of the rubber or elastic band.
Mini strides. The rubber is kept in place in the middle of the tibia and with the knees slightly bent, a mini stride forward and another one backwards is taken with the same leg. The movement is repeated 20 times and then the leg is changed.
Quadruped leg raising. Sit in quadruped, place the elastic band in the middle of the tibia, as in the previous exercises. Once in the position, the leg is raised with a lateral opening placing the knee at a 90 degree angle. It rises as much as possible while maintaining the tension of the rubber. Remember to keep your shoulder blades together and your back straight, without arching.
Raise hips with resistance. To perform the exercise, the resistance bands are placed in the middle of the thigh. From the lying position, with the legs bent, the hips are raised, maintaining the tension of the rubber band and trying to maintain the position for a few seconds.
Raise legs on plank. We place the rubber in the middle of the tibia and from the plank position with the forearms resting on the ground we alternately raise the legs, first one and then the other, trying to have a straight back and a stable position. Remember to keep the tension on the rubber.