Three outbreaks of bird flu occurred in Italy – in the central part of the country, in the province of Emilia-Romagna. Protection zones have been introduced there, informed the Foundation of Assistance Programs for Agriculture (FAMMU / FAPA).
The first outbreak of avian influenza was reported by the Italian veterinary authorities to the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) and the European Commission in mid-August this year. The disease was detected on a laying hen farm in the municipality of Ostellato in the province of Ferrara.
It has been found to be a highly pathogenic avian influenza virus of the H7N7 subtype. Italy has introduced safeguard measures, including have established protection and risk zones.
A few days later, Italy reported a second outbreak of H7N7 avian influenza in laying hens in the municipality of Mordano in the province of Bologna. In herds with a total of 712,9 thous. birds were recorded 105 thousand. cases of illness, including 4 thousand. fatal.
August 23 this year a third outbreak was reported on a turkey farm in the municipality of Portomaggiore in the province of Ferrara, close to the site of the first outbreak. In the herd 19 850 thousand. turkeys recorded 1300 deaths.
Therefore, Italy increased the extent of the protection and threatened areas, and the exclusion zone was extended. The European Commission has banned the export of poultry from these areas.
In Poland, bird flu occurred in 2005 (PAP)