How to look young and strong regardless of age? A youthful appearance is formed from three main components, and the sooner you start taking care of them, the younger you will look every year.
1. Posture
In youth, correct posture is taken for granted. We begin to pay attention to it only when the stoop becomes obvious, the lower back hurts, and for some reason our favorite dress does not fit as well as before.
Why is this happening? If we imagine that we are wearing a diving suit, then normally, with age, it sort of “moves out” forward. Imagine that you are pulling the body-hugging elastic fabric downwards, approximately in the area of the solar plexus. She pulls her neck and shoulders with her, and the whole costume slides out. This is a natural phenomenon – this is how posture changes with age.
How to stop this process and reverse it? Pull the suit up and… tie it in a knot at the top to hold it?
Jokes are jokes, and the whole structure must be “pulled up” in the opposite direction to the natural vector regularly. This requires adequate physical activity and relaxation practices. It is in this combination. Why?
The body is designed in such a way that habitual tensions become imperceptible to the brain.
Adequate physical activity provides the necessary tension. Whether it’s jogging, walking, cycling, zumba or any other type of exercise, doing physical exercises, we tone the muscles.
If there are habitual tensions in the body, they only intensify. In the course of the next sessions, these zones will take on additional load, while the “dormant” muscles will continue to be “lazy”.
To balance the body, active relaxation is necessary: the skill of finding and relaxing habitual tensions. It is impossible to relax by sheer force of will.
The body is designed in such a way that the usual tensions become invisible to the brain: it simply does not “calculate” them, considering them to be the norm. Therefore, special exercises are needed that allow you to identify imbalances and restore normal muscle tone. One of the classic complexes for active relaxation of the muscles of the whole body is Xing Shen Juang (qigong for the spine).
2. Face
As you know, modern technologies allow with the help of injections and braces to achieve fantastic results – both positive and negative. However, if you wish, you can maintain the youthfulness of the face in a natural way.
Why do some women have wrinkles and the oval of the face “floats” by the age of 30, while others retain its beauty until old age?
Part of it is genetics, but there are other factors that we are free to control. The key to the natural beauty of the face is good nutrition, and hence the renewal of tissues. This requires the same skill of relaxation. And in this case, it is especially important to relax not only the muscles of the face itself, but also the entire shoulder girdle.
An excellent rejuvenating effect is provided by a variety of massage techniques.
When the muscles are tense, they block small vessels, reducing microcirculation. Tensions in the neck and shoulders “do not let” a certain percentage of blood to the head, worsening blood supply, and tensions in the muscles of the face reduce microcirculation “in the field”.
An excellent rejuvenating effect is given by a variety of massage techniques. In addition, to independently maintain the youth and beauty of the face, it is advisable to master the techniques of active relaxation of the neck and shoulders – for example, the same Sing Shen Juang complex, the first three exercises of which are aimed at deep working out the muscles of the neck and shoulders.
3. Brain
The better the brain works, the more effectively it manages all the processes in the body – in particular, metabolic and hormonal ones. Not to mention the fact that cognitive functions, which, as is commonly believed, deteriorate with age, are equally necessary for us both in youth and in adulthood.
How to keep your brain young? This body is very picky about nutrition: it consumes up to 25% of all the oxygen that we receive. Just imagine: a quarter of all inhaled oxygen should go to the brain, and three quarters to the rest of the body!
What happens if the brain receives insufficient oxygen? It begins to work in economy mode: optional processes (for example, cognitive functions) slow down, regular headaches begin, and metabolic processes begin to suffer over time.
In order for the brain to receive the necessary amount of oxygen, especially in not the most favorable environmental conditions of a metropolis, it is very important that the heart can easily and freely supply blood to the brain.
Physical activity combined with active relaxation is a long-term project
All the same tensions can interfere with this: if the inflow to the brain usually occurs more or less normally, then the outflow is often disturbed. Blood flows from the head through the region of the first cervical vertebra (the base of the skull), and if there are habitual tensions here, then the outflow of blood worsens.
Imagine a situation: cars are moving along the ring, and there is a traffic jam on one of the exits. This is reflected in the quality of the entire movement – the more congestion at the exit, the slower the general flow of cars moves. The situation is the same with the blood supply to the brain: the worse the outflow, the slower the inflow of fresh, oxygen-rich blood.
What can be done to normalize this situation and help the brain get more nutrition? Provide stable relaxation and freedom to the first cervical vertebra. How? With the help of all the same skills of active functional relaxation.
Physical activity combined with active relaxation is a long-term project that helps to promote health and work on the rejuvenation of the body as it starts the aging process. And if you consistently work on rejuvenation, your body will become stronger, more beautiful and more energetic with every passing year.