Does three in cytology mean cervical cancer?

I am 42 years old, I have had cytology recently, the result shows the 3rd cytology group, what does that mean, is it a cause for concern? ~ Anna

Pap smear is recommended as a prophylaxis of cervical cancer and should be performed in women every year. Group III means that the smear shows abnormal cells, the so-called dysplastic, which are not yet malignant, but may precede the onset of neoplasm. Therefore, this is an incorrect result. Mild dysplasia may be a consequence of inflammation and resolve after treatment. In the case of more severe dysplastic changes, it is necessary to perform a colposcopic examination by a gynecologist (evaluation of the cervix through a special microscope) and to take specimens from suspicious areas for histopathological examination. You should make an appointment for a gynecological consultation as soon as possible in order to determine the further procedure.

Do you want to have a cytology test without leaving your home? You can choose to have a mail-order cytology on the LBC BD SurePath liquid medium. It allows you to take a sample yourself and send it to the laboratory. LBC liquid cytology with gynecological consultation is also an excellent choice. It is a modern and precise cytological examination technique.

Also read: How to recognize cervical cancer?

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