Three Hats (Трес Сомбрерос)

The Tres Sombreros trademark belongs to the Spanish company Beveland, which exports this tequila to more than 60 countries. The drink is produced and bottled in Mexico, at one of the best distilleries in the state of Jalisco – Cooperativa Tequilera La Magdalena, built in 1998.

Tres Sombreros tequila has repeatedly won awards at prestigious competitions, in particular, at the World Competition in Brussels and the Latin American Challenge in 2007, at the Tequila Challenge in 2008.

Production features. Raw materials for Tres Sombreros tequila are grown in an ecologically clean region – the mountain valley of Los Altos. Beveland specialists carefully monitor compliance with the technology of making tequila. The trade secret of the company is a special yeast that gives the drink an unusual mineral taste. Tres Sombreros ordinary varieties (Silver and Gold) contain 81% alcohol from Blue Agave juice, which is 30% more than the minimum allowed by Mexican law.

The tequila label depicts three sombreros over an eagle soaring in the sky. Sombrero is not just a colorful national headdress. “Sombre” means “shadow” in Spanish. The wide brim of this hat protects from the heat of people who are forced to work day after day under the scorching rays of the sun. Why three sombreros? But after all, it is best to work, and have fun, and enjoy a noble drink in the company of true friends!

In 2014, the design of premium Tres Sombreros tequila bottles (Blanco, Reposado and Añejo) was changed: it became stricter and more elegant, gift wrapping appeared. But the image of an eagle and three sombreros on the label remained as a reminder that thanks to friendly support, a person gains wings.

Types of tequila Tres Sombreros

Currently, the following brands of Tres Sombreros tequila are produced with a strength of 38%:

  • Tres Sombreros Silver is a colorless young ordinary tequila. The drink smells like freshly cut grass, the taste is dry, slightly astringent, with agave dominance;
  • Tres Sombreros Gold is an ordinary tequila that is aged for two months in oak barrels, as a result of which it acquires a light amber color and a slight aroma of old oak. Taste – rich agave, sweetish, but slightly burning, with a mineral-herbal tinge;
  • Tres Sombreros Blanco is a young, colorless premium tequila made from 100% blue agave juice. It has an unusual aroma of expensive tobacco, earth heated by the sun and freshly cut grass. Taste – very warm, agave, slightly burning, with a mineral note;
  • Tres Sombreros Reposado is a bright golden premium tequila, eight months old, with a spicy smell of old oak and tropical rainforest. The taste is burning, with astringent oak bitterness and a barely noticeable sweetness of agave;
  • Tres Sombreros Añejo is a premium dark amber tequila aged for two and a half years in new oak barrels, and then six months in ex-bourbon barrels. In its aroma, sweet tones of tropical fruits are balanced by mineral-oak undertones. The taste is soft, fruity, with a spicy woody-mineral tint.

Beveland also produces two liqueurs based on Tres Sombreros Blanco tequila:

  • Tres Sombreros Energetic – tequila with cola and lemon;
  • Tres Sombreros Citrus – tequila with lime, lemon and grapefruit.

Three Hats (Трес Сомбрерос)

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