Three faces of stomatitis in a child: afta, thrush and viruses
Three faces of stomatitis in a child: afta, thrush and viruses

Stomatitis in a child always causes anxiety for the mother. The toddler avoids eating and drinking, so there is a real risk of dehydration. There are different reasons for the symptoms that a child is experiencing. Infections can be caused by viruses, canker sores or yeast.

Thrush accompany the latter, which is sometimes referred to as candidiasis. Aphthae, on the other hand, should be understood as sores inside the mouth that cause pain. The disease may be accompanied by low-grade fever, fever or lack of appetite.

Source of infections

Stomatitis may develop under the influence herpes simplex virus, abbreviated as HSV. For infection to occur, it is necessary to come into contact with a small patient’s saliva, which may have remained on the pacifier or bottle. Symptoms include sores and eruptions on the mucous membrane inside the mouth, enlarged lymph nodes and fever. Most often, with this type of infection, the symptoms are combated by the implementation of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. However, if the situation requires it, acyclovir, classified as a drug that fights viruses, is allowed.

Aphthous inflammation is associated with small ulcerations on the oral mucosathat can cause severe pain and burning or stinging long before they become noticeable. Ailments are usually aggravated by spicy and acidic foods. Aphthae may result from:

  • from irritation of the mucous membranes due to the sharp edges of the teeth or wearing braces on the teeth (in this case, consult an orthodontist),
  • hormonal disorders,
  • celiac disease,
  • Crohn’s disease,
  • deficiencies of vitamins and minerals (usually iron and B vitamins).

Inside the mouth, they are applied topically creams and gels, which are designed to cover the ulcers with a protective layer. We do not need a prescription to purchase these types of preparations. If the sores do not go away, your doctor may order them to be burned away using chemicals or heat.

In turn, candidiasis results from Candida albicans infection and is a fungal disease. Most often, babies become infected by putting other people’s pacifiers and objects in their mouths. Thrush has the form of white deposits that evoke associations with milk. Often they do not cause discomfort, however, the greater their severity, the more likely pain is. Candidiasis is treated with through nystatin, which is in the form of a solution for brushing the mucous membrane. Supportive treatment is carried out with the use of a local gel with glycyrrhetinic acid and polyvinylpyrrolidone. A decoction of sage and chamomile can also bring relief. The child’s mouth should be rinsed immediately after eating.

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