Three easy-to-miss symptoms of dangerous diseases

Three easy-to-miss symptoms of dangerous diseases

Conditions that we attribute to overwork or PMS are often much more serious than we thought.

The human body is a perfect, very precisely tuned instrument, loudly “screaming” when it hurts. While things are going well, few people listen to the body. Often, the installation that you need to work, despite the poor health, interferes. There are three common bells that are rarely taken seriously and do not heal on its own. Each of them is a harbinger of an impending illness or a serious illness (sometimes more than one), which has already entered the chronic phase and requires urgent action.

1. Regular dizziness

The most common symptom that very clearly makes it clear that something is wrong with your health, and which we most often ignore to the last. Men may not notice such a state until they faint, and women attribute it to the peculiarities of the female cycle, overwork and stuffiness. “Well, there is not enough oxygen, just think. I’ll walk, get some fresh air, and everything will pass. ” But no matter how it is!

Real dizziness is a state in which there is a feeling that either you have been rotated in space for a long time, or space is revolving around you. It is associated with the work of a whole string of organs: disturbances in the functioning of the eyes, inner ear, vestibular apparatus, muscles, blood vessels and even bones can cause dizziness. And no one will sound the alarm. The danger lies in the fact that this condition is often confused with something else (for example, with a veil in front of the eyes and darkening in the head after exercise). 

In fact, dizziness is a signal that there are failures in the system responsible for balance and the body’s perception of itself in space.

What does dizziness say?

Dizziness can be a symptom of several very serious diseases, there are about 80 of them, but we will consider the most common.

  • BPPV (benign proximal positional vertigo). Dizziness indicates it in almost 80% of cases. This is a harmless, sudden dizziness associated with a sharp turn of the head to the side. It is most often the result of serious injury (possibly during adolescence) or infection and occurs with age.  

  • Migraine. This type of headache is the most common and very painful. Migraine occurs due to problems with blood circulation in the parts of the brain responsible for the functioning of the vestibular apparatus, and is accompanied by a sharp pain in the back of the head, dizziness, nausea, and an acute reaction to light and sound.

  • Vegetosovascular dystonia. Dizziness can be accompanied by severe neuroses and panic attacks.

  • Inflammation of the inner ear, disturbances in the work of the head и spinal cordand neck vessels can also provoke dizziness, and then you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.  

Only an experienced doctor can get to the bottom of the cause of these failures and prescribe the correct treatment. To make the diagnosis as correct as possible, try to remember and describe all your feelings to the specialist as accurately as possible. But in any case, do not ignore your condition and do not self-medicate.

2. Nausea

The second symptom, which often causes many reasons for jokes. If a man complains about such a condition, then he usually “ate something wrong,” and a woman must certainly prepare for motherhood. Yes, food poisoning and toxicosis are often accompanied by nausea, but this is not a complete list of diseases indicated by this symptom.

What does nausea say?

  • A heart attack. Believe it or not, nausea is one of the signs of a heart attack. A sharp sudden pallor of the skin, a drop in pressure, cold sweat and nausea can indicate acute heart failure and become symptoms of myocardial infarction. If you notice these manifestations in yourself and feel severe pain radiating to the spine, most likely you are having a heart attack. Call for help and call an ambulance as soon as possible.

  • Hypertension and other blood pressure problems can also cause nausea. If your head suddenly “swam” against the background of severe stress or excessive consumption of caffeinated beverages, your face knocks and burns in your temples, do not rush to swallow activated charcoal. Most likely, your blood pressure suddenly jumped and you will feel unwell.

  • Shock condition. Nerves, stress, and deep emotional turmoil can also cause nausea and uncontrollable vomiting. This symptom is often found in shock, even in people with a very strong psyche, so do not hesitate if you suddenly feel sick against the background of a nervous breakdown.

  • Intoxication. Concussion and severe disturbances of the vestibular apparatus, when the body thinks that it is poisoned, epilepsy, real food poisoning, overdose (it can be not only alcoholic or narcotic, but also from excessive use of drugs and even vitamins), intestinal infections and viruses are also accompanied by nausea …

But often, in addition to nausea, there are other symptoms that allow you to determine what kind of help you need. Nausea is an extremely unpleasant but beneficial symptom. Vomiting that follows her often helps to cleanse the body of a critical dose of a toxic substance and at least partially relieve intoxication, if it occurs.

3. Insomnia

A person can do a lot: under certain conditions, the body will hold out for a very long time and even fully recover if you do not eat or drink. But, alas, it is impossible not to sleep. Prolonged lack of healthy sleep leads to severe disruptions in the functioning of the brain and nervous system, which makes some people really go crazy. Despite this, many ignore insomnia as a symptom.

What does insomnia talk about?

  • Diseases of the nervous system. First of all, sleep disorders occur in mental illnesses, deep stress and various kinds of diseases of the nervous system. Moreover, this can manifest itself in a variety of ways: the process of falling asleep will become difficult or impossible, sleep – alarming and constantly interrupted, nightmares will disturb, and the moments of awakening will turn into hell. Biorhythms will break, the person will become irritable and aggressive. Have you seen Fight Club? So, the state of the protagonist is very true and began precisely with insomnia.

  • Disorders of the endocrine system. We sleep thanks to hormones, and their lack directly indicates that somewhere there was a failure and it’s time to see an endocrinologist. Well, let’s not forget about bad habits. Smoking, alcohol abuse, unhealthy diet, physical inactivity or constant overwork will sooner or later lead to a whole list of diseases that cannot be ignored.

If you experience one or more symptoms, do not diagnose yourself. The Internet will not give you all the answers, it will only intimidate you even more. It is better to see a therapist as soon as possible and get tested. Remember that most diseases, even the most serious, can be successfully treated if the first symptoms are noticed in time.

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