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A three-day fever, otherwise known as erythema, is a minor childhood disease. This disease is often referred to as a three-day program, caused by the herpes virus types 6 and 7. The three-day program very often does not give any symptoms, but there are small epidemics, especially in nurseries and kindergartens.

  1. Three-days’ week is a viral disease that most often affects children up to 3-4 years of age. age
  2. Common symptoms of infection are fever, lack of appetite, malaise. Later on, a characteristic rash appears
  3. Treatment for a three-day stay is to relieve symptoms, primarily to reduce the fever and rehydrate
  4. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page

A three-day period attacks suddenly – the child does not have a cough or runny nose, but he gets a very high temperature, even 40 degrees C. The first days are difficult to determine what is wrong with the toddler, but a rash appears within three days, which is the hallmark symptom of a three-day period. This ailment is nothing more than erythema, which occurs in most children up to 4 years of age, regardless of the season or season of infections.

The disease disappears as unexpectedly as it appears. Passing three days’ leave protects the children with permanent immunity against the HHV-6 virus, which causes the disease. However, you can get sick a second time with a three-day stay, e.g. from the HHV-7 virus.

See also: The most common childhood diseases

Trzydniówka – causes

The causative agent of the disease is the herpes virus HHV-6 and HHV-7. The vast majority of virus infections occur from 3 months to 3 years of age. Older children can also get sick, but this is rare.

The source of the infection is a sick person. Getting sick with a three-day program is very often asymptomatic, and sometimes there are small local epidemics in nurseries and kindergartens. All because before the first symptoms appear, the child continues to infect other people around him. And hence the easy way to infect the whole group in kindergarten or siblings at home.

Find out more: Infectious diseases of childhood

Three days’ event – symptoms

The disease, although harmless, usually begins quite suddenly and dramatically. Mums are very concerned because babies have high fever, even up to 40 degrees Celsius. Some babies may even develop febrile seizures. The increased temperature usually lasts for about three days.

In order to quickly control the temperature of the child’s body, it is worth getting a non-contact thermometer. It is convenient and easy to use. Try thermometers available on Medonet Market, eg Neno Medic T02 or Neno Medic T05 with liquid temperature measurement function.

In addition to fever, the symptoms of a three-day long weekend also include:

  1. redness of the throat
  2. slight enlargement of the lymph nodes,
  3. lack of appetite
  4. diarrhea
  5. febrile seizures
  6. lumps on the soft palate called Nagayama lumps.

These symptoms do not occur in every case of the disease. In the feverish stage, the disease may resemble a bacterial infection, such as inflammation of the ear, meninges, or lungs, but children are usually in a good general condition.

Within one day, before or after the temperature normalization, a pale pink, maculopapular and sometimes erythematous rash appears mainly on the trunk. It also happens that it also covers the neck, buttocks and thighs. The rash disappears without any special treatment after about two days.

Trzydniówka – rash

After about three days of high temperature, a rash begins to develop on the child’s body. The pimples first appear in the area of ​​the abdomen, buttocks and thighs, then they are located on the neck and hands (less often on the face). The rash appears as small red spots and erythema. This condition lasts for about two days and then disappears spontaneously, leaving no trace or scar. It is not necessary to lubricate the rash with special preparations.

Can a child leave home during illness? If he has a fever, he’d better stay home. If the body temperature is normal, you can take your toddler for a walk, but there are certain conditions. During a three-day trip, the child has a significantly lowered immunity, so you should walk with him and stay away from other people, so that the toddler does not catch another disease. Better to go to the forest or park than to the playground full of children.

The appearance of the rash heralds the end of the disease. The child is no longer contagious and the fever no longer comes back.

Find out more: Abdominal rash and the course of infectious diseases. How do you recognize the cause of a rash?

Three-day study – convulsions

During a three-day session, it is possible that febrile convulsions may occur. For children who are predisposed to these symptoms, seizures may occur when the temperature starts to rise sharply. Therefore, the temperature cannot be allowed to rise above 38 degrees Celsius.

If, however, seizures do occur, we should place the child in a safe side position, which will prevent the child from choking. Then we should remove the baby’s overcoat and wait for the convulsions to pass. Usually in these situations, we do not have rectal anticonvulsant medications prepared for the child that could be used if the seizures are prolonged.

Remember that the most important thing is to remain calm. However, if the seizures do not resolve within 5 minutes, an ambulance should be called.

Also read: Febrile seizures

There are factors that can unequivocally point to a three-day wage:

  1. the ailment suddenly appeared,
  2. the child has a very high temperature and when it is lowered, it is joyful,
  3. the child has no characteristic symptoms of a cold,
  4. the child is not yet four years old,
  5. the toddler has never had a three-day wage before.

Be sure to see a doctor with your child if:

  1. the child has had a fever for more than three days,
  2. high temperature does not drop, despite the administration of antipyretic drugs in appropriate doses,
  3. febrile convulsions appear,
  4. the rash lasts more than five days
  5. the toddler’s health is worrying.

we recommend: How to prepare for an e-visit to the pediatrician?

Trzydniówka – diagnostics

The diagnosis results from the interview, emerging symptoms and the results of basic laboratory tests, i.e. morphology with smear, ESR, CRP. The time when the tests will be carried out is very important for the correct diagnosis – it should be done on the third day of the fever. For easier control of body temperature, try Vitammy Thermo Stickers for fever monitoring in children, which you can buy at a promotional price on Medonet Market.

Check it out: Family doctor instead of a pediatrician. Is that a good solution?

Trzydniówka – complications

Complications after infection with this virus are extremely rare, but this type of problem may arise. High temperature is often accompanied by febrile convulsions, which in consequence cause tremors in the limbs, and sometimes even loss of consciousness. Less frequently, meningitis and encephalitis occur due to a three-day stay.


There is no vaccine for a three-day trip. The only way to avoid getting infected is to avoid contact with other sick children.

Three-day event – prevention

Prevention on a three-day long break is basically avoiding children with a high fever. Unfortunately, this does not guarantee that the disease will not be avoided, as it must be remembered that a sick person may be contagious before they develop symptoms of the disease. Still, it is worth adhering to.

It is also important to pay attention to the basics of hygiene, which is to wash your hands thoroughly, and remember that, unfortunately, there is no medicine or vaccination against a XNUMX-day wage.

Trzydniówka – disease frequency

Getting sick with a three-day wage is common, although it often occurs without fever or typical clinical symptoms. It usually does not occur in the first two months of life (maternal immunity), as well as after the age of 3.

Trzydniówka – treatment

Treatment of a three-day fever is only symptomatic. Antipyretics and, if necessary, anticonvulsants are used. You can also eat some anti-inflammatory drugs or local painkillers for the throat. As in any disease with high fever, it is necessary to hydrate sick children intensively.

Apply cold compresses to the neck and forehead. You can give your child orally or rectally paracetamol (according to the WHO, an effective single dose of oral paracetamol orally for a child is 10-15 mg / kg per dose, up to four times a day) or ibuprofen only (at a dose of 10 mg / kg body weight).

It is worth remembering that paracetamol is also available in the form of oral suspensions, with increased concentration (Forte), which means that the volume of the dose administered to the child may be reduced. This is very important as children usually have trouble swallowing and therefore taking the correct dose.

The child should consume plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration. Raspberry tea, elderberry or linden tea has a good effect.

The water in which you bathe your baby should be two degrees lower than its body temperature.

Cold compresses are also effective in reducing fever. Make them with the help of special compresses that you can buy at Medonet Market. Choose the size suitable for your needs.

Trzydniówka and people with reduced immunity

A three-day study is more of a concern in people with a weakened immune system, as it is in people who have recently received a bone marrow or organ transplant. There are much greater chances of complications for such people, and also that a previous infection may come back when their immune systems are weakened. As they generally have lower immunity to viruses, immunocompromised people have more severe cases of infection and have a harder time fighting the disease.

Keep in mind that people with weak immune systems who get a three-day stay may experience potentially serious complications, such as pneumonia or encephalitis.

This may interest you:

  1. The most common infectious diseases in children
  2. The five most dangerous diseases of children
  3. The seven diseases from which children die most often

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