Drinking tea daily reduces the risk of fractures in older people by a third. This conclusion was made by scientists from Australia after analyzing all previous studies in this area. In addition to reviewing studies that suggested a link between tea drinking and reduced fracture risk, doctors monitored the bone health of 1 older women who consumed tea to a greater or lesser extent.
The study lasted ten years. During this time, 288 people were injured. In about half of the cases, it was a hip fracture, which, compared to the rest, is considered to be the most dangerous injury for elderly men and women. Most of the fractures suffered those who did not include the drink in the diet. Or included, but very rarely. Women who drank three or more cups of tea a day, compared to the rest, risked three times less.
This fact, according to doctors, only confirms the conclusions that there is a link between the increased risk of fractures in older adults and tea consumption… Experts attribute the health-improving effect of the drink to flavonoids, a large class of phytochemicals that are found in addition to tea in fresh vegetables and fruits. These substances prevent bone loss with age, thereby helping to reduce the risk of injury. Recent studies have shown that the number of possible injuries is reduced by 9% with every cup of tea drunk during the day.