Three “cardio” routines to burn fat and beat laziness every morning

Three “cardio” routines to burn fat and beat laziness every morning

Slim down

The personal trainers Esther and Gemma Pineda, Pin Twins, explain step by step three “cardio” exercise routines to activate and tone the body on a daily basis

Three “cardio” routines to burn fat and beat laziness every morning

With the first days of cold and the change of time, laziness and excuses usually come when exercising. The fewer hours of daylight makes it more difficult for us to take care of our time of physical activity, so this week the personal trainers Esther and Gemma Pineda, Pin Twins, propose three routines «cardio»Intense and fun that we can do every morning at home to fill ourselves with energy and get rid of laziness.

You just have to dedicate the first 15-20 minutes of the day (depending on your rhythm and the breaks between series you want to do) to practice one of these tables that they propose. We tell you about them step by step and we leave the videos of the three tables at your fingertips, just one click away. In addition, every week the Pin Twins propose online trainings in #workoutpin aimed at weight loss and muscle toning

Energetic “cardio” routine

This “cardio” chart includes four exercises (45 seconds of work each), four sets, and 15 seconds of rest between each set. The first exercise combines mountain climbers and lunges; the second, foot crosses and mini jump; the third, “burpees»Without bending; and the fourth, jumping side steps.

Climbers and strides. We start from the standing position and place ourselves on the ground supporting our hands to perform four repetitions of climbers or «mountain climbers». We then jump back to standing position and perform four alternate jumping strides. Remember to synchronize the movement of your arms with your stride.

Cross feet and mini jump. We start standing with the arms spread at the height of the shoulders. We cross the right leg in front of the left and then the left in front of the right with a fast and fluid movement. Next we perform two vertical jumps keeping the head upright and the shoulders straight.

Burpees without push-up. To perform this “burpees” without flexion, you start from a standing position and then squat (or squats), place your hands on the ground and keep your head upright. Then the legs are moved back with the feet together. Then the legs are gathered to return to the starting position. AND

Side steps with jump. With the legs semi bent and with an opening slightly greater than the width of the shoulders, we will make two lateral movements or steps to the right that will end with a vertical jump and then we will take two lateral steps to the left, which will also end with a vertical jump.

“Cardio” routine to lose person

This other cardio routine is also intense and does not include a break. The table is composed of five exercises (with one minute of work time each) that will have to be repeated for three series. Without a rest? Yes, without rest. Take a breath and… We begin.

Imaginary staircase. We will start standing, with our legs open to the width of the shoulders and slightly bent, we will take small and quick lateral opening and closing steps. Remember to keep up. The movements should be fast and fluid. Your back and head should remain upright and you can place your arms bent and tense at chest level,

Knee to chest and jump. Standing, looking to the left, we will launch the bent leg from the front trying to bring it closer to the chest, then we will lower the leg and make a vertical jump with the legs together. We repeat the operation but looking to the right.

Long jump and skipping». We will start from the standing position and we will do a long jump with the legs open to the width of the shoulders. Holding the position we will take another long jump trying to go further. Then we will return to the starting position doing “skipping” to make two long jumps again.

Front and back kick. To perform this exercise we will stand up and launch a front kick with the left leg and then a back kick with the right leg, holding on to the other leg during the movement.

Isometric Boxing Squat. To perform this exercise we will sit in a squat position, maintaining the position and perform boxing movements as if we were trying to dodge the blows, to one side and the other, with small bounces and with the arms bent, gathered at chest height.

“HIIT” routine to tone the body

This table is a “High Intensity Interval Training” (HIIT), a formula that is characterized by combining short intervals of exercises at maximum intensity with short periods of rest (or with less intense exercises). This time they propose a routine of five exercises that can be done in 15 minutes. Each exercise is done without rest with a duration of 45 seconds. Once performed, the series is repeated three times, with a 15-second rest between series.

Jump star. To perform the exercise, we will start from the squat position and then jump upwards, stretching arms and legs to the maximum. Return to the starting position with each jump and perform a brief two-second stop in the isometric squat.

Iron with feet by hand. We start from the frog position, squatting with legs spread, with our hands resting on the ground. Then we jump our legs backwards until we are in a plank position, we squat again and from there we jump up. We return to the initial squat position with legs spread and repeat the exercise.

Long jump and side jump. Standing with knees slightly bent and legs spread at shoulder height, we jump forwards, then backwards, and then we do a side jump to one side and then to the other to return to the starting position.

Knees to chest and skipping. To practice the race by raising your knees or skipping it is advisable to take care of your position so that we avoid leaning the trunk forward. From the standing position we raise the knees towards the chest, first one and then the other, we continue the exercise in a row and synchronizing arms and legs alternately doing «skipping».

Heels to glute in plank. From the abdominal plank position we maintain the position and raise the heels towards the gluteus alternately, trying not to hunch the body or bend the arms.

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