Three age periods when a person is actively aging

Three age periods when a person is actively aging

American scientists have put forward a theory according to which people age in three stages, and these stages are associated with the composition of the blood. What do Russian doctors think about this?

34 years old, 60 years old and 78 years old are the ages at which human aging progresses to the next stage. Scientists, who published a sensational article in the journal Nature Medicine, examined the content of about 3000 proteins in blood plasma. It turned out that the content of 1379 of them varies greatly with age. In the group of subjects there were more than 4 thousand people from 18 to 95 years old.

Scientists claim that 373 or even only nine components of plasma are able to indicate a person’s age with high accuracy. They contain information about all cells of the body, and their changes indicate the beginning, completion or transformation of various processes in the body. Moreover, the concentration of these proteins in the blood does not change smoothly, over the years, but suddenly, on average at 34 years old, at 60 and 78 years old. This suggests that during these periods of life, the most serious changes take place in the body. And now scientists can now determine the age of a person with an accuracy of three years by analyzing 373 plasma proteins.

By the way, quite by accident, these scientists were able to slow down the aging of the subjects with the help of several drugs (in 2019). The experiment used drugs for diabetics, dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA, a hormone with androgenic activity), as well as growth hormone. As a result, the biological age of the participants decreased by two and a half years. True, no one knows how long this effect will last. However, six of the participants in the experiment showed signs of rejuvenation in their blood even after six months.

We asked Russian doctors how a person is aging.

– If we talk about anti-aging medicine, applicable in practice, then by and large it is focused on people over 35 years old. Why? First, they do it consciously. Secondly, they are solvent. Thirdly, it is precisely from the age of 35 that women (mostly) feel this “watershed” – before and after. Along with fatigue from everyday life comes the understanding that youth is passing away, and you do not want to give up positions. So I agree with the opinion of American scientists.

– Three ages of aging? I do not know. It seems to me that the good old system is logical: childhood – adolescence – youth – maturity and so on. Here is, for example, a man with hair, we begin to pull out one hair at a time. Question: after what torn hair will he become bald? When is half the hair gone? Or when a few hairs remain? I mean, the process of baldness, in our case, aging, is still smooth. Changes in the body occur naturally and gradually, and not in jerks or leaps. Yes, when a person starts to age, functions slow down and eventually fade away almost or completely. 40-50 years is the most productive age; at the age of 60–70 a person retires, his social significance is lost, and the question arises: how can I live my old age? Fading away, you know, can be done in different ways.

You can sit and complain that no one else is needed, but you can unite, go to museums, theaters, or just walk. You need to enjoy life at any age!

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