“Those who have lost their foothold come to guess”

This observation was shared with us by Galina Ilyukhina, a lawyer and writer who has been engaged in divination with tarot cards for many years. Once upon a time, she herself predicted the future, which soon began to come true …

“Who comes to me most often? These are also quite successful, socially arranged people who feel the need to move, but do not quite understand where and how. Some already have a ready-made solution, but something prevents them from taking the first step: for example, intuition pushes in one direction, and the mind tells you to do it differently, because someone authoritative advises this – mom, spouse, girlfriend . They want to decide whether to put a pebble on one or another scale.

You can, of course, toss a coin. But it’s one thing to toss a coin and forget about it in five minutes, and another to take some action: go to a fortuneteller, pay money, take responsibility for the words that you hear, and sometimes you say it yourself, because when we formulate question, we pronounce it, then already in the question we begin to hear the answer.

Sometimes I say so: “You don’t even need maps, you yourself know everything.” But mostly I am approached by those who have lost their foothold, whose world has suddenly collapsed – their own or our common world, the one that is around us.

There are people who love to go to fortune tellers, psychics, astrologers. These are the ones who haven’t reached their bottom to push off and swim up

In times of crisis or large-scale changes in the country (as in the 90s or now), there is a craving for the mystical. Someone plunges into religion, and someone rushes in the other direction – through the looking glass. There are people (and there are many of them) who love to go to fortune-tellers, psychics, astrologers. These are those who did not reach the bottom in order to push off from it and swim out. They swim slowly in the intermediate viscous space and, without realizing it, feel quite comfortable. It is the most difficult for me with such clients, because my opinion is lost among the chorus of voices of other fortune-tellers, and even rather dangerous charlatans who are engaged in love spells and lapels.

Many women come, both unsuccessful and successful. Someone is interested in personal life, someone is developing their own business. Young girls – beautiful, educated – who can not find a worthy partner. There are also men: usually they come on the advice of a wife or girlfriend. They are worried about the same problems, but, unlike women, they hide their trips to the fortuneteller, considering it a sign of weakness.

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During the session, the client can ask me a question on any topic. Most of all those who come to me are concerned about family relationships, love, sex, work, future, money… Often visitors hope to hear what they want most, they come in the hope of a miracle. But I can’t say what they want to hear from me.

I soften harsh forecasts as much as possible, but the main thing for me is to analyze the situation and help the client fit into the events that he will have to go through. Fortunately, there are not so many fatal, insurmountable events in our lives. And you can always find an opportunity to get around them on a tangent or prepare for what will happen: the forewarned is forearmed.

Most of the session we are engaged in solving the problem. We understand relationships, find out why they are built this way and not otherwise. In general, the questions “Why?”, “For what?” I consider much more important than the question “What will happen?”. And I’m talking about it right now. Also, I do not allow questions to be asked, the answers to which can create a negative life program, for example, about death. I’m looking forward three months at the most. My predictions are some points between which a person chooses his own path.

Fortunately, there are not so many fatal, insurmountable events in our lives, and they can often be bypassed on a tangent.

A fortuneteller should not be taken as a prophet. I am a translator, a person with heightened intuition, capable of translating what he sees from mystical language into “human”.

It is easier and more interesting for me to guess unfamiliar people. The less I know a person, the more accurate and brighter the forecast will be: everyday knowledge about friends greatly interferes, clouding the interpretation. The ideal work option is a conversation, a dialogue with cards. For fortune-telling, I use the most “talking” deck – it is commonly called the “Ryder deck”, after the name of the publisher. This deck of tarot cards was released in 1909.1. Even without knowing the meaning of the card, a person can determine from the picture whether it is “good” or “bad”.

This kind of open communication builds trust. It is clear to a person that they are not deceiving him, that he himself, with his own hand, takes out cards from the deck, and I only tell and show what is ahead and how best to go between the marked points and not get confused. And this is not my opinion, but the opinion of the cards, I’m just passing on their advice and recommendations. Of course, like any translator, I can make mistakes. Unlike cards, which, I am sure, never make mistakes.

1 Tarot is a deck of divination cards. They are never used for playing. The modern tarot symbol system has evolved for at least 600 years.

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