Those diets you can’t imagine

When it comes to losing weight, the imagination knows no bounds. While a good little diet may be necessary and healthy in an overweight person, it is best to avoid yoyo effects and dieting galore. But if achieving weight loss is very important to you, do not hesitate to consult a dietitian.
The Tokyo-Paris regime
Nutritionist Sophie Ortega was inspired by Japanese culture to create this new diet. Rich in micronutrients, it lasts five weeks and would allow you to lose 4 to 5 pounds during this time. The principle is simple: during the first three weeks, it is a question of familiarizing oneself with new foods. 1.400 calories should be cooked each day, 500 of which are from breakfast. Then comes the Zen phase. The diet is maintained for two additional weeks in order to stabilize the weight with 1.700 calories per day. So far, nothing breathtaking. However, this little Japanese diet has a wacky specificity: it requires its followers to “move Japanese”. In other words, it is not really a question of playing sports but rather of breaking with the static tradition now characteristic of the West. It therefore becomes imperative to get around on foot or by bike, to garden or even to take a few hikes… And that’s not all! To be complete, the Tokyo-Paris diet must be accompanied by breathing exercises and meditation …
The werewolf diet
Diets that rely on fasting are increasing. A food deprivation intended to purify the body and, it seems, to lose weight in record time. The trouble with rapid weight loss is that it is usually followed by rapid weight gain beyond your initial state. Typically, the werewolf diet involves abstaining from eating during a full moon in order to purge yourself. It is not the only one that offers a low calorie diet that is ineffective in the long term. Another example is the cosmonaut’s diet, which lasts two weeks. There is also intermittent fasting. More complex, it consists of changing the order and the number of meals eaten each day. If you are interested in this diet, consult your doctor.
The 5-2 diet
The 5-2 diet is a method for those who want to lose weight quickly. Made famous by American stars, it consists of dividing your food week into two parts. For 5 days, it is necessary to have a healthy and balanced diet without deprivation. During the remaining two days, the body is on a diet. It is therefore necessary to drink a lot and consume only low-calorie foods so as not to eat too fatty foods. Salad and other greens are therefore generally preferred. Objective: not to consume more than 500 calories per day during the days of deprivation. The advantage of this diet is that it allows rapid weight loss if it is combined with a sports program. À Obviously, the two days of the diet are days of rest when no sporting activity is practiced. Nevertheless, consult your doctor or a dietitian before embarking on such a culinary project. Not all bodies support this type of diet in the same way. You could also stress your body twice a week by starving it and therefore, encourage it to store more calories….
Flore Desbois
Read also: 5 tips to lose weight sustainably