Thoracic spine pain – causes, diagnosis and treatment

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Pain in the thoracic spine most often occurs as a result of a sedentary lifestyle or overload caused by physical work or too high weight. Neglecting the thoracic spine may in the future lead to a significant limitation of mobility and even disability. What causes thoracic spine pain and what other symptoms may accompany it?

Thoracic spine – brief characteristics

The thoracic spine consists of 12 vertebrae and is the least movable part of the skeleton’s axis. The vertebrae that make up the thoracic spine are connected with each other and with other sections by ligamentous structures and intervertebral joints. Additionally, each thoracic vertebra is connected to a pair of ribs. The spine has natural curves and it is curved backwards in the thoracic area. This curvature is called thoracic kyphosis. The thoracic spine provides stability to the body and also supports the rib cage. In the case of the thoracic spine, injuries are quite rare, but the pain patients experience in this part is very bothersome.

Pain in the thoracic spine – causes

Pain in the thoracic spine is less often the result of diseases, and more often it results from the lifestyle we lead. The causes of pain in the thoracic spine include:

  1. sedentary work, especially when sitting in the wrong position;
  2. posture defects;
  3. unnatural body position during work, such as constant bending over;
  4. little or no physical activity;
  5. overweight and obesity, which put an additional burden on the spine;
  6. incorrectly performed or too intense physical exercise;
  7. large bust;
  8. carrying too heavy loads on the back or manual work involving carrying heavy objects;
  9. degenerative diseases of the joints and bones such as osteoporosis;
  10. poor breathing mechanics and its inadequate mechanism.

If you feel pain in the area of ​​the spine, apply Dermaticus Klimuszko monastic lining to the skin around the joints and spine. The unique formula of the preparation combines active ingredients with a warming, relaxing and analgesic effect.

Pain in the thoracic spine – accompanying symptoms

Thoracic spine pain usually does not come on by itself. It is accompanied by other symptoms, including:

  1. from nog;
  2. numbness in the limbs;
  3. shortness of breath and hyperventilation – hypoxia;
  4. stinging in the sternum;
  5. symptoms of heart disease – pain, burning, stinging in the area of ​​the heart;
  6. pain in the loins;
  7. pain in the cervical spine.

Make an appointment with an orthopedist today. The doctor will be able to see you within 10 minutes of requesting to speak with a specialist.

Thoracic spine pain – treatment

The acute and symptomatic treatment of thoracic spine pain is the use of painkillers. If the pain in the thoracic spine is very troublesome and lasts for a long time, it will be necessary to consult a doctor and additional physiotherapy treatments. In the case of thoracic spine pain, it is worth choosing kinesiotherapy, kinesiotaping, laser therapy, therapeutic baths, magnetotherapy, electrotherapy or cryotherapy.

You can also use the Arnica Active FLOSLEK cooling care gel for a sore spine, which soothes ailments and at the same time gives a pleasant feeling of coolness and relaxation.

Exercises that strengthen the muscles of the spine can also be helpful in relieving pain in the thoracic spine. Regular exercise, in addition to reducing pain, will have a positive effect on the correct body posture and will also make your figure slimmer. In the case of pains in the thoracic spine, it is worth paying attention to your attention and in the case of excessive kilograms, change your eating habits and introduce a healthy, balanced diet and physical activity.

A balanced diet is the basis of a healthy life. For this reason, it is worth arranging an individual diet under the supervision of a specialist. The offer is available on Medonet Market.

To reduce back pain, order Flexan – a YANGO dietary supplement that affects bones and joints and reduces pain associated with them.

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