This year, fewer people are infected with Lyme disease. Ticks let go? [REPORT MEDTvoiLokony]
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This year, slightly over 7,2 thousand people fell ill with Lyme disease. Poles – according to the data of the National Institute of Public Health – National Institute of Hygiene (from January 1 to August 15 this year). This is over 3 fewer cases than in the same period of 2019. Does this mean that ticks are less dangerous or that we have mastered Lyme disease? We asked experts about the likely causes of the drop in the number of cases. Unfortunately, they don’t have good news.

  1. Lyme disease: 1 infections were recorded from January 15 to August 2020, 7. In the same period of the previous year, there were 208 more patients
  2. Lidia Stopyra, contagious, specialist in paediatrics and infectious diseases: – Due to the coronavirus, we had a strict sanitary regime from March to May. We spent most of our time at home, there were fewer visits to parks and forests. This seems to be the most important cause of fewer cases. So there may also be a question of lower reporting by doctors
  3. Dr Jarosław Pacoń: – After each stay in a forest, park or other tick-friendly environment, it is recommended to carefully inspect your body, remove ticks and wash used clothes.
  4. -Let’s also remember – don’t be afraid of Lyme disease. It is a disease that is curable at every stage – says an infectious disease expert

Lyme disease in Poland: from January 1 to August 15, 2020 – 7 infections

The National Institute of Public Health – National Institute of Hygiene (Department of Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases and Supervision of the NIPH-PZH) and the Department of Antepidemic and Sanitary Protection of Borders of the GIS summarized the statistics on infectious diseases. They appeared in the list “Incidence of selected infectious diseases in Poland from January 1 to August 15, 2020 and in the comparable period of 2019”. Lyme disease and tick-borne encephalitis were also on the list.

When it comes to Lyme disease, 1 infections were recorded in the period from January 15 to August 2020, 7 (including 208 for Lyme disease). In the same period of the previous year, there were 63 more patients, and their number was 3 (including 409 cases of neuroborreliosis).

There are also fewer patients with tick-borne encephalitis this year than in 2019. According to the list, from January 1 to August 15, 2020, there were 90 cases, in the same time period in 2019 there were 109 of them.

  1. Lyme disease – questions to which it is good to know the answer

According to the data provided by the NIPH-PZH, in the entire 2019 there were 20 new cases of Lyme disease (in 614 – 2018). Will 20 bring a breakthrough and end with a lower incidence rate? Do this year’s numbers indicate that ticks are becoming less and less dangerous? We asked Lidia Stopyra, an infectious disease specialist, specialist in paediatrics and infectious diseases, head of the Infectious Diseases and Pediatrics Department of the Specialist Hospital in Warsaw, for her opinion. S. Żeromski in Kraków, as well as dr. Jarosław Pacoń from the Department of Parasitology at the University of Life Sciences in Wrocław.

The coronavirus epidemic contributed to the decline in Lyme disease?

When analyzing the number of cases of Lyme disease in this and last year, the first thought that comes to mind is that since there are currently several thousand less infected, maybe ticks are not so dangerous anymore and spread the Borrelia burgdorferi bacterium less frequently. Doubts are dispelled by the specialist in infectious diseases, Lidia Stopyra. According to her, the reason for the lower number of cases is the situation related to COVID-19.

– Due to the coronavirus, we had a strict sanitary regime practically from March to May. We spent most of our time at home, and there were far fewer visits to parks and forests. This seems to be the most important cause of a lower number of cases – points out the expert.

The same opinion is shared by Dr. Jarosław Pacoń from the Department of Parasitology at the University of Life Sciences in Wrocław. – The reduced incidence of Lyme disease and tick-borne encephalitis is probably due to the bans introduced during the coronavirus pandemic. The ban on leaving the house for a long time, the later ban on entering the forests resulted in less possibility of infection in humans.

As the scientist emphasizes, the bans covered the months of the spring (the highest) peak in the occurrence of ticks. “At this time, most hungry forms of attacking hosts appear in the environment,” he tells us.

The contender Lidia Stopyra points to one more probable reason. – Disease statistics are compiled from what doctors report. So there may also be an issue of lower reporting. We are currently observing this in the case of other diseases, after reporting which the Department of Health usually undertook epidemiological investigations (e.g. salmonellosis). Now, during a pandemic, overburdened with work due to COVID-19, he is not even able to contact patients, he notes.

Let’s not be afraid of Lyme disease!

Despite the decline in the number of people infected with Lyme disease, 2020 started great for ticks. – Winter without frost and snow and temperatures above freezing allowed the ticks to be constantly active; the possibility of blood collection by fertilized females resulted in an increase in the number of juvenile forms attacking hosts – explains Dr. Pacoń. – Drought periods slowed the development of ticks a bit, he adds.

Summer is ending and the autumn peak of ticks is usually less frequent, “but a few more weeks of warm and humid weather this year may increase the number of tick attacks on people” – notes the scientist, adding: recorded in our dogs and cats than in humans.

Our experts’ comments lead to one conclusion: we still need to be vigilant and protect ourselves from ticks. – The more that a large number of these arachnids are infected – says Lidia Stopyra.

  1. Tick ​​bite – what to do?

What is the best way to protect yourself from a tick? – There are deterrents, which we do not always use in practice – notes the doctor. Jarosław Pacoń draws attention to another aspect: – Currently, various preparations (sprays) containing permethrin and DEET (in various concentrations) are used, unfortunately, ticks are slowly becoming resistant to these substances and in some regions of the country these preparations may be less effective.

So what’s the best thing to do? The opinions of our experts are consistent: – When going to the forest or places with shrubs, do not forget about long-sleeved sweatshirts and long pants. The most important thing, however, is to look carefully when you return from a walk. For a tick to carry Borrelia, it needs to stick into us for at least 24 hours. The sooner we find him, the lower the risk of falling ill is – advises Lidia Stopyra.

– After each stay in a forest, park or other tick-friendly environment, it is recommended to carefully inspect your body (e.g. while bathing), remove ticks, and wash used clothes. In the forest, it is recommended to wear long pants and, if necessary, pull socks over the trouser legs – says Dr. Pacoń.

  1. Imaginary Lyme disease – what is it?

Lidia Stopyra also reminds us to observe the place where the tick has stuck. – U 70 percent People infected with Lyme disease will develop erythema migrans. However, it must be recognized by a doctor (it is treated with an antibiotic). A person who notices changes should contact a GP, if the doctor has any doubts – he will refer the patient to an infectious disease clinic.

– Let’s also remember – let’s not be afraid of Lyme disease. It is a disease that is curable at every stage – says an infectious disease expert.

Have a question about ticks or tick-borne diseases? Send them to the following address: [email protected]. You will find a daily updated list of answers HERE: Ticks and Lyme disease – frequently asked questions and answers

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