Daniil Granin is a classic of Russian literature, whose writing career began back in 1949. Author of more than 30 books, more than a dozen of them have been filmed. Winner of foreign and domestic literary awards, twice winner of the State Prize, winner of the Big Book Prize in 2012.
The book “This Strange Life”, first published in 1974 (with a circulation of 100 copies at once!), Has been reprinted dozens of times over almost forty years, it has been translated into several languages, including English and German, and it is rightfully considered the ancestor and the inspiration for modern time management.
For everyone who is interested in the relationship «man — time», who wants to do more, cope with the increasing volume of tasks, as well as for those who are interested in history.
Igor Mann. Loaded with Granin. Charged by Lyubishchev
In my distant student years, I fell into the hands of a book by Daniil Granin, which I read — first drunkenly, and then re-read, re-read and re-read, savoring it like expensive cognac …
And I thought: “Here is a human being! ..”
And there were a lot of such people — back then in the USSR.
Scientists, athletes, inventors, teachers, students… hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands of people tried to become better, more efficient, more professional.
Not everyone made such sacrifices as Granin’s hero, not everyone worked according to his one-on-one system — but many took an example from him and looked up to him.
I don’t know how many people “charged” by Granin work in Russia (and, alas, for u.e.zhom), but I know for sure that many could, like me, admit that we are largely owe him and his hero their achievements and successes.
I will be very happy if the book that my colleagues publish will be as popular as it was at the time of its release (then the initial circulation of the book was 100 copies).
I appeal to my peers — let (be sure!) Read the book to your children.
Generation YYY — Read this book with your social media and computer games aside.
We all need this book to be read by as many young people as possible.
Maybe then the current generation will not be lost — and will be focused, concentrated and focused on finding their goals and achieving them.
My colleagues from Mann, Ivanov and Ferber helped you in any way they could — a book, as always, excellently published, is in front of you.
It remains to breathe … find time and dive into reading …
Charge with Granin. Charge with Lyubishchev.
And act, act, act.
We need new heroes.
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