To make the earth fertile, to prolong life and communicate with spirits — our ancestors used sex not only for pleasure and reproduction. We tell how medieval monks “merged with God” through sex and whether it is possible to get pregnant from Satan.
It’s not a man thing…
Rituals associated with sex existed among a variety of tribes. In ancient Greece, orgies were an obligatory attribute of the glorification of Dionysus. The peoples of Northern Europe used sex with a virgin as a sacrifice to appease the gods, and the ancient Slavs literally intercoursed with the “raw earth” in order to fertilize it and get a rich harvest.
With the advent of Christianity in Europe, sexual relations became a taboo topic, and sex itself turned from a divine power that can change reality into a mortal sin. At that time, it was believed that frequent sexual intercourse weakened the body, impaired brain function, and shortened life.
Women, according to medieval moralists, were more prone to sexual temptation. Thanks to Eve, who first plucked the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge and seduced Adam. So sexual magic was considered primarily a female occupation.
Most often, medieval women resorted to witchcraft for the purpose of a love spell.
There were many recipes, how, for example, to protect a husband from infidelity. The easiest is to swallow his sperm.
Although there were more interesting methods: the woman had to take the fish and insert it alive into the vagina until an orgasm came. Then this fish should be cooked and served to the husband.
It was also possible to mix your menstrual blood into the drink of the missus and feed it with bread, which the wife kneaded on her bare bottom (apparently, medieval women were all right with stretching).
If the spouse still started an affair on the side, it was possible to make him impotent. To do this, the wife had to pour grain on the cloth, undress, smear her body with honey and roll on this cloth so that the grains stick. Then she grinded them and baked bread with which she fed her husband.
Sex with Satan
Love magic was not limited to such household rituals. Real witches made love not with ordinary men, but with dissolute demons. The evil spirit that visited women at night was called the incubus.
The demon-seducer took the form of the ideal man for his victim. He drove crazy not only with his beauty and charm, but also with the smell: he exuded vibes that could not be resisted.
For ordinary women not associated with magic, the incubus was dangerous: it sucked out energy and caused painful addiction: the victim could no longer have sex with real men, she lived only in anticipation of new meetings, and some girls even began to suffer from epileptic seizures.
In turn, before the witches, the incubus appeared in the form of a goat or other ungulate animal. In addition to the exchange of energy, a woman could also become pregnant from a demon.
Incubi were believed to collect the semen of corpses or semen emitted during masturbation. They fertilize women with this seed at a certain time, depending on the location of the planets. So, the mistress of a demon could give birth to a child astrologically predisposed to evil. Group sex was also part of the witchcraft ritual.
During the covens, one of the participants played the role of the Devil, who was supposed to know 13 women chosen as the queen of the coven. To the rhythm of the drum, he satisfied the witches, and they, in turn, made a promise to continue to copulate with him whenever he wanted.
Christian orgies
However, sexual magic was the lot of not only sorcerers and pagans. Some Christian sects performed three main sacraments as early as the XNUMXth century: baptism, marriage and communion in the form of ritual sexual acts.
Religious copulations were not much different from the usual orgies: the members of the sect gathered in a secret place and read psalms by the light of torches. When it began to seem that the spirit descended on them, the torches were extinguished and the men had to take possession of all the women in the group.
Such organizations have existed for hundreds of years. For example, in the Oriental Templar Society, a teaching based on Indian Tantra was spread. Members of society believed that sex is a source of energy that can be used to achieve personal or social goals.
The Order developed a system of rituals that worked on the autoerotic and heterosexual levels. That is, they implied that a person can draw energy either from masturbation or from sexual intercourse with the opposite sex. The doctrine was considered the greatest secret of the Order until the XNUMXth century.
In addition, the Eastern Templars practiced sexual intercourse with virgins and menstruating women, as well as indiscriminate orgies, which helped to achieve erotic coma lucidity — a state of complete sexual exhaustion in which a person is supposedly able to perceive other worlds and realities.
Aleister Crowley — magician and misogynist
One of the members of this organization was Aleister Crowley, who in parallel was engaged in his own research in the field of sexual magic. He described his experiences in The Book of the Law.
He, like the Eastern Templars, practiced erotic coma clairvoyance, using numerous mistresses. Crowley put them into a trance state, in which the women gave him messages from God.
At the same time, the «seer» in Crowley’s eyes was just a mechanical receiver that picks up signals from the subtle world. The magician did not at all consider a woman to be a divine incarnation of Shakti (a goddess in Indian mythology), as was the case with the Templars.
He urged students to despise the female half of humanity
Women, in his opinion, had no individuality. The teachings of Aleister Crowley formed the basis of many neo-Satanic movements. In 1972, his diaries and treatises on sex magic were published.
Around the same time, teachings about tantric sex became popular in the West, albeit in a perverted form: most often the goal of European followers was not spiritual enlightenment and merging with God, but simply sex in a new, exotic form.
Sexual magic in a variety of incarnations is still practiced, but now it is used more for the sake of new sensations, and few people perceive sex as a witchcraft power.