This is what you should eat if you get lost and scattered easily
The “MIND” diet is a fusion between the Mediterranean diet and the DASH diet that pampers the brain and reduces the risk of dementia
Al brain What happens to the rest of the body’s organs, it needs to feed. But the truth is that not everything goes when it comes to providing the “gasoline” that the mind needs to function properly. In fact, the nutrition and the system neurotransmitters they have a close relationship. Proof of this is that both the Serotonin and melatonin They can be regulated through food, as explained by Iñaki Elío, academic director of the Nutrition Degree at the European University of the Atlantic.
Nutrients good for the brain
- Phosphorus
- Fish, dairy and nuts
- DHA (Omega 3)
- Fish, nuts, eggs, olive oil and flax seeds
- Iodo
- Seafood, fish, seaweed and iodized salt.
- Vitamin B5
- Dairy, vegetables, legumes, eggs and meat
- Vitamin B9
- Green leafy vegetables, legumes and nuts
- Soccer
- Dairy, green leafy vegetables, legumes and nuts
- Vitamin B1
- Whole grains, fish, meat and milk
- Vitamin B6
- Legumes, nuts, fish, meat and cereals
- Vitamin B8
- Meat, cereals and eggs
- Vitamin C:
- Citrus fruits, green peppers, tomatoes, and broccoli
- Potassium
- Fruits and vegetables
- Magnesium
- Nuts, legumes and seeds
- Vitamin B2
- Milk, eggs, green leafy vegetables, and lean meats
- Vitamin B3
- Dairy, chicken, fish, nuts, and eggs
- Vitamin B12
- Eggs, meat, fish, dairy
- Water
One of the great nutrients of the brain is glucose which, according to Professor Elío, is obtained from the carbohydrates that make up the diet. But this does not mean that we have to swell to take sweets or all kinds of products with sugar, because the body can obtain glucose from other types of healthier foods. Thus, the expert advises making a correct selection of the Carbohydrates choosing those that are complex, such as legumes, wholegrain rice and pasta, and wholemeal bread, limiting the consumption of simple carbohydrates such as those contained in sweets, sugar and honey, for example, because «your energy is absorbs too fast.
It is also important to take into account, according to Professor Elio, the distribution of carbohydrates every 3 or 4 hours because that allows, as he assures, to maintain what blood glucose levels. “If the brain is allowed to spend more time, it will have to use other nutrients, ketone bodies, which are not as effective in facilitating brain performance,” he says.
Can what we eat improve memory?
The Spanish Society of Endocrinology and Nutrition (SEEN) indicates that the direct relationship between obesity and cognitive disorders (loss of memory, reduced concentration, decreased ability to react and decreased responsiveness and interrelation of data).
Thus, to have a better memory, Professor Iñaki Elío reminds that excess body fat should be avoided and make a correct selection of foods rich in complex carbohydrates, antioxidants (red fruits, especially blueberries), monounsaturated (olive oil) and polyunsaturated fats, vegetables, fruits, dairy, nuts, oily fish and lean meats.
What foods take care of the brain the most?
La MIND diet (acronym for Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay) has been developed by scientists at the Rush University Medical Center in Chicago (United States) and the Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health. It is a mix between the recommendations of the Mediterranean diet and the DASH diet (Dietary Approaches to Curbing Hypertension). In studies carried out so far, it has been shown to reduce the risk of developing dementia by 54%.
“Its benefit lies in the contribution of essential nutrients for the proper functioning of the brain”, indicates Professor Elío.
Mind diet foods
- Green leafy vegetables (like spinach and salad greens), at least six servings a week.
- The rest of the vegetables, at least one a day.
- Nuts, five servings (approximately 35 grams each serving) a week
- Berries, two or more servings a week
- Legumes, at least three servings a week
- Whole grains, three or more servings a day
- Fish, once a week
- Poultry, twice a week
- Olive oil, as a header oil
Foods to avoid in the mind diet
- Red meat, less than four servings a week
- Butter and margarine, less than a tablespoon daily
- Cheese, less than one serving per week
- Pasta and sweets, less than five servings a week
- Fried foods or fast food, less than one serving per week
In addition to following the recommendations of the MIND diet, other recommendations that Professor Elio advises to follow to take care of brain activity are: avoid overweight / obesity, avoid alcoholic beverages and other toxins, drink 1,5 to 2 liters of water daily, do light and frequent meals and oxygenate the brain with regular physical activity.