This is what is behind vaginal itching
About 75% of women get vaginal yeast infections at least once in their life. This is how you can avoid it

Do you know about yeast infection? This vaginal yeast infection is one of the major causes of female discomfort. Many women experience itching in this area at some point in your life, around the 75% of women suffer it at least once in their life and 50% of these suffer recurrent yeast infections, according to data collected in 2007, and while some decide to consult a specialist to find the exact reason for the problem, others do not pay enough attention and do not resort to a gynecologist. The first step to solve this problem is to know the origin of these annoyances, that is why the Intimina experts have prepared a list of causes that can cause it:
Lowering of defenses
Although anyone can suffer from vaginal yeast infections, people with low defenses are more prone to this type of infection. The immunosuppressed, diabetics, cancer patients or those with HIV, but also those people who have a sensitive pH.
Yeast infections and vaginosis
These infections occur when healthy yeasts that normally live in the vagina proliferate uncontrollably. When this happens, vaginal itching and irritation are generated. The medical term for a yeast infection is “candiasis,” because they are usually caused by the Candida type of yeast. The vaginal pH expresses the degree of acidity and alkalinity of the vagina. Keeping it in balance, between 3,8 and 4,5, is essential for the women’s health, since it favors the growth of benign bacteria, and prevents possible infections.
It is a method that is sold in pharmacies and is used by many women. Consists in pour a liquid into the vagina, although the truth is that they become harmful. Although one in four women between the ages of 15 and 44 douches in the United States, this fluid can affect the inside of the vagina. vagina and unbalance the pH because they are composed of fragrances, vinegar or certain chemicals.
Products for the rule
Traditional period products absorb menstrual fluid, leading to dryness and itchiness around the vulva. In addition, many of them are composed of toxins, which can alter the intimate natural balance. Menstrual cups are a good option to maintain the Natural balance since it is a container that is inserted into the vagina during menstruation to deposit menstrual flow naturally.
Hormonal imbalance
As with pH, hormones can also become out of balance at certain stages of a woman’s life. This is the case of estrogen, a hormone that maintains the levels of natural fluxes to preserve the hydrated vagina. If these levels decrease, it can cause dryness, irritation and itching.
A symptom of illness
Certain sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, genital herpes, and warts can be accompanied by an unpleasant itch.