The coronavirus has started to spread again on a massive scale. The reason is the appearance of a new variant BA.5. Doctors have already determined that it is one of the most infectious COVID-19 mutations. Moreover, there is a risk that it is also immune to the effects of the vaccine. Why else should we be careful about it? Doctors explain.
- The new variant of the coronavirus grows stronger. In Europe alone, it caused an increase in the incidence of as much as 25 percent.
- WHO warns against downplaying this variant. According to experts, it is a mistake to reduce the number of tests performed
- Variant BA.5 has already been recognized as one of the most infectious to date. Moreover, it appears to be immune to the effects of the COVID-19 vaccine as well
- Experts still encourage you to take a second booster dose, thanks to which you can avoid hospitalization due to coronavirus infection
- As for the symptoms of BA.5, they are quite similar to the previous variants. The new features include ringing in the ears and night sweats
- You can find more up-to-date information on the TvoiLokony home page
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the latest variant of the Omicron, along with the closely related variant BA.4, is driving a global increase in the number of cases – 30%. in the last two weeks. In Europe alone, it is 25 percent. In the United States, BA.5 has already become the dominant variant.
However, Dr. Michael Ryan of the WHO says the number may actually be higher. The reason for this is that a very small proportion of people are currently being tested. This is one of the greatest threats the WHO is warning of. Experts are concerned that the world is slowly moving away from testing humans, even though COVID-19 continues to mutate and reborn as new, extremely infectious variants. With BA.5, the number of hospitalizations increased significantly.
At you will find home tests for coronavirus:
- COVID-19 Rapid Test – Antigenic Test for Self-Control
- COVID-19 antigen test – SGTi-flex COVID-19 Ag
- Home COVID-19 Ag SGTi-flex cartridge test
- COVID-19 – Rapid Saliva Antigen Test
Dr. Ashish Jha, the COVID-19 coordinator at the White House, urges people in their 50s (and beyond) to take a second booster dose of the vaccine. This way, there is a good chance of avoiding hospitalization for infection with the BA.5 variant. In the United States, health officials are also demanding that a second booster dose be now available to all adults. They are afraid that the immunity of younger adults may wane and the number of cases of coronavirus infection may increase.
What distinguishes the BA.5 subvariant?
Eric Topol, cardiologist and professor of molecular medicine at Scripps Research, called BA.5 “the worst version of the coronavirus we’ve seen”. It turns out that people who previously suffered from other variants of the coronavirus will not be immune to it after all. The same applies to people who have received the COVID-19 vaccine.
While this variant should not make the disease more severe, in an interview with CNN, Topol said that given the extent of immune response avoidance by BA.5, he expected an escalation in hospitalization. “The good news is that it does not seem to increase ICU admissions and deaths as with the previous options. After all, it is definitely disturbing »- added the expert.
In terms of symptoms, the BA.5 sub-variant is quite similar to the previous coronavirus mutations. It can cause, among others:
- runny nose,
- cough,
- headaches,
- muscle aches,
- sore throat,
- fever.
However, there are also new symptoms that we should especially pay attention to. These include intense night sweats and ringing in the ears. Experts also warn that the BA.5 variant can cause symptoms that are confusingly similar to those of meningitis. It is about stiff or aching neck, numbness, tingling and sensitivity to light. Consolation specialists add that the BA.5 subvariant usually does not attack the lungs, unlike its predecessors.
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